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Everything posted by munchkin16

  1. Thank you for taking the time to read it! I'm still figuring out what I want to do as a career so I thought I'd try out a blog, especially as I'm interested marketing. Without a degree though, I have no idea where to start on the job hunt! I'm honestly just hoping my recipes might be helpful for someone, although intolerant or not my chocolate cake was loved by a group of fussy 18 year olds! I'd love more feedback if anyone would be kind enough to take a look or even share with someone who it might help?
  2. I know this isn't dance related but I'm sure health wise it might be helpful to some dancers. I'm gluten and dairy intollerant and have started a blog talking about products, tips and written some of my own recipes. I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to have a look and maybe share it with anyone who it might help? The recipes are hopefully tasty enough to appeal to anyone who is just health conscious (dancers!) too. https://livingfreefromblog.wordpress.com/ Thank you for reading and I'd love to hear some feedback too.
  3. I'm sure it's not designed to replace the old system, certainly not for a long while yet. I can imagine it would be useful for those wishing to purchase last minute tickets such as tourists or those visiting London for a few days. It would be possible to buy and gain your tickets without needing to visit the box office or have access to a printer. Much quicker and more appealing to those in a hurry or who haven't planned well. It's good they are catching up with a system that's used by a lot of places as an alternative to paper tickets.
  4. You can also steam or tack a tutu to get it flatter/tamer but you'd probably want instructions from someone a bit more expert on the matter for that. Probably best to try a larger size first and if it's still fluffy try flattening it then.
  5. One question, I see some reviews are about but they seem to have been missing the 5th star... Maybe I was blind but last night's performance was incredible. What does one have to do to get 5 stars?!?!
  6. Yes so maybe tuck the bodice bit down so it's not in the way, so fold it into the hole in the centre. Then push the net down to make it look like the picture and place heavy books to make each bit stay. Did that make sense at all?? Leave it for a bit then see it looks any less like a nest on
  7. It's pretty! Maybe try laying it out flat overnight with some heavy books round the edge? I'm not a tutu expert but that might at least tame it enough it see if it's a fit issue or just that it was packaged funny and needs time to settle (which I think a lot of tutus can do.) Either way good luck taming!
  8. It may or may not cause her problems in the short or long term. It definitely won't, however, cause any harm at all to wait, even if she is aiming for a career.
  9. If it's from a catalogue do you have a link to the tutu you brought? Might help us see what you are trying to deal with?!
  10. More than enough time I would have thought, it's less of a maze than the opera house where I'm pretty sure I've got lost down some corridor before because they all look the same...
  11. I agree they gave absolutely beautiful performances too. I think perhaps for me, the reason the men stood out so strongly was because of two things. Firstly I haven't seen a ballet with such strong leading male characters in. Secondly because I haven't seen such a group of talented male dancers all together in one place. Even the men in the corps looked very strong but so together at the same time. They were all incredible and stood out to me for different reasons but I am so glad I got to see it.
  12. Anyone who hasn't got tickets. Get them! It was exciting, beautiful and a stunning performance. Some seriously talented dancers, especially the males and some gourgous dancing from Rojo and Summerscales. Cesar Corrales is absolutely incredible and the corps were beautiful, in sync and just lovely to watch. This is not one you want to miss, truly this company is exciting.
  13. I'm very guilty of walking like that downstairs all the time...
  14. Not recommending these at all but I came across this on Instagram, they are slightly cheaper: http://www.knk-miami.com/shop/original-archstretch If you want a free way to stretch you feet sticking them under the gap under the sofa works simarlarly to the arch stretch things. Although the safest method is just using a theraband wrapped around the toes
  15. That's why if you are looking for a protein powder that is more natural for under 16 the hemp Pulsin one is the best alternative. Doesn't taste as good but it's better for you
  16. If you want a blender the Breville blendactive is really good and I used it all the time at uni
  17. Precisely. I haven't seen the programme but no matter whether I think she was excellent or not, she has the name and that is enough to draw newcomers in. After that there is so much to learn and I think that if Darcy is making ballet accessible and educating a different audience who would otherwise never even consider watching it must be a good thing?
  18. The first step would be to check she's eating properly, I know it's hard to find time to cook but the best natural source of protein is food and fish is a very good thing to try and get into your diet.
  19. Pulsin hemp protein. Was recommended by the nutritionist but it might be worth seeing one specifically yourself. I added the flaxseeds as they are a good source of fats and you can also sneak in things like avocado too which would be excellent. If she's getting tired check she's eating enough protein, my go to snack is always something protein based as I used to suffer from lack of energy. The Nakd bars are a good quick boost, so are the Trek bars.
  20. Hemp protein powder is the best and most complete one that is entirely natural. It was recommended to me by my nutritionist. It doesn't taste too great but you get used to it and it's fine mixed in a smoothie. I do a mix of a handful of kale or spinach (or both), a banana, frozen summer fruits, a few teaspoons of flaxseeds and then the suggested serving of protein powder. Blend with a little water or juice. Looks interesting but tastes nice
  21. For film they have these rather fabulous giant light boxes they stick on cranes so the light shines over the scene or through a window. It's possible they used one or more of these? I've been inside a house with them shining through the windows and genuinely couldn't believe it had got dark when I looked outside. It felt like early afternoon still! It's possible they had these for the advert so the cameras pick up enough light to give the illusion of daytime even though it's midnight. Very disconcerting though!
  22. Capezio used to have big paper bags that were red and had Capezio written on the side. Not sure if they still do as I haven't brought anything from there in a while. I liked the old style Bloch bags, they were useful, haven't seen the new ones.
  23. Yes the children were older, definitely no babies! Although you are right, I had some awful 10 year olds who had a pillow fight and decided to spend the evening insulting me and refusing to go to bed!
  24. I babysat on my 14th birthday... It was only over the road and we did know the neighbours but I know I wouldn't want to leave any of my future children with a 14 year old! I have had people be a bit funny with me even at 19 years old because when I turned up I looked so much younger. If you have a local pub or cafe/restaurant you could ask in there and see if they need a pot washer, not a glamorous job but it's better than nothing and could lead to an upgrade when she's old enough to waitress (then you get tips too!)
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