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RBS Junior Associate (JA) Questions


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Ah well done PV to your DD for taking it so well. I softened the blow with a Tonlerone and she decided almost immediately she wanted to try again next year. Yes thanks for all the support today lovelies it was a nail biting adventure thank goodness I didn't have to do it alone. Hope your daughter loves Tring, Petal; we may well have a go in November. We'll see... Just glad DD had the chance to audition for JAs as it was a fab experience for all of them. Enjoy your evenings ladies, chat soon xx

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I've been dropping in and out of this thread keeping up with all your news posts (and non-news but very entertaining posts) and just wanted to say a huge well done to all the yes's and commiserations to the no's - at the risk of repeating what has become somewhat of a BalletCo slogan "it's not a no full stop but rather a no not yet" 


Also, for all those on waiting lists - good luck....as we all know now, places do become available :)

Hope you all enjoy your tipple of choice tonight now and relax....the waiting is the worst and now it's over....yippee!! :) 

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So sorry for all the no's today. My DD received a no last year, first time trying and was for yr6. She isn't the royal physique so the expected no came but she is starting Tring full time in September, having been attending CBA since jan last year. DS is just very lucky, different physique and a boy!! Much less competition.

You have all kept me thoroughly entertained today. PV I hope you will say hi in September when you DD starts Tring as my DS will still be attending. DD loves it so much she thought she could still attend even though being full time at school. Have told her no she can't!

Glad all the DD's seem to have taken it so well. I am sure they take it better than us Mum's.

Being a ballet Mum is seriously stressful. I have aged 20 years over the last 9 months!! Xx

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Ha ha hilarious. No he is boys group 1/2 so starts at 10 the same time as your DD. she is group 1 isn't she? He is only just 8. You will recognise him he is the smallest! They will have their workshop together at the end of term! Cute xx

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MAK and Alfred71 would be soooo exciting if you think about auditioning for Tring or YDA! Of course there's always LJB too but come and be with us! I was going to relax back into my state of usual...languor...and now I'm all wahoo!

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Ha ha hilarious. No he is boys group 1/2 so starts at 10 the same time as your DD. she is group 1 isn't she? He is only just 8. You will recognise him he is the smallest! They will have their workshop together at the end of term! Cute xx

Just.....want...to....like..this...sooooo...much....can't...like....want to like! Likelikelikelike well that's made my day

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Petal violet hope dd is ok. Very sorry to hear it was a no but she is only Young and has a place at YDA and tring so hooray!

Have to agree that today has been so much more bearable (and entertaining) because of everyone's posts. I wouldn't have even known JAs or associates courses existed if it hadn't been for this forum - it's an absolute treasure trove of info and support for parents like me who have no knowledge of the dancing world.

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MAK and Alfred71 would be soooo exciting if you think about auditioning for Tring or YDA! Of course there's always LJB too but come and be with us! I was going to relax back into my state of usual...languor...and now I'm all wahoo!


Had deliberately ignored anything which impacted on Sundays - just trying to keep one day in the week "free" (ha ha)!! Let's see how my resolve is as the months pass. Can't go for YDA sadly as DD1 starting as an Associate at Central in September and my magical powers do not yet extend to being in two places at once. I'm so glad that the children have taken it so well today and have so much to look forward to!

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I really wish I'd known about this forum last year. Ds auditioned for year 6, unsuccessfully, and didn't audition for the mids,this year as London is a 3 three hour journey each way (and rather expensive!).Applied and got into NBT in Leeds and this forum has been a godsend to this non dancing mum who didn't have a clue! Very well done to all those who got in and to the no's to even audtion is an achievement in itself.And to the parents you all so deserve a drink!????????

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I've been out all day but I clicked to follow this topic as ds had auditioned came home to 135 email notifications!!! You have been busy today congrats to all the yeses and sorry for the N's hope your dc all took it as well as mine did he simply said oh well next year it is then.......what's for tea!!!! Love that boy!

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Congratulations to you all! All your talented children for trying, whether yes or no. And all you generous, hard working mums and dads who invest so much in your children's happiness.


If your path is RBS, it will happen one day. If your path is different training, it will also happen one day and you will reach the place you are meant to. My DS has a friend who didn't get into JA but did get into upper school! I would say that DC got the golden ticket, but just had to wait.

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Congratulations to you all! All your talented children for trying, whether yes or no. And all you generous, hard working mums and dads who invest so much in your children's happiness.


If your path is RBS, it will happen one day. If your path is different training, it will also happen one day and you will reach the place you are meant to. My DS has a friend who didn't get into JA but did get into upper school! I would say that DC got the golden ticket, but just had to wait.

well said 

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I am a newbie and have followed this thread with interest.

I am really sorry to jump on someone else's post ( I hope you all don't mind!)

Just wondered if someone could shed some light on what the difference is between the 24 sessions offered at RB JA's and the 36?

My little girl has just been offered a place on the JA programme starting in September and after lots of jumping up and down we were excited to share the news with friends.

However, when I mentioned she was offered the 24 sessions a friend (using the word loosely at the moment) said Oh she didn't get the 36 sessions then?

To be honest no one can burst our little happiness bubble right now however just wondered if anyone could advise what the difference is?


Well done to EVERYONE that auditioned :) x

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I am a newbie and have followed this thread with interest.

I am really sorry to jump on someone else's post ( I hope you all don't mind!)

Just wondered if someone could shed some light on what the difference is between the 24 sessions offered at RB JA's and the 36?

My little girl has just been offered a place on the JA programme starting in September and after lots of jumping up and down we were excited to share the news with friends.

However, when I mentioned she was offered the 24 sessions a friend (using the word loosely at the moment) said Oh she didn't get the 36 sessions then?

To be honest no one can burst our little happiness bubble right now however just wondered if anyone could advise what the difference is?


Well done to EVERYONE that auditioned :) x

She's too good to  need the other 12 ? :)

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Well when we applied we ticked fortnightly box as we felt that should ds be lucky enough to get a place that was all we could commit to or afford.


Then came the day of the phone call! It was a yes but they felt he needed to come weekly because of lack of strength. (I got feedback because I am also a Ballet Teacher.)


Basically there is no difference between the classes and congratulations on the place! And you have more weekends free!


So your "friend" can be told that the RBS obviously didn't feel it necessary that your talented dd needed 36 sessions!

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HUGE Congratulations CookieMonster04!!!!! Don't worry about what anyone says, enjoy the news. For what it's worth my son was offered 24 sessions for yr5. Yr 6 36 sessions and yr7 WL. I know of several children who are at vocational school who were 24 sessions all the way. Who knows what the reasons are but traveling distances, age of child, class numbers etc are probably factors. 24 sessions will be more than enough, There is only so much time a Mum can kill in Costa. Welcome to the crazy world of ballet parenting.x

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Well exactly! Hi cookie and big congratulations to you and your little girl!! I know nothing but I can guess that the 36 might be given to the older ones, say year 6 who don't have that much longer in the programme and if you didn't specify a choice of 24 or 36 at the audition then they would offer the younger ones less? That's only a guess as I'm not sure how old your DD is?


I would take it as a blessing in disguise as you have all the benefits of being a JA with some flexibility at weekends to commit to exams/rehearsals/festivals or just a break and normal stuff like the odd fleeting attendance at a birthday party etc?


Brush off any negativity as there are always others willing to rain on a parade xx

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Congrats to all those who auditioned! My understanding of the 24 vs 36 sessions is that the 36 sessions classes (in London anyway) are either all girls or all boys whereas the 24 sessions is a mixed boys and girls class. No difference in ability just you have less time to spend in Costa as someone else said earlier!!

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