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double trouble

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Everything posted by double trouble

  1. Brilliant news DD did audition this morn and has been offered the 3 yr course ! The sch is lovely my DD loved it she is starting tomorrow ! Also journey easy from where we live . So happy for her thanks for all your comments xx
  2. Thanks everyone . Says on website that foundation course is slightly reduced timetable . Not going to worry about it as she might not get accepted but am praying she does as she has had enough bad news !!
  3. Thanks 4 replies. We have been told by solicitors that r dealing with the liquidation that it could be 6 mths before we know if any money will be repaid but they said best to think you won't get it back !! We don't even know what has happened ! The sch was still auditioning two wks ago !! I'm so mad !!! There were students coming from All over England that would of paid big deposits to rent while at the school ! To be honest the money is very annoying as I have 4 daughters and we aren't millionaires !! But the stress on my youngest when she was so excited to go is what had upset me the worse ! Will let u know if we get any of it back , has made me realise that best to only consider the schools that have the CDET!! Thanks for info balletqs just have to hope she does well in audition. She hasn't danced hardly at all in summer hols as we told her to have rest before she started new sch !! X
  4. Hi havnt been on here for a while as all was going well . Youngest daughter got a half price scholarship for Ldn Theatre Sch she really loved the audition as jazz and commercial is what she wants to do , however last wk end we get an email saying the sch has gone into liquidation !! My daughter has been devastated and doubt if we will get the 6000 pounds back !! I researched the sch before it's been there 15 yrs!! I rang round few schools Ldn area as she wants to live at home also we can just about afford fees but won't be able to afford accommodation . All the schools are full as term is starting so we thought back to training and have to audition nx year. I got in touch with millennium they are only about 45 mins train journey away from us they have a place on their foundation course and she can audition for it . Does anyone here know anything about it ? I know it has CDET accreditation and they seem to have lots of students getting work . If she gets a place she is saying she wants to take it especially as she will prob be doing more hours trainjng that what she is doing now so hopefully will give her a chance for auditions nx year. Any info would be appreciated . Thanks
  5. Yes Primrose the new teacher who is Russian said to us that the way he behaved is not Russian !! It's just him !! Don't think he has any understanding of the damage it can cause to a young girl .
  6. Agree they should but don't think it happens there !! Unless it has changed
  7. Thanks Anna just looked At this my DD sch she will be going too in sep is on list , looks worth it
  8. Not that I was aware of !! They do whatever they like! One thing I liked about sch was that they went out to local schools And performed to give children a chance to see ballet .as far as I know they were totally independent so didn't have to answer to anyone !
  9. Meant gave up just noticed my mistake ! Also my younger daughter has been going to a lovely Russian ballet teacher who teaches at dance attic in Fulham Broadway. Very good hands on teaching and everyone gets attention as small classes . Forgot to say that quite few students leave LRBS and most get into good schools , I know of 2 that have gone to Perm in Russia !
  10. Havnt been on forum for long time since my 2 daughters stopped ballet but having read this thought I would tell our experience! My 2 attended LRBS for 3 yrs had done RAD and ISTD before eldest had done quite lot of dancing but younger DD didn't start ballet till she was 11 as used to do gymnastics. We only went to LRBS as both my daughters wanted to do more ballet so went along for trial lesson they both loved it and started going everyday after sch and on Saturdays ! Both improved loads we had 2 and half yrs where they couldn't wait to get there my eldest was one of the first students to start full time training along with doing 2 A levels which she found hard as not an academic girl but she had plenty of encouragement . They did wonderful shows in London and we were on a very good scholarship which meant we could afford it there was no way we could of afforded dance training with 2 daughters without the help we received from LRBS . Was all going well until last year when eldest put on little weight she is small boned girl only 5 ft 3 but was no way fat but I'm afraid and still feel upset about this that the main teacher there started calling her names !! At first she took it but then was coming home upset I tried to talk to the Director about the situation up until this point I had always got on with her and at times she tried very hard with my girls but she told me that she couldn't tell him what to say and this is the Russian way ! My daughter have up she told us she had lost her passion since she left she told us that she hadn't been eating properly and never wants to ever put leotard on again . Younger DD left as well but only because she didn't agree with her sister being treated like that , she got accepted at BTUK but after going to summer sch couldn't bear to live away from home she didn't dance for long time but recently started dancing again but not at LRBS and is starting a 1 yr commercial course in sep in Ldn . I have to say I still feel the training At LRBS was excellent and they have some wonderful dancers there but it's not for everyone !
  11. double trouble


    Tulip best of luck to your daughter hope she enjoys it and good luck to all who will be looking for dance jobs this yr x
  12. Best of luck to your daughter and what a lovely experience for her.
  13. Forgot to say she loved the first 2 yrs of training she performed in lovely theatres in London and was happy .
  14. the quays sounds like u made best decision and enjoyed your life , nice to hear. When my DD have up it was few reasons at 16 /17 she had no doubts about ballet being what she wanted even at 18 she wasn't bothered about socialising and would tell friends outside of her ballet sch that she didn't want to go out late as wasn't prepared to be tired for ballet class next morn ! However about 6 mths into being 18 doubts started especially about the money ! She realised dancers are on low wage and she wouldn't be having lovely hols like her 2 elder sisters who have good jobs . Also at her sch there were older dancers that had trained elsewhere and hadn't got into a company yet ! Which made her think how many years does it take. Obviously she lost the passion as well if you keep the passion you prob don't care about all the above . I have said to her I just hope you don't regret it ! I still find it hard that she gave up but it's her life and she has since told me that she wasn't eating properly and got to the stage that she hated her body in her leotard ! At least we let her follow her dream while it lasted. Good luck to all DC auditioning this year it doesn't seem fair to do so much training and for it to be so difficult but then lots of jobs are like that . My eldest is a Police Officer and they often get thousands of applicants !
  15. Sophika I know how you feel as my DD also gave up after being in full time training ! It was such a shock as we always thought it was her dream but agree with Aileen once they get bit older and start socialising more perhaps they feel left out ? My DD just felt she had lost the passion and let's face it the training is hard my daughter only had Sundays off ! When she first decided to leave we thought she would go back and would miss it but apart from doing few classes at Danceworks she now isn't interested at all ! DD didn't finish her A levels which we felt she should of! Definitely think make sure your DC do well at GCSE s as when they change their minds they need plan B . It wasn't just my daughter that gave up at her sch others felt it wasn't for them as well.
  16. Good luck lemon girl hope it will be a yes. About 5 yrs ago my youngest went LCB she had only been dancing for about a year so wasn't expecting her to get past first stage , however she got through to final audition but then got a no !! I still remember how upset she was but it was lovely experience and also opens up their eyes to how much talent there is .
  17. Hi Mum in Spin when my daughter applied late last yr , we sent in video as she had missed the audition we had an offer with 20 percent off fees. I'm not sure about other students you would be best to email them as there might of been more scholarships as it was the first year for the school. As u prob remember my dd decided not to go ! Good luck if u decide to audition this yr .
  18. I will watch it but agree it could be cringe tv especially if like the American version the mums are going to be on it . Will be interesting to see the school though .
  19. My daughter got it through post just before she was 16 .
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