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Everything posted by Fiz

  1. I am sorry to see this, @Pups_mum I hope it gets better soon. I’ve been checked and I do have osteopenia but my G.P doesn’t want me on those awful drugs yet, thank goodness. I’m taking massive calcium and magnesium pills and eating cheese and milk in the hope it helps. My mother ladled it down me when I was growing up. She’d be upset to know it wasn’t as helpful as it should have been. I think the reason I’m still having problems is because it’s a hinge joint. What a sorry lot we are!
  2. Thank you, Peanut. I don’t think so somehow. Time is not on my side.
  3. I didn’t know about adult classes either, Peanut, and also thought they were only for professionals. Much self kicking here too. Unfortunately without a miracle, I am done with ballet after breaking my knee earlier this year. There are so many caveats by my G.P and the practise nurse that it’s a waste of time and money. I’m no longer allowed to kneel at all. I forgot when our dog was injured and my body reminded me fast! I’m only allowed to do ten minutes class and to work up to a full class over several months. Sigh...
  4. You never know unless you try, Viv. Wishing you all the best with your job and with your ballet journey.
  5. All good wishes for a rapid healing for your poor dd, @Darkbeans!
  6. To my despair, Amazon are selling pointe shoes and I have seen comments like “My five year old loves walking round the house in them”! The sellers say they aren’t for children etc etc but people are taking no notice. Another person and I commented that they weren’t safe unless a teacher approved and I added my polite opinion but Amazon has chosen not to publish it. I despair.
  7. Good gracious! What a ridiculous comment! It’s the 21st century but I suppose it is Russia...
  8. Didn’t Osipova leave the Bolshoi because she was only ever given soubrette roles? Perhaps Swanhilda reminds her of that?
  9. I went onto YouTube to watch some Christopher Lee clips yesterday because it was the anniversary of Bram Stoker’s birthday. Lee was such a good actor.
  10. I saw Miss Osipova in an interview on YouTube last week and her English was really good. I was impressed because I believe she used to dislike speaking it because she felt she didn’t speak it very well. She should be proud of herself for that too.
  11. That’s what I feel about Vadim too. I really wanted to see Raymonda. Ah well! Perhaps we should stop pre booking tickets and then we could afford to go to the Encore screening!
  12. I missed it very sadly as our younger Labrador had a minor operation and wasn’t very happy afterwards so I didn’t want to leave her and wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on the cinema relay. It sounds as though we missed a treat. I knew that would be the case but our dog comes first.
  13. My eldest daughter has recently asked to go back on ADHD medication as she is certain that ADHD is at the bottom of her constant depression. Her G.P. can’t prescribe ADHD medication without a consultant referral and and a diagnosis of adult ADHD. Okay, please refer her. There was a nine month wait. We’re actually lucky that there is a new adult ADHD clinic in Lincolnshire. She finally saw the consultant a fortnight ago. She wanted my daughter off all meds and anything containing caffeine. She can barely function at the moment. Hopefully it will be long before she is back on ADHD medication as the 1995 diagnosis was confirmed. The consultant also says my daughter has a degree of PTSD - from school! I didn’t know until much later how appallingly her so called peers had treated her at a mainstream school because she was on ADHD medication. She never had a proper psychiatric evaluation because “she is clever” - their words. Anyway, all this and Oliver’s tragedy have made her decide that when she finally gets back on ADHD medication she is definitely going to push to go into mental health nursing or counselling. The recent disclosure of how a teenage girl with autism has been treated, also a local suicidal teen and the various stories of young friends or friends with teenagers has convinced me that this country does not have proper mental health care for its patients.
  14. Yes, I remember hunting through the posters looking for the dancers our dds admired at the Royal Opera House shop.
  15. So my friend’s toddler dd had such a wonderful time that she cried when it was time to go home. Another one hooked!
  16. I would love to see their version of “The Great Gatsby”. I know it was very successful and that Jan M loved it. More cinema casts, please!
  17. That “reaction” is supposed to read “re-enactment” but of course Autocorrect always knows best.
  18. Yes, yes, yes! It was so intense that we are still shell shocked from it. Great dancing and characterisation plus a spine chilling reaction of the story. Bravo, Northern Ballet! I echo the hope that more of the company’s work will be shown in the cinema.
  19. There’s one very happy little girl in Croydon today. She’s wanted ballet classes for the past year. Her first lesson is on Friday. She reminds me so much of my youngest dd at her age.
  20. Thank you. I will tell my friend just in case the other one doesn’t work out.
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