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Bolshoi, Mariinsky, Mikhailovsky

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From another thread - the Mikhailovsky are due in London at the Coliseum in March 2013 with Don Q, Swan Lake and others.


Polina Semionova (ex SB Berlin) and Marcello Gomez (ABT) are dancing the opening night of the Mikhailovsky's 180th season in Giselle. Natalia Osipova and Ivan Vasiliev will also dance Giselle.

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Alina Somova and Viktoria Tereshkina of the Mariinsky will not be participating in their engagement at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in October because both are pregnant!


Congratulations to them both!


Casting for their performances has been updated:


Oct. 2 -- Oxana Skorik (Odette-Odile), Vladimir Schklyarov (Prince Siegfried); Oct. 3 -- Ekaterina Kondaurova, Evgeny Ivanchenko; Oct. 4 -- Skorik, Timur Askerov; Oct. 5 -- Kondaurova, Ivanchenko; Oct. 6, 2 p.m. -- Anastasia Kolegova, Danila Korsuntsev; Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m. -- Skorik, Schklyarov; Oct. 7, 2 p.m. -- Kolegova, Askerov.


The LA Times report:



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Newsletter_20121121_v3_Swanlake_ENG.jpg09_Paragraph_Mark.gif Emblematic Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake at the Mikhailovsky Theatre, Saint-Petersburg! November 23 at 7PM Moscow [GMT+4], 3PM London [GMT], 10AM New York [GMT-5] join www.paraclassics.com to watch live HD webcast of Pyotr Il'ich Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake from the Mikhailovsky theatre in Saint-Petersburg. Superior interpretation of Russian ballet chef-d'oeuvre by ballet reformer Alexander Gorsky and brilliant Soviet dancer and choreographer Asaf Messerer was staged in the Mikhailovsky theatre by Mikhail Messerer. Swan Lake that sings through its detail, The Guardian. Exquisite and elegant Ekaterina Borchenko, Golden mask nominee for the Best female performance in Swan Lake, the best Odette as per Tatiana Kuznetsova, Kommersant (in Russian), will perform with her partner Victor Lebedev. Stage design and costumes were created by Simon Virsaladze and carefully recreated by Vyacheslav Okunev. Conductor - Valery Ovsyanikov. November, 23 – Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake – Mikhailovsky theatre Watch, enjoy and share emotions with your friends at Paraclassics on your PC/Mac or iPhone/iPad. Join our Facebook page for upcoming webcasts and archive updates!
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Well it's the Bolshoi Pharaoh's Daughter at the cinema tomorrow afternoon. It's a new piece for me, with a faintly odd scenario but, hey, that's the 19th century for you. But could I have made a mistake? Are we sure this isn't something from Strictly?



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Pharaoh's Daughter, or Wilson, Keppell and Betty meet Petipa and Lacotte. A check on the ballet.co Reviews database tells me that the Bolshoi brought it to London in 2006, when it seems to have been pretty well received - to which I will only add that I'm glad I only paid cinema money and not ROH money for a seat. What a caper - blacked-up Nubians straight off a Robertsons jam jar ( mildly surprised they got away with that in 2006), a lascivious cobra, some very heavy paternal mugging (*serious face* as Mrs Bercow might have said), a high rate vertical descent to the bottom of the Nile and an even faster ascent back to the surface that should have resulted in Aspicia reappearing with 'the bends' rather than smiling in rapid drip-dry tutu. Lots of pretty steps too, but not my thing any longer, I fear. (Roll on Las Hermanas on Friday.) And the sets and costumes must have cost a fortune - how many changes did the corps go through? - and from what we heard, more than Nureyev and POB could afford when examining the possibility of a revival. (Speaking of which, I'm increasingly taken with Mme Novikova as presenter of these events, and she had an amusingly trying time yesterday with M. Lacotte and his very long sentences!)


I'm sure there's a rational reason for some works getting lost from the rep and, in this case, it appears that even the score vanished - put it back in the pyramid where it belongs.

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(Speaking of which, I'm increasingly taken with Mme Novikova as presenter of these events, and she had an amusingly trying time yesterday with M. Lacotte and his very long sentences!)


She indicated she'd had interpreting experience with him before, but yes, he wasn't the easiest interpreting candidate ever (although at least being in French, she didn't have to wait until the end of a 200-word sentence to find the verb, as you do in German sometimes!). I thought she did very well (and I'm still pretty certain she's not reading all this off a teleprompter!).

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She indicated she'd had interpreting experience with him before, but yes, he wasn't the easiest interpreting candidate ever (although at least being in French, she didn't have to wait until the end of a 200-word sentence to find the verb, as you do in German sometimes!). I thought she did very well (and I'm still pretty certain she's not reading all this off a teleprompter!).


Not so sure Alison. I watched her eyes whilst she was translating and I am sure she looked at a screen...

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I agree, though "Flames of Paris" is new to London, I think (or else I've missed it). Presumably it will have different leads from the Osipova/Vasiliev DVD :mellow:.

Edited by Grand Tier Left
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Well, that's two new productions (although come to think of it I've already seen the Beauty in the cinema - and not been hugely enamoured), and Bayadère will also have been shown by then. But I'm sure I can make time for Flames of Paris.

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What a disappointing rep for the Bolshoi. I saw FoP in Paris = didn't like it much even with Osipova/Vasiliev. No Bright Stream, no Esmerelda, no Pharoah's Daughter, no Don Q, no Spartacus.....If that is all they are offering it will be a cheap summer then :( I think I will be patronising the Mikhailovsky in the Spring instead.

Edited by Don Q Fan
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I too am disappointed with the ballets announced in the Dancing Times. For the last several visits the Bolshoi have been a Tchaikovksy free zone and still seem to attract good audiences. Perhaps they think without Osipova and Vasiliev they need the 'old warhorses' to attract good audiences but it seems a lost opportunity to regular balletgoers who would like to see Esmerelda which they haven't performed here and hasn't been released on dvd. Also, Bright Stream and Pharoah's daugher haven't been performed here for ages. I know there has to be a balance between more established ballets and not so well known works but even so I think they could give Swan lake at least a miss.I seem to remember when they used to bring Swan lake it always got panned by the critics.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Hochhausers don't try to get Osipova and Vasiliev to 'guest' for certain ballets such as Flames and Bayadere. I'm sure in a 3 week season they will be performing more than 4 ballets. They could very well be finalising a triple bill and hopefully deciding what other full length ballet/s to bring. My vote goes for any of the above and also Don Q if they could get Osipova and Vasiliev.

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I saw their Swan Lake live here in Toronto (after seeing it at the cinema) and found it pretty dreadful actually. Horrible sets and costumes, uninventive and unmusical choreography. I wouldn't recommend springing big bucks (or whatever the British equivalent of that phrase is) to go and see it.

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I don't know if it's the same one I saw in the late 1980s. If it is, I agree with Katherine because I just found it a technical exercise with no emotion (although someone exceptional could apparently transcend the awfulness of the production according to reviews).

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I don't know if it's the same one I saw in the late 1980s. If it is, I agree with Katherine because I just found it a technical exercise with no emotion (although someone exceptional could apparently transcend the awfulness of the production according to reviews).

That pretty much describes it. The Mariinsky's is a different matter. Their swans are so amazing that you are mesmerized by them even to the point of not watching the soloists. When they all turn from one "stand" to another, you just think "Oh my God that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Those ARMS!!!!"

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toursenlair, I'm shocked to read your opinion of the Bolshoi's Swan Lake. I'd always assumed that they would have a top-notch production.

I've found often that the Russian productions don't measure up to Western companies'. They seem almost to be coasting on their reputation. I took a group to see the Mariinsky Sleeping Beauty in Washington and then another to London where we saw BRB's, and the people who were in both groups unanimously preferred BRB's!

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I long ago gave up seeing the Bolshoi in Swan Lake. Among other aberations I find their propensity for taking calls at the drop of hat - even after Odile's fouettes - to be insensitive if not downright infuriating. While they have made such tremendous advances in repertoire and design in other ballets,they appear to be resolutely mired in atrophied old fashioned mustiness when it comes to Swan Lake so I stay away.

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