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Pas de Quatre

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Everything posted by Pas de Quatre

  1. Congratulations CeliB. Usually they list candidates own nationality, the school and the country it is in. Having said that, there are some candidates whose nationality is shown as being different to the country of location of the school. Edited to add last sentence.
  2. http://www.prixdelausanne.org/candidates-selected-for-the-2015-prix-de-lausanne/ The list of selected candidates for 2015 has been published on their website. You need to scroll down the text to where there is the link to the list. Just one British girl has been chosen, Natasha Watson from Ballet West. Congratulations to her!
  3. I think it is totally out of order to attack a child in public. Personally I have a lot of time for the Beckhams, they both came from humble backgrounds but were blessed with talent. They only achieved their success by hard work in very competitive fields. Victoria trained at a Vocational school, Laines and got her big break at an audition. You don't become a top footballer by accident either!
  4. Swanprincess, the Vaganova system of training does not teach going from the lumbar spine for cambré. As described above it also starts with an elongation upwards and outwards. As upper body training is very important in all Russian training, the end result is a very pliable and flexible spine.
  5. If this is so, then it means those who had a DaDa and left straight after A-levels can have student funding, but those who stay on for the 3rd year for the Trinity Diploma can't!
  6. This can't be so, many dancers who have benefited from DaDa funding have (for whatever reason) stopped dancing and gone on to study at normal universities with normal student funding.
  7. It can be difficult to follow the path of Tring's dance course graduates, as although some go straight into employment, many go on to further dance training - often a degree based course as they are entitled to Student finance.
  8. I always take photos sitting astride a chair which is reversed so I can lean my hands on the chair back, while holding the camera. Another tip I got from a professional is to be quite a long way from the dancer and then zoom in, it minimizes distortion. Lastly, try to avoid using a flash unless you have professional reflectors etc. It can creat weird shadows on the background which make the dancer look fatter. If the photos are a bit dark you can brighten them on a computer.
  9. I shouldn't worry about not showing enough technical skill in your solo, they will have been able to see that in class. The solo is more about you as a person and performer, so you can't be too expressive.
  10. I've just seen that RBS have extended the deadline for applications for 9 Nov so perhaps they haven't confirmed places yet because they haven't enough people for that day.
  11. taxi4ballet - they go oink as they flap! Seriously though, I agree. Like many grand schemes, in theory it is wonderful but in practice it just isn't working. It is horrendous that the auditors of the EU haven't been able to sign off the accounts as being accurate for years. Does anyone know the last time they did? If it were a commercial enterprise it would have gone bankrupt long ago, with many charges of fraud. Can it ever work - I don't know. It would be nice if it did but I have serious doubts.
  12. Likewise, I agree with all the above. There is such worry about children being "groomed" and exploited in real life, cannot people see that such sexualisation of young children is not right just because it is on stage or tv.
  13. The date they go by is age on 31st August of the year you are auditioning - i.e. to fit in with academic school year ages. As Associates don't go up to 18 - the first set are probably summer school appications
  14. http://www.dorsetphotoevent.co.uk/ This photographer is great. I first met him because he is a friend of the parents of pupils (3 sisters). He did a great portfolio for DD, and also does outside events including dogs, Julie!
  15. I think taxi4ballet has a point. Like many schools I have watching weeks where parents come to watch the class. This works well for juniors, but I found that once the pupils start to hit adolescence, around 12 or 13, either they don't tell their parents or else they somehow have an illness that day. So in the end I stopped it for more advanced classes. Luckily I have many opportunities for performances so the parents do get to see their offspring dance regularly, just not in class.
  16. I saw it last year, and absolutely loved it. It is coming soon to a different theatre nearby, so I shall go again in a few weeks.
  17. When you say shout, do you mean a rant between exercises, or do you mean a raised voice so that it can be heard over the music?
  18. I'm afraid Bournemouth is already sold out. Can't go, my own rehearsals clash
  19. Some pupils I have known who were at Tring did not apply for Uni in Upper 6th, but did so the following year. Those with 3 A levels, already knew their results and could go ahead, but at least one dancer went to a cramming college to take extra A-levels in one year.
  20. It can be very confusing, and each person's situation is different. A lot depends on what type of dance the student wishes to follow. You need to find out what success dancers have had, either from the third year, or those who have moved on after A-levels to train elsewhere. Unfortunately this information seems very hard to come by. Whether you have the Trinity Diploma or the Certificate awarded after two years, or have gained a degree has no bearing on employment prospects. The extra years of training may add more technique & maturity though. Auditions are tough and the only way to get a job is to be one of the best dancers on the day!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfXA1_w8ebg Could it be this tour in UK in 2010? You can see that backdrop behind the matadors in the trailer.
  22. As well as the width of the block, you need to be aware of the depth. If a narrow foot is also shallow it will need a low profile shoe, or else the foot can still slide down when standing on pointe. The shoes with lowest profiles as well as narrow fittings are Grishko (both 2007 and Vaganova) and Suffolk Ensemble.
  23. On the American board Ballettalkfordancers the teacher moderators have long warned about the dangers of full plie in 4th. This is fairly well known now throughout the ballet world, I just hope the exam boards update their syllabi soon to reflect this.
  24. Having a lovely time dipping in and out. Bolshoi for breakfast - what a treat. I hope it will all be available after the event on Youtube. I can't agree with you Aileen, I loved RB company class - very much a dancers' class. What struck me was how strong yet homogeneous the overall standard was. The corps members looking very good alongside the principals And the final coda when everyone let rip was great fun!
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