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Everything posted by alison

  1. Just hoping her Romeo for the Southampton run doesn't change! I've done some recalculating, and reckon I should be able to stay for most of the performance and still get home with at most a minimal cab fare.
  2. I'm not sure, although I imagine so. I was in a hurry, or I'd have said that SE were running into Cannon Street, which I presume means they'll stop at London Bridge.
  3. No Southeastern trains into Waterloo East/Charing Cross this weekend. If you're coming in for the RB matinee, bear in mind that it's a very early start, too!
  4. As I've said before, I wish they'd do a photo-free version as well. Photos take up too much space and cause unnecessary scrolling. OTOH, if you *are* keen to see dancers who are black, I suppose it's a help
  5. Can't say Dansomanie is doing a lot for my French, though. Perhaps I should frequent it more ...
  6. So, Janet, what - apart from its intimacy - is the difference between the WYP and normal theatres?
  7. Ah, I now see they've sent a second copy of the email
  8. How very weird. Must be Chrome playing up. Or perhaps they've realised there is a problem and redirected the links. Thanks.
  9. Now appears to be working So effectively I could do the whole trip for around ÂŁ25 ... might be worth reconsidering.
  10. Is anyone else who gets the regular emails from Time Out finding that all the links in today's lead to a 404 Error page - in German???!!!
  11. I don't necessarily ask for the seating to be *comfortable* (heaven knows, I have to sit in the balcony at the London Coliseum often enough), but I *do* need legroom as my leg doesn't bend too well. I don't know why it is that so many theatre designers think many people are amputated at the knee, but they must have gone to the same school as many bus designers (don't start me on why the designated disabled seating so frequently has absolutely minimal legroom ...). That's why I like the New Victoria in Woking, for example (and I think Wycombe Swan is the same?).
  12. Two years?! Gulp. My apologies. I must have been getting my graduation performances mixed up. I was thinking Polunin had been dancing Le Corsaire in the same performance where the RBS were doing The Dream and Vadim had been No. 1 cast but was injured. Edit: aileen's simultaneously-posted post may explain why I was confused. Thank you, aileen.
  13. I wondered this as well. I seem to remember the Bolshoi were after him, but Wayne Eagling managed to persuade him to join ENB, promising him leading roles from very early on. He graduated the same year as Sergei Polunin, I think - perhaps taking both of them might have been an embarras de richesses?
  14. Only within 30 minutes of posting, I'm afraid, Jamdancer. That's why we always advise reading the post back after you've hit "Post" (although I'm not sure you can from a phone, can you?)
  15. Yes, I wouldn't go and see the Siberian Lake again, either. Other productions have been reasonably all right, though (provided you don't mind having a vision-scene- and windmill-free Don Q).
  16. I don't think anywhere is: I can say from personal experience that Victoria isn't, and killing 1/2 an hour at Clapham Junction late at night is absolutely no fun either. I remember trying to eke out a trip to the Sainsbury's to fill a long gap, and it was really difficult. It's not so bad if they actually announce the platform for the train so you can at least sit in it, but they quite often don't do that until 5 minutes before departure time, and of course at CJ they can't do it at all.
  17. I guess that must be a new ballet Welcome to the forum, NorthernAndBallet
  18. A lot of people join the Friends simply so they have a better chance of getting the cheap tickets. Personally, I look at Friends membership purely as the number of performances I would have to sacrifice in order to pay for it.
  19. Keep looking, Petunia. I'm not sure it ever has done. I just click the "Back" button. Must have been invisible ones, then!
  20. After all, based on the original announcement, some people may have returned/passed on their original tickets (not me!). They would be very annoyed if they found out she was dancing after all, after they'd been told she wouldn't be.
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