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Lara Eschler

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Everything posted by Lara Eschler

  1. @Raquellethe deadline is the 17th of November, there will not be a preset video to watch so it is up to us to put the exercises combinations together ans the music on top of filming it. I think I will even struggle uploading it assuming I manage to video it. What program do you recommend for the upload?
  2. Hi, is anyone else as worried as I am about putting together the video audition?
  3. Good morning everyone, I was wondering if anyone else was doing CBA at Tring with London JAs and now has a scheduling conflict with JAs being on Sunday. many thanks in advance
  4. Hi @BalletBoyMumma my ds also does Tring CBA and Kickstart on Sundays. :( What a shame! My ds was first year JA in year 5, we were so looking forward to an amazing year including intensives etc. Now it looks like next year will be disrupted as well.
  5. My DS (10) had a place at both the Easter and Summer intensives. Now according to the website the minimum level is grade 5, as he is still in grade 3, he does not even have the option to join. This is very frustrating. The masterclass was mentioned in an email for children who had a place in the Summer course but haven't heard anything more specific.
  6. Very sad about RBS Summer intensives and everything else. I think my DS is loosing interest a bit in ballet and experiencing digital fatigue from the various zoom classes. I am also wondering what they will offer instead (including the masterclass they mentioned).
  7. Hi @BalletBoyMumma, it starts at 9:30 but they prefer to have the boys at 9am and some people get there at 8:30-8:45. They get out at 11:45. Looking forward to seeing you there and hopefully all will be back to normal by then 😀
  8. Happy Mothering Sunday to all the ballet mums on here!!!
  9. RBS has now cancelled all associates in all locations until further notice. Local ballet school has not communicated at all but is open as far as I am aware.
  10. Hi, is anyone doing Easter Intensive at Pineapples? I am concerned it won’t go ahead with the COVID-19 situation and they mentioned they would not offer refunds?
  11. Spring Intensive at White Lodge was cancelled earlier this week and JAs classes in London until April. 😭😷
  12. @Pups_mum, my ds also just had a school trip to France cancelled (was looking forward to it since he joined the school) and sports fixtures. We are lucky to be healthy, I just can’t believe how bad the situation is and how much worse it will get. Also, his local ballet situation is not great so he could have really used the training from an intensive course and all 32 JA sessions.
  13. Hi, are JA classes cancelled just in London? Sad news today with Spring Intensive being cancelled and some JA classes. 😭😢😭
  14. They refunded the t-shirt money too. Makes me feel sad, memories that won’t be made.
  15. There was a general email asking to report whether we had travelled to certain areas and to self isolate if so.
  16. I got the email too now about the 21st and 28th being cancelled😢 We couldn’t do a chance today as it clashed with Spring intensive which is now cancelled.
  17. Many thanks for the info @Katniss! I haven’t received the email yet as a London JA year 5. DS was also looking forward to a rehearsal for the summer fête on the 16th of April. Preparing for more bad news 😢 now. Thanks again
  18. Sorry What is the AD? Are JAs classes cancelled?
  19. @junedancer I had hoped that They would just exclude people who have travelled from High risk areas or ask them to self isolate. I think they made the right decision but we were so looking forward to it 😭😭😭😭
  20. As I feared Spring Intensives has been cancelled. 😭😭😭😭😭
  21. I feared it would be. Hard to take in the News and having to tell DS later 😭. Their communication has been exemplary and they took action immediately from February asking people to self-isolate. I am even more in awe of this school and feel sad we might not get another chance to attend. Hope Summer is still on.
  22. I am worried Spring Intensive will be cancelled due to Covid19. DS would be devastated. If there are students coming from abroad though they might be cancellations @Ballerina’sMom.
  23. There is an all girls class (I think y5 and 6) after the all boys class taught by the same teacher.
  24. @BalletBoyMumma yes, he is in JA4 year 5 and year 6 boys. Would like to stay in same class for year 6
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