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Everything posted by munchkin16

  1. Carlos Acosta's Classical selection because I don't remember smiling that much at anything else!
  2. I'm looking for a ballet teacher in the Surrey/Hampshire area to do a semi regular private lesson with me on a Monday or Tuesday any time during the day. I'm a 20 year old adult, 4 years of ballet but had some time off. Desperate to get back into it and I can't find a regular class on the days I'm not working. Thanks!
  3. Now you mention that it makes sense. Also I sort of feel like maybe Hayward was careful not to overdo the facial expressions on Wednesday, knowing they would look silly on the close ups for the cinema? She did it beautifully but thinking about it surely they must be too subtle for the general performance trying to reach the amphi?
  4. The battle scene does feel very staged and not really scary at all... The fighting wasn't really all that well fighty between the nutcracker and the mouse king, especially on the cinema screen they were very clearly not aiming at each other..
  5. Well seeing ENB Nutcracker was actually my first choice but the cinema screening was more accessible this time round. I am definitely looking forward to seeing Le Corsaire in January though. To me ENB seems the more vibrant, exciting company at the moment, I can't wait to see their dancers, especially the up and coming males. The only thing stopping me seeing them earlier was the fact they were on tour and not in London. The fact that I prefer the London Collesium, tickets are cheaper and easier to get hold of are bonuses!
  6. I'll take the job! I know more about ballet than the guy they keep using! Probably more interested in it too I have to agree I think Gary Avis or almost any of the male dancers would make a better presenter, it doesn't make sense to use someone with no knowledge of ballet?!
  7. Somehow got the one and only returned ticket at our cinema for a sold out performance so rushed off at 7! It was rather fabulous, Hayward was stunning and I really enjoyed the whole thing. The lady next to me was very chatty in the interval and asked me at the end whether the SPF was Russian. I explained that no infact Lauren Cuthbertson was indeed English and trained in England too. She seemed very surprised but happy!
  8. Out of interest I notice they have a gluten free menu and a dairy free menu. I am intollerant to both so whilst the ROH tea would be completely useless does anyone know anywhere that would do an afternoon tea to cater for gluten AND dairy intollerance?
  9. The only bit of it I really didn't like was Carmen. Not because the dancers didn't do their best but really the piece was pretty awful and completely put me off bothering to watch any more if it. Everything else was fabulous although I later realised why I recognised so many of the pieces, they were in his 2013 selection! Diana and Acteon was absolutely stunning though, pretty sure I laughed in shock and was grinning throughout. Very impressive!
  10. I'm so sorry this happened to you that sounds awful! I dealt with a girl like that and unfortunately they are too sly to be caught and way too convincing liars that no one wants to believe you. I'm glad you got away and your daughter is happier now
  11. I have been on the recieving end of this many times as a child and adult. Don't bother with the parent as honestly kids learn the behaviour or that they can lie and get away with such acts from them. Just politely try and distance the two girls and try not to get caught up in her behaviour. If she comes back and tries to be friendly again just be wary and don't get sucked in, the act can be very convincing Definitely talk to the teacher though, you wouldn't tolerate the same thing at academic school!
  12. The costume wasn't the best but I certainly disagree about how she danced it, she was stunning!
  13. Haven't go time to do a proper review but anyone who hasn't got tickets, get them! It was fabulous!
  14. And I have no idea how early yet, they will tell me tomorrow but I could be due there at 6:30am and it's the kind of thing were being an hour early might be useful! The YHA looks great for another time if there aren't sold out
  15. Thanks everyone, I've found an airbnb place. Bit more expensive than my original budget but I get a private room. If the job wasn't so awkward I would have checked out those dorm rooms but I didn't want to risk it this time. Also airbnb wasn't that much more expensive than some of those dorm rooms. Definitely recommend having a look to anyone who paid £100 for a travelodge, there were some nice places on there!
  16. I don't think the laces are to support to ankle like ribbons would, they just go up the front creating (I assume) a higher and stronger vamp to ensure a flexible foot does not go over too far. From the description it looks like they have elastic to keep them on the foot. Dare I say it they look like a pointe shoe aimed to appeal to men or a more modern dancer. If your teacher is looking for more support from the front of the sho, which is the only reason I can assume one would choose these for that reason, try a longer vamp or vamp elastic.
  17. Looked at YHA and they are all sold out! I'd normally be fine with a dorm room but I sort of need my sleep and I'm not sure a dorm will be the best for that. Thanks for the tube tip that's why I thought I'd check, always good to know the fastest way!
  18. Are any tube lines or buses not running this weekend?! I might have found somewhere near Archway tube station?
  19. I'm looking on airbnb. I don't need to be in the centre I was just looking for somewhere that's commutable easily from. I don't know which areas are on a good tube line to there?
  20. I forgot to mention I don't mind staying outside that area if there's an easy tube I can get there
  21. I need to find a place to stay in London from Friday to Sunday night. It needs to be accessible to near Buckingham Palace possibly for very early morning starts. Please could some of the London dwellers help me out with a recommendation of where to stay or which areas to look in? I have no clue where to start! My budget is probably around £100 for the 3 nights but preferably less. I know it's last minute but unfortunately the job is too! Thank you!
  22. There's a way of wrapping a theraband around the toes that stretches in a similar way to the foot stretcher thing but that requires no scary piece of equipment and (I think) is safer on the foot.
  23. Dance societies definitely and I know a lot do put on at least an annual show although these may be more commercial/contemporary dance based than ballet. I know of a couple of unis that also have ballet societies but I'm not sure whether they do shows. I think they tend to just run classes and obviously the level and standard of these can vary. Some are just run by students so not necessarily professional teachers involved. It varies a lot depending on the university I think.
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