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  1. I don't watch the classes all the time - we are only invited once every now and then. I totally agree that I am too involved and need to take a step back. That is one of the reasons why I wanted to post, to get some objectivity from you all! No offence taken. Because of my heart being very protective of my DD I am extra worried about doing the wrong thing. I don't want to lead her to make any decisions just because they are what I want her to do. I have to be careful of what I say as she could take my opinion on board which isn't right. I will wait and see how she does for the next few months I think. We don't have to make any decisions until its time for her to re-enrol after Christmas. Thanks again for your valuable input.
  2. I would love her to do drama but she wont. She used to dread it at school and finds it a real challenge. I am encouraging her to go for any school productions they do and I think she may try that. She has restarted gymnastics which is helpful. Yes 2 years of the same syllabus must be boring! But she rarely misses a class. I don't think we'd be allowed to take a term off and reappear for the exam. Much as it sounds like a great idea. I think we may just miss a few classes and enjoy the free time...... My DD wants to be the best (and she's like this is most things) and is frustrated when she's not. She knows that she has to improve her performance and finds it hard but she is quite stoic. Its strange as she appears to be like a shy wallflower but there's strength of steel beneath. Thankfully as I am usually the one trying not to cry! Should I push her to do an intensive in the hope that it does make her break out of the shyness and give her some extra confidence? Or maybe pursue the private lessons? I agree Anjuli - her ballet will never be a waste in our opinions. And she moves so gracefully and beautifully now!
  3. I think that the teacher occasionally gets very shouty and some of the girls get very upset. I don't think the shouting is necessarily that loud / aggressive (Ive seen the teacher in action) but I think for someone who dislikes raised voices, extra attention on her because she is doing it wrong (still thinking that a correction is negative) - it can be devastating. Since posting, I have been discussing how corrections are GREAT because it means my DD is doing well but can do better and she is being corrected in order to reach her full potential. I asked DD to think about it from the ballet teacher's point of view - if she has corrected my DD 500 times for the same thing and my DD still can't improve on it, the teacher will get frustrated. So, I think the teacher is trying to be constructive but may sometimes get cross as she's said the same thing for years. Its comforting to hear that 12 is a difficult age and I do hope she will relax soon. She confessed that she is bored in Int Fdn now which is sad to hear. She also says she has started to think beyond ballet and how much extra time she could have to devote to other things - she always assumed she would continue with ballet to Grade 8. I am very keen for her to give the vocational grades a rest after Int Fdn as I personally feel that we shouldn't have ever started them (but I didn't do any research about what they actually mean and of course she was desperate to go on pointe!) and perhaps she could take a year's break after Grade 6 or even take an extra year to do it. She does do some ungraded dance but she is actually the one that is motivated by the exams. She drives herself very hard in everything she does. I am aware that I am quite a pushy parent however I wonder if this is because my DD doesn't put herself forward so I do it for her. She is so diligent and hardworking and I want that recognised without me having to mention it. I do hear those of you who are saying that an encouraging teacher who nurtures is what is needed and perhaps that could be the answer. Ive mentioned intensive courses, private lessons to my DD but she wasn't all that keen......says she'd rather do a sports holiday course. I am wondering if this is the beginning of the end...... Im getting in a muddle now as Im not sure if we will do grade 6 this year and then give up ballet, see how we go for this year and if not allowed to do the exam try another school, give up next term or do a final push to get through the exam! I have told her that she can do whatever she wants and I haven't even voiced most of these thoughts with her. Many thanks to you all for taking the time to read, share your experiences and be so supportive.
  4. We get to watch the classes and all criticism seems to be constructive. I think it is corrections that are being given rather than tellings off. But the girls don't see it that way and are nervous to go to class after they have all been 'told off / corrected'! That is great advice to advise DD to focus on it as being constructive. I think the teacher is frustrated when she has to mention the same thing over and over. I have said to her that she is being 'taught' and therefore needs to be corrected. She is very hard on herself. It is also positive to hear that 12 is a good age for the grade she's at. She will be 13 by the time she does the exam (if she is entered for it!) and I know some schools take 2 years to do it. I suppose there is some competition among the other students and usually they do a grade per year. I will see how she goes over the next while and have a chat with the teacher about how she can improve. Plus I will keep an eye on other schools!! Many thanks to you all again.
  5. Hello to you all and thank you so much for your replies!! My DD is 12 - sorry I should have said. We got the second opinion (about why she wasn't allowed to take Int Fdn) from a teacher at RAD who was lovely and said my DD's teacher had nailed on the head the issues my DD has. What you are all saying is of concern to me as the reason why DD was not entered into Int Fdn was because of the performance part. This makes sense as a shy girl will have difficulty performing and giving that extra little bit of showmanship. A lot of you are saying that Grade 6 has more performance in it so this is what she will struggle with. There is no other school near us, believe me, and Ive looked hard. If I am to move her it will mean a lot more driving and Im reluctant to commit to that now. She loves ballet but takes correction badly and usually cries after she has been told off. This level of self-recrimination is very difficult for me as I feel that she should congratulate herself on her high grades and acheivements to date. The teacher knows her well and I would have thought that gentle encouragement would work rather than shouting! I may try and talk to the teacher - you are all right. I wonder if she will take it badly if I ask her to use a different approach with my DD?? I have no ballet background so can't really help my DD but perhaps I can get a DVD for her and look into private lessons. I have looked at intensive courses for before the exam (have only found Tring at Easter as a possibility) as I figured that ballet with a new teacher may help her? We are hoping that she will break through the shyness barrier and start to look as if she is enjoying her ballet but so far its not happening. Many thanks to you all for your so supportive replies. Sometimes I know that I feel worse about these things than my DD!!!!
  6. Hello all I am hoping for some guidance from those of you who are more seasoned that I am regarding ballet. My DD has danced for the past 8 years and she dances 4.5hrs a week. Currently doing Grade 6 ballet and her teacher has started to get impatient with the students and claims that many of the girls in the class will hit a wall and will be unable to get past it. My DD thinks this is aimed at her - Im sure there will be a few others - as she is quite sensitive. She has consistently improved her grades for the past 2 years although she misses a distinction by a few percent each year. I know Grade 6 is the beginning of the adult grades so is there a huge step up from Grade 5? Do any of you have experience with this 'wall' and what we can do it overcome it etc? My DD is very shy and has difficulty fully letting go. She does jazz dance as well which has helped her but she cannot seem to overcome her shyness. We are both probably sensitive as she was not put forward for her Int Fdn exam after 2 years of class as there were concerns that she wouldn't make the grade. I did get a second opinion as I was so upset but feel that it was probably the right decision. I feel that there is favouritism in her ballet school (certain people get the best dances in shows, get more attention etc but I understand this is pretty normal) but we are unable to switch as they are the best. If my DD put herself forward a bit more then I think she could do better but I can't force her! I am very frustrated as she's so dedicated and I feel bad that it doesn't seem to be recognised. This sounds like Im neurotic......Im anxious that her hard work is recognised and I would like her to be encourage to flourish rather than berated as this is how I think she is treated. I don't believe we will go down the vocational school route and Im not sure it is for her. We have talked about life beyond ballet as she has several other interests and I think she beats herself up a bit about ballet if she doesn't get distinction etc. Anyway thank you for reading this far if you have made it! I am quite emotional about the whole thing because I feel as if the teacher is already saying that some of them wont be put in for the exam in the summer. Surely its very early days and it is normal to have an off day isn't it? I am rambling and would be most grateful for some objective feedback. Thank you and please be kind to me.......
  7. Hi Im interested to know if anyone's aware of ballet intensive courses run during the Xmas break?? Ive googled courses a few times and can only come up with loads of summer ones. I want something for DD before the exams which will be in May time. I know there will be a few Easter courses so perhaps Im looking a little early. Ive asked for info from Tring and Wells but just wonder if anyone knows anywhere else I should look please. She's doing grade 6 ballet and also Intermediate F. It has to be longer than a day and we will have to travel to it from overseas so whilst I prefer UK we could go elsewhere. Many thanks to anyone who has suggestions!
  8. Hello We don't live in the UK and I can't find a pilates class for my DD aged 12. They only offer adult classes during the day so of no use. So I thought Id get a DVD and then she can practise at home. She does 4.5 hours of ballet a week. Does anyone have a good recommendation please? I thought this would be a great place to ask. All suggestions most gratefully received. Many thanks.
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