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Alexander Campbell farewell performances and appreciation thread

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I know there's already a "Manon 2024 Performances" thread, but as there are two other casts performing this weekend and next week, and the Manon thread has already run into 25 pages (which is a good thing!) it might be nice to have a separate one (and I get the feeling that lots of members are planning to attend on 2 & 8 March!) where the reviews of other performances don't get mixed up with the 2 & 8 March ones and any reminiscences of Campbell's BRB, RB,  Linbury and other performances and other memories, eg World Ballet Day, etc can all go into the place. 

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I'll start. He guested with AusBallet in Ratmansky's Cinderella, with the original Cinders, Leanne Stojmenov, in her retirement season.


The role was made on Daniel Gaudiello, who with his wife Lana Jones was sitting next to me. Dan said at interval that Alexander was the only person besides himself to have danced every step Ratmansky gave the role.


He was wonderful in the role, a real Prince with a heart and mind as well as beautiful dancing and (according to Leanne) partnering.


Incidentally he did three Cinders' Princes: Bintley at BRB, Ratmansky with TAB, and Ashton at RB.

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Sorry about the typo in the last line: "all go into the same place"! 


@Sophoife, that's a fantastic memory and I wish I'd been able to see it! I now wish I'd booked Campbell's Prince in Ashton's Cinderella  with Hayward rather than Nuñez and Muntagirov's as I honestly thought Nuñez would retire from RB first.....I really didn't imagine Campbell would be the first of the four to leave! (It's possible that Campbell might have said the same thing last year.....) I like Ratmansky's choreography for the Prince in Cinderella as he gets to dance more than in the Ashton version and many other versions- similar amount to Wheeldon's version, but using different music and in different Acts.


I thought Lana Jones and Daniel Gaudiello  were lovely in Cinderella on TV and only wish I'd seen them dance it in person. Daniel is another dancer whom,  like Campbell, I lament that he retired/is retiring from dancing so young. 

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11 minutes ago, bridiem said:

The thread about his appointment does also include a lot of appreciation posts.

Yes, apologies that (like the Morera thread last year) it may appear to be duplicating bits from the other Alexander Campbell thread in News. It's mainly to put reactions from tonight and Friday night here and not feel that any impressions or thoughts not directly related to Manon might be off limits or derailing that thread.


Also, it's so as not to crowd out any reviews or thoughts about the other two casts that members might not dare post in case they felt swamped by a tsunami of Campbell recollections, farewells and reactions.


Members should still feel free to post on the RAD announcement thread in News of course- it isn't rendered obsolete by this one, which is more for thoughts that come up after the Des Grieux performances. 

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For me, a deeply affecting dance-actor (which is not to mitigate his virtuoso technique), a superb partner, a wonderfully musical performer, amongst my four or five favourite Royal Ballet dancers of the last ten years. 

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I was there tonight, what an absolutely gut-wrenching performance. Alex and Frankie's chemistry is incredible and you can tell they trust each other so much. It is a crime that we will never have a full-length recording of their partnership. I didn't see her Manon with Sambé but I heard several people in the audience talking and saying that she was far more expressive with Alex. I always love his dancing, but it was his incredible acting that was especially showcased tonight. I very much liked his Act I solo, in the beginning he danced like he was showing off for a pretty girl and by the end you could feel that turn into deeper love (if you can truly love someone you just met!)  All of his dancing tonight was rock solid, expressive, and musical; I love that he never sacrifices artistry to get his leg up or jump as high as possible. 


Afterwards I waited at the stage door for the first time, it was a lovely experience. There weren't too many people waiting tonight, which I was grateful for! We were allowed to wait inside and both principals came out within about 30 minutes of the show finishing. They were both very friendly, sweet, and appreciative. I told Frankie the performance had made me cry and she said 'Good! I like to make people cry!' I stumbled over my conversation with Alex a bit more as I feel genuinely devastated he is retiring, but hoped I managed to get across even just a fraction of my appreciation for all the amazing performances he has given over the years. 


Here is my own photo, though the quality is not as good as @bangorballetboy's! 





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13 minutes ago, lady emily said:

I was there tonight, what an absolutely gut-wrenching performance. Alex and Frankie's chemistry is incredible and you can tell they trust each other so much. It is a crime that we will never have a full-length recording of their partnership. I didn't see her Manon with Sambé but I heard several people in the audience talking and saying that she was far more expressive with Alex. I always love his dancing, but it was his incredible acting that was especially showcased tonight. I very much liked his Act I solo, in the beginning he danced like he was showing off for a pretty girl and by the end you could feel that turn into deeper love (if you can truly love someone you just met!)  All of his dancing tonight was rock solid, expressive, and musical; I love that he never sacrifices artistry to get his leg up or jump as high as possible. 


Afterwards I waited at the stage door for the first time, it was a lovely experience. There weren't too many people waiting tonight, which I was grateful for! We were allowed to wait inside and both principals came out within about 30 minutes of the show finishing. They were both very friendly, sweet, and appreciative. I told Frankie the performance had made me cry and she said 'Good! I like to make people cry!' I stumbled over my conversation with Alex a bit more as I feel genuinely devastated he is retiring, but hoped I managed to get across even just a fraction of my appreciation for all the amazing performances he has given over the years. 


Here is my own photo, though the quality is not as good as @bangorballetboy's! 





Lovely review and glad to hear you were all allowed to wait indoors at the Stage Door, with temperatures dipping to freezing point and below tonight! Lovely photos from everyone at tonight's show, yours included @lady emily.

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7 hours ago, lady emily said:

I was there tonight, what an absolutely gut-wrenching performance. Alex and Frankie's chemistry is incredible and you can tell they trust each other so much. It is a crime that we will never have a full-length recording of their partnership. I didn't see her Manon with Sambé but I heard several people in the audience talking and saying that she was far more expressive with Alex. I always love his dancing, but it was his incredible acting that was especially showcased tonight. 


I completely agree with you @lady emily, I loved their performance last night and imagine that their dancing on 8 March will take it to yet another level. I did see Frankie’s performance with Marci Sambe which was terrific but I felt there was so much more chemistry and detail last night. Alex is an amazing dance actor. I was lucky enough to obtain an orchestra stall return so had a lovely view and joined the standing ovation at the end reserving my loudest cheers for Alex. How lovely that both of them were happy to chat at the stage door after such strenuous, emotionally draining performances.

I’m so very sad I won’t be able to see Alex dance again but am very grateful for the performances I have been privileged to see during his career. At the moment I can’t get to London on 8 March but am considering moving mountains if a ticket were to become available. 🤔

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I know it's not Manon and I also know the quality isn't exactly great, but here are Laura Morera and Alexander on the occasion of his Oberon début in June 2017.20170605_203048.thumb.jpg.5e101ee4fc5bbdc7bb749b61d978992e.jpg

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1 hour ago, Sophoife said:

I know it's not Manon and I also know the quality isn't exactly great, but here are Laura Morera and Alexander on the occasion of his Oberon début in June 2017.20170605_203048.thumb.jpg.5e101ee4fc5bbdc7bb749b61d978992e.jpg


Thank you for posting this, I was so looking forward to seeing him dance this role this season. If only he could have at least held out until June! 

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1 hour ago, Fonty said:

Am I allowed to mention that Mr Campbell is also rather gorgeous looking?  


It was rather daunting standing next to him at the stage door! And charming and funny. Claire Calvert is an exceptionally lucky woman! 

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1 hour ago, Sophoife said:

I know it's not Manon and I also know the quality isn't exactly great, but here are Laura Morera and Alexander on the occasion of his Oberon début in June 2017.20170605_203048.thumb.jpg.5e101ee4fc5bbdc7bb749b61d978992e.jpg

That was such a fun performance, Sophoife! He and Morera really captured the mercurial quality of Titania and Oberon. Sometimes dancers can be too focused on the technique (which is if course important- it wouldn't do to drop your partner or go splat on a jump: they're Fairies after all) and end up making them look more like humans. Campbell and Morera reminded us that they were Kkng and Queen but also Fairy beings and not people.


Such a pity that The Dream has been out of the repertoire so long for the last 6 years apart from the pas de deux and a variation on the Covid lockdown streaming. Meanwhile we have had Corybantic Games and Dante Project twice (twice!!) in 6 years - which both bombed at the Box Office severely on their repeat outings.


Love Wheeldon and McGregor's talents but those were not their best works and not even a patch on The Dream. Nor Fille (Campbell= such a wonderful Colas. Always wanted to see him and Lamb in Fille. or him and Hayward in Fille. Preferably both!) Oh well....

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18 minutes ago, lady emily said:


It was rather daunting standing next to him at the stage door! And charming and funny. Claire Calvert is an exceptionally lucky woman! 


Agreed! But to be fair, I think the luck is pretty mutual. :)


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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, lady emily said:


It was rather daunting standing next to him at the stage door! And charming and funny. Claire Calvert is an exceptionally lucky woman! 

Just recalled this memory out of the blue- i was sitting in the Hamlyn Hall with a friend at one of the performances (can't remember which...could have been Australian Ballet's tour?) shortly before the Campbells' daughter was born. Claire was glowing and beautiful in a casual dress,  Alex looking sharp in a smart casual blazer, shirt and trousers. They were chatting to people, Calvert looking relaxed and happy,  Campbell being his usual cheery, friendly self. I did consider popping over to say hello and to compliment them etc etc, but didn't want to "abandon" my friend.  


As they turned to go back towards the auditorium, I saw Alex putting his arm round Claire's back and giving her the other arm in case she wanted to hold/lean on it (she was pregnant after all) - not in an over protective way but in a gentlemanly way (like one of his Prince characters in a ballet!) and so sweetly chivalrous to his wife. I've seen a lot of dancer couples  out together but never seen that, which was both rather "like a real life ballet" and so adorable.


I hope we see more of both of them, perhaps in projects together - hopefully Alex will do more ballets or other productions and events through his production company. 

Edited by Emeralds
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31 minutes ago, Emeralds said:

That was such a fun performance, Sophoife! He and Morera really captured the mercurial quality of Titania and Oberon. Sometimes dancers can be too focused on the technique (which is if course important- it wouldn't do to drop your partner or go splat on a jump: they're Fairies after all) and end up making them look more like humans. Campbell and Morera reminded us that they were Kkng and Queen but also Fairy beings and not people.


Such a pity that The Dream has been out of the repertoire so long for the last 6 years apart from the pas de deux and a variation on the Covid lockdown streaming. Meanwhile we have had Corybantic Games and Dante Project twice (twice!!) in 6 years - which both bombed at the Box Office severely on their repeat outings.


Love Wheeldon and McGregor's talents but those were not their best works and not even a patch on The Dream. Nor Fille (Campbell= such a wonderful Colas. Always wanted to see him and Lamb in Fille. or him and Hayward in Fille. Preferably both!) Oh well....

I long to see a full version of Ashton's Dream - a gap in my viewing repertoire.  Francesca Hayward and Will Bracewell danced a pdd from it at the Ballet Icons gala last year and were enchanting - I thought they stole the show.

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5 minutes ago, Missfrankiecat said:

I long to see a full version of Ashton's Dream

Hopefully your dream (pun unintended!) will come true during 7-22 June as The Dream will be in both Ashton programmes at ROH, @Missfrankiecat. Booking opens 27 March (earlier if you're in Young ROH/ Friends/etc) but expect long online queues.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Richard LH said:

With the recent departures of Edward Watson and Federico Bonelli, and now Alexander Campbell, I am thinking the RB has now lost three outstanding actor/dancers in short succession.....😕

I live in hope that Campbell might do an   Alina Cojocaru or Jonathan Cope and return to the stage to dance, perhaps part time with another company, since he's still young and dancing so well, or perhaps do guesting.  😀 I'll be interested to hear what he says in his departing speech on Friday (hope he/someone will record it and post it on FB/Instagram/here)! 

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32 minutes ago, Emeralds said:

I live in hope that Campbell might do an   Alina Cojocaru or Jonathan Cope and return to the stage to dance, perhaps part time with another company, since he's still young and dancing so well, or perhaps do guesting.  😀 I'll be interested to hear what he says in his departing speech on Friday (hope he/someone will record it and post it on FB/Instagram/here)! 

I will absolutely record it!

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