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Everything posted by hfbrew

  1. Please speak to the teacher, maybe just before term starts. Quite honestly, if I'd witnessed that behaviour, especially the hair pulling, in my school, I would have expelled the culprit immediately. Sometimes us teachers are unaware of surreptitious bullying or unpleasant sly behaviour. Only recently I had to deal with a situation brought to my attention by a parent. All quickly resolved thank goodness, although wasn't anything too serious. Us teachers need happy students to get the best out of them. And if there is a problem I'd rather know about it, I wouldn't want to lose any students due to them being intimidated by their peers.
  2. Think the shoes I have are smaller!
  3. What size, I still have ds old ones? He hated them and many students "lost" them!
  4. Glad you enjoyed it. Cast tonight was meant to be David Brewer, Kay Ines Ferreira, Snow Queen Grace Carr, Gerda I presume that's the cast you saw, ds phone has died apparently...
  5. One of the nicest presents I received was a personalized plate from a class that had little drawings and messages on it from each student. Another favourite was homemade Biscotti! I also love hand drawn cards and pictures from all ages! I've also received quirky Christmas decorations each year from one student, great fun! A handmade tote bag was also well received from pupils noticing the amount of stuff being carried in tatty carrier bags. How about a Bottle of Champagne and personalized glasses? I also like plants as they are a lasting reminder of the student, I've a Christmas Cactus from a couple of years back still doing well. Hope this helps a little. By the way, if anyone who knows me is reading this please don't go rushing to the shops on my behalf!
  6. I don't mind being called by my first name generally but I do prefer to be addressed formally by both pupils and parents when dealing with with all matters pertaining to the Ballet School that I run. In no way does this mean I think I am superior and I don't think it old fashioned either, just a way of keeping a professional distance. I am known by my first name for other concerns that I am involved in such as summer schools or teaching special needs group as the setting is more informal anyway and that is my choice.
  7. But that doesn't make your opinions any less valid than anyone else! The great thing about Ballet is that it can be all different things to all different people. I love being with people experiencing Ballet for the first time, it's great to have a fresh opinion.
  8. Believe it or not cast sheets are now available each performance as well as the programmes.However I can tell you that all being well on that Saturday evening, David Brewer is Kay, Ines Ferreira is the Snow Queen and Grace Carr is Gerda. Sadly I am not going now!
  9. That's the place I was thinking of but more accurately described! Thanks Taxi!
  10. If you like a walk in the Country side how about Tring Reservoir? They have coffee shop too.
  11. Really? Well then the students today are so lucky. We had classes in studios called "house" which was a front room and "attic"- self explanatory! There was a converted garage called 12 and a bigger, purpose built studio at 18 which was used for auditions and exams. In those days there was only one building in the grounds of Hoole Bank housing "proper' studios. We were bussed there at 8am. Woe beside us if we missed it! After morning class we were transported back to do classes in Liverpool Road. In the grounds of the Liverpool Rd venue a tree was planted in memory of one of the drivers who sadly died. I remember also saving my pennies for a weekly 15p cereal bar from the canteen, because of my family circumstances I had very little money. My feet were incredibly strong as I had to make do with one pair of Pointe shoes per term! Anyway, re current accommodation. I remember Tring and WL looking shabby 11 years ago too. But its how the students are looked after which is important. Ds was lucky to be cared for by exceptional house staff at WL.
  12. Out of interest are any of the Hammond premises still located on Liverpool Road? Fond memories of my days there as a Hammond girl! The studios were tiny!
  13. My ds would agree. When Teletubbies first aired he was so disgusted ( having been an avid Playdays) fan he disappeared off to his room and returned clutching a piece of paper with random letters and drawings on it. He told me to post it to the BBC as it was his letter of complaint!He was only 4!
  14. All the RBS Audition dates are on the RBS website.
  15. I am afraid that many schools don't have live accompanists. Good ones can be hard to find and they can be expensive. I haven't been to open classes for years but the ones I did attend had fantastic pianists. It would be interesting to hear from others whether this is still the case! I do use pianists for nearly all my classes, including my open adult class. Its probably why I'm not wealthy! But I wouldn't have it any other way!
  16. No you are right but we had friends with parents who taught there. I also knew people who attended there rather than the local state schools.Even though they only lived, as I did in one of the nearby villages they still boarded. I didn't envy them! But I am jealous of any young dancers lucky enough to attend this Easter course in such lovely surroundings!
  17. There are few prettier places than Malvern! My childhood Ballet lessons were based in Malvern and I knew many St James's pupils. It's a lovely setting. Alas this school is 40 years too late for me!
  18. Jealous,jealous,jealous. I'd love to attend master classes like that! Saw them at Sadlers Wells and they were as good as always. Ds has a day off his own tour tomorrow and is seeing them in Birmingham along with his company. Years ago the Trocks all signed a programme for him and gave him much needed words of encouragement during a low point in his training. Obviously the company has changed dancers many times but they are still brilliant.
  19. Brighton Dome. I believe Buxton Opera house too (but not been there myself) but that's probably too far North.
  20. Less polished could be good! At this age schools are looking for the raw material that they can train their way, not a finished, polished product. It's much easier to train a student from scratch than retraining a student who already has a style that may be incompatible with the school.
  21. Quite, which is why I checked for engineering works weeks ago and either missed the vital information or it wasn't there then! Last year had no problems at Christmas. Maybe I should hire a donkey now...
  22. And am I right in thinking that this has only been announced in the past few weeks? I checked travel arrangements weeks ago and all seemed fine then but I've been accused of not checking at all!
  23. Spot on Alison, Rojo was the answer to the question which I am sure is the one you suggest. I was screaming at the TV. I stay very,very quiet on all other subjects.....
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