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Taking Ballet Exams as an adult


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I find it really odd that anyone wouldn’t want corrections….??? It’s a ‘lesson’ afterall so whole point is to learn! Imagine saying to a driving instructor that you don’t want any corrections….🤔 🚗💥


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7 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

I find it really odd that anyone wouldn’t want corrections….??? It’s a ‘lesson’ afterall so whole point is to learn! Imagine saying to a driving instructor that you don’t want any corrections….🤔 🚗💥


Yeah I don't get it either.  But the teacher said apparently some people prefer just to do the class and enjoy it.  Personally I want to improve and try and get better and as long as the teacher isn't being horrible or telling me to do things that aren't physically possible I'd like to know what to work on.  That's what I'm paying for.  


I mean it's different when I do zumba because technique is less important than jumping around and working up a sweat.  But for ballet I would always want correction.  

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Hmm…. Actually I’ve heard that often it’s people who do things like Zumba who indeed struggle with the idea of corrections & being taught…. But to me, any class be if ballet or Zumba should offer an element of correction & teaching to ensure participants stay safe & avoid injury etc & to get better! Unless of course the class members are already perfect - ha ha! I think it can be a sign of a lazy/bored teacher or gym/school & ‘students’ whatever the age or ability deserve proper engagement & teaching!! 

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21 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

Hmm…. Actually I’ve heard that often it’s people who do things like Zumba who indeed struggle with the idea of corrections & being taught…. But to me, any class be if ballet or Zumba should offer an element of correction & teaching to ensure participants stay safe & avoid injury etc & to get better! Unless of course the class members are already perfect - ha ha! I think it can be a sign of a lazy/bored teacher or gym/school & ‘students’ whatever the age or ability deserve proper engagement & teaching!! 


Yes I think zumba should have some correction but where you get it it's a bit less detailed or exacting.  In zumba you're told to do the moves and the teacher demonstrates them but as long as you broadly get them right they don't go around and correct you on exactly where to put your arms or precise positioning.  If you turn the wrong way or aren't getting the footwork right they won't really stop or do anything about it.  It's pretty much follow along exercise.  I enjoy it but I don't do it for anything beyond the fun of moving to music and cutting loose.  


For the other dance forms I do (tango, bellydance etc) I get corrections. They can vary (I mean in tango they are a lot more physical as the teacher usually dances with you to correct you or comes along and pokes you if you're not standing right).  

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18 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

But to me, any class be if ballet or Zumba should offer an element of correction & teaching to ensure participants stay safe & avoid injury etc & to get better! Unless of course the class members are already perfect - ha ha! I think it can be a sign of a lazy/bored teacher or gym/school & ‘students’ whatever the age or ability deserve proper engagement & teaching!! 


I've recently taken up Tai Chi after a gap of 30 years so am basically a complete beginner again.  I agree with what you say Peanut that it is essential to take correction if not taking it means you get injured.  Our Tai Chi teacher is very good at spotting if you are not aligned correctly for example.

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3 hours ago, Peanut68 said:

I find it really odd that anyone wouldn’t want corrections….??? It’s a ‘lesson’ afterall so whole point is to learn! Imagine saying to a driving instructor that you don’t want any corrections….🤔 🚗💥



This reminds me of when I'd been talking about this and asked my dad if he had a favourite correction from his brass band's musical director and he said...not really, and then my girlfriend jumped in and said "but how do you get better?"

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2 hours ago, Tango Dancer said:

In zumba you're told to do the moves and the teacher demonstrates them but as long as you broadly get them right they don't go around and correct you on exactly where to put your arms or precise positioning.  If you turn the wrong way or aren't getting the footwork right they won't really stop or do anything about it.  It's pretty much follow along exercise.  I enjoy it but I don't do it for anything beyond the fun of moving to music and cutting loose.

And therein lies why I have never dared try a Zumba class….me & my uncool hips would be a nightmare for others in class!!😆

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Those mixed open recreational adult classes are a problem for teachers: they’re a mix of keep fitters or ballet romantics who don’t want corrections and will take it personally if they get any and students who want to improve and will get frustrated if they don’t get corrections, it’s very hard to cater to both, and they need both to make the class profitable for them. 

I think some teachers also have difficulty understanding that adult students exist. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I find it’s best to tell teachers you’d like corrections and that you are doing curriculum classes or whatever as well. If they don’t take that hint, find another class (or use the class to work on what you need to work on - two of my classes are a bit like that, with little correction: the general level one I use to push fitness and the beginner/improver I modify exercises as I need - doing stuff on demi-pointe for instance. (If the teacher won’t correct and complains about you pushing yourself within the exercises definitely find another class!))

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28 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

That’s very well put Colman - (found I couldn’t ‘like’ or ‘thank’ on the post…)

I’m kept in a little box by the mods and only let out in “Doing Dance”, excluded from likes or liking (so don’t take offence when I fail to star posts), less I disrupt less robust forums when they discuss politics. 

(The box is reasonably well padded, thankfully, and I can see out the slot in the lid.)

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Too funny…. But guess we have to respect the decisions made by mods whom I greatly respect for giving their time to this forum which in the greatest part is a fantastic source of info, debate & fun!

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14 hours ago, Colman said:

Those mixed open recreational adult classes are a problem for teachers: they’re a mix of keep fitters or ballet romantics who don’t want corrections and will take it personally if they get any and students who want to improve and will get frustrated if they don’t get corrections, it’s very hard to cater to both, and they need both to make the class profitable for them. 

I think some teachers also have difficulty understanding that adult students exist. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I find it’s best to tell teachers you’d like corrections and that you are doing curriculum classes or whatever as well. If they don’t take that hint, find another class (or use the class to work on what you need to work on - two of my classes are a bit like that, with little correction: the general level one I use to push fitness and the beginner/improver I modify exercises as I need - doing stuff on demi-pointe for instance. (If the teacher won’t correct and complains about you pushing yourself within the exercises definitely find another class!))

Agree 100% with this. I don’t feel brave enough to tell the teacher I want corrections though. I just accept however the class unfolds. I really wish I had local options other than such recreational open classes or paying for private lessons - I just want something in between - a regular 3 x a week adult syllabus class without having an hour plus commute either way.

I went to RAD HQ once a week for the summer term last year coming up to my int found exam and it totally exhausted me - it was a 2 hour trip each way. I have ditched my 2 local recreational open classes so am just left with 1 x grade 6 class and 1 x Chelmsford ballet beginners class every week. I feel like I need to find 1-2 more classes a week ASAP. Am considering going back to Hannah Frosts class at Pineapple online and also maybe Ballet with Isabella online - does anyone have any experience of BWI? 

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6 hours ago, Fiz said:

What about Harlow Ballet, Angela? They used to do adult ballet classes. 

Yes I used to go there and am thinking of going back there as I work in Harlow and the teachers were amazing. It’s just the class time for Adult ballet on Tuesday clashes with kids dinner time and so I could only go once a fortnight when the kids were at their dads. Plus some of the class - a lot of the centre - was above my level so it was difficult to learn the steps as it was quite fast paced. I really struggle to pick up combinations and I forget them almost as soon as the teacher has explained them especially if they are difficult so Harlow was hard going for me. I think if I’d of been going only there multiple times a week I may have got to learn the combinations. Maybe the answer is to go there, make the time work every week and go to more than one of their classes a week. Could be a plan thank you @Fiz 😊

Edited by Angela Essex
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There seems to be very little news in general on exam results for the Spring 2024 session compared to last year for example. I’ve just sat my first vocational exam and I seem to switch between being terrified I’ve failed to being confident I’ve managed to scrape a merit about 5 times a day haha 🤣

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2 minutes ago, Angela Essex said:

What exam did you sit @EverHopeful

I sat RAD Intermediate Foundation a few weeks ago. I’m so happy I did it, but it was much more difficult than the grades. Probably because I like to put too much pressure on myself haha. I secretly hope I’ve achieved a Merit, but my official line is that even a Pass will be an achievement for me 🤞🏻

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Ooh how exciting @EverHopeful A massive well done!! I can identify - that exam nearly killed me. And yes the wait for the results is just excruciating isn’t it. I’ll wager you’ve done better than you thought. I still have PTSD from Allegro 2 😂 keeping my fingers crossed for you. Was it an in person exam or video? 

Edited by Angela Essex
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1 minute ago, Angela Essex said:

Ooh how exciting @EverHopeful I can identify - that exam nearly killed me. And yes the wait for the results is just excruciating isn’t it. I’ll wager you’ve done better than you thought. I still have PTSD from Allegro 2 😂 keeping my fingers crossed for you. Was it an in person exam or video? 

It was in person. 
Allegro 2 is the bane of my life in every grade! I’m not much into jumping at the moment! 
but I must say I prefer grand allegro to petit allegro since I can at least travel to compensate for my lack of elevation! 

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3 minutes ago, EverHopeful said:

It was in person. 
Allegro 2 is the bane of my life in every grade! I’m not much into jumping at the moment! 
but I must say I prefer grand allegro to petit allegro since I can at least travel to compensate for my lack of elevation! 

Well huge congratulations for sitting it. It’s a hard exam and I think any adult sitting vocational exams deserves a medal (especially if over 40 😂). So many gruelling parts in the IF exam and then pointe to totally finish you off - I remember it well. Only exercise I fully enjoyed 100% was port de bras. All the others were just about hard graft, performance and effort. 

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Discovering Rep 2 class unit coming up soon, which is fun because I've been injured for a while and now have a couple of weeks to get my stupid feet pointed under me again in petit allegro and that many times damned allegro 3. 

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That is impressive - Good luck @Colman I can relate - petit allegro (well actually any allegro pretty much except maybe just the sautés) is my nemesis. Also hope your injury heals fast 😊

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14 hours ago, EverHopeful said:

I’ve just found out that I got a High Merit! I genuinely can’t believe it. Crying my eyes out. I’m so so happy. 

Congratulations, massive achievement - well done! I'm still waiting to do my IF as we are just polishing it up. Pointe work has been very challenging recently as my shoes are dead and are literally throwing me off backwards! Fitting for a new pair tomorrow though so hopefully back on track after that. We've actually started doing the Intermediate syllabus as my teacher said it will help to make us much stronger and deliver the IF exam better.

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16 hours ago, EverHopeful said:

I’ve just found out that I got a High Merit! I genuinely can’t believe it. Crying my eyes out. I’m so so happy. 


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Well done Everhopeful that’s great news …out with the champagne ( or Prosecco as would be here  lol) 


You made me laugh up thread when you said you continually alternated between thinking you’d failed one minute to might just get a Merit the next!! That’s so what happens when you take any sort of exam! 
Anyway you’ve done better than you expected so that looks like some hard work rewarded! 

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22 hours ago, EverHopeful said:

I’ve just found out that I got a High Merit! I genuinely can’t believe it. Crying my eyes out. I’m so so happy. 

Yayyyy! Congratulations what a fabulous achievement well done you 🙌

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  • 1 month later...

RAD Discovering Rep level 2 class unit exam done this afternoon. Went ok, apart from the allegro, which was meh - a combination of injuries meant I wasn’t properly prepared. 

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19 minutes ago, TYR said:

Well, congratulations anyway!

It is what is, I’ll have passed and I can spend the next few months working on regaining strength and flexibility and do the interesting variation unit next year. (The class unit is sort of weird.)


We’re doing this for “fun” among all the other chaos of adult life. Sometimes that means prep is suboptimal.


Partnering workshop with McRae and Lamb to look forward to this weekend, so onwards …

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