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Everything posted by Coated

  1. Hah, my random blind booking means that I now have 3 tickets to see Cojocaru and Guneo. Not quite the spread I was hoping for, but tempted to just keep the tickets and go on a binge.
  2. Hooray to the recovery, and let's hope that it was enough recovery time for the foot. No point cutting it short by a week and jumping in at the deep end by rehearsing for 2 different roles for performances within a week of each other. I'd assume that if she were scheduled for one R&J at La Scala and 2 Manon's a week later with the RB, she'd do the London performances only.
  3. Turns the whole thing into quite a lottery though - you'd have to either not buy for performances in your 'friends' booking at the off chance that you get a SCS in public booking (I didn't see any....), or you end up with tickets you won't need and hope that they return / resell. There is a lot made of how lovely it is to provide student tickets but the fact that they remove low price option from the wider population is happily ignored. If someone wants to donate money to make cheap ticket available to students, why not allocate some seats at lower cost instead of handing over a bunch of of the decent-ish cheaper options? And let's be realistic: how many students actually want to stand? If they are not hardened opera/ballet-nuts already, standing tickets aren't going to persuade most of them that going to the ROH is great fun. Do I sound a bit curmudgeonly? That's because I am after I 'had' (fair enough, I could stay home) to buy a relatively costly seat a few times when no decent cheapos were left in my booking period only to have students standing behind me that can't stand still for 2 minutes, fidget loudly through the entire first act and then don't come back after the interval.
  4. Good for smooth booking, bad for getting SCS or rehearsal tickets. Def a large improvement over 501 errors
  5. For deeply emotional I'd look at Cuthbertson/Bonelli as well.
  6. Let's make that a caravan, shall we? There was something about their interpretation that really grabbed me and Southampton doesn't look that far right now. Personally I feel that the RB shouldn't bother with a new version of Swan Lake. Just invite BRB to bring theirs to Covent Garden every few years...
  7. Most enjoyable triple bill of the year for me. Momoko Hirata was extremely enjoyable to watch, as was the rest of the cast in Themes and Variations. This was the first time I've seen Enigma Variations and it left me with a hum of 'oh, that was rather lovely though I have no idea who was what'. I suspect I might never get that straight. Cesar Morales solo was a particular standout for me and I loved the vast assortment of so many charming moments and lovely tiny hops and skips spread throughout the piece. After the initial 'Fire!' And 'Men in Gorgeous Costumes!' there was a part in the earlier section of The King Dances that seemed a bit overlong to me and I started to wonder what it must have been like to watch the 12 hour original performance that inspired this piece (very long, I presume, and hopefully they were sitting comfortably...). By the time the nightmare section started I was enthralled. I think David Bintley has a great way of choreographing non-human movement and it really evoked the tense atmosphere of night terrors. Not quite sure whether it's an interesting curiosity or a keeper in the long run, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it again tonight. On a personal note: as always when seeing baroque-ish period costume, I wish men still dressed like that. So much more fetching than anything seen on 'modern man'
  8. I sometimes feel promiscuous since I like the Russians and the Royals. All of whom are perfectly capable of performing an utter clanger, followed by something divine. Years ago I probably would have been excited about a world class dancer being flown in for a few performances, but these days company cohesion is much more important to me. ETA: just as a random thought - a current CdB could easily include the offspring of dancers active in the 90's. Not sure a company can be judged based on how they performed 2 decades ago
  9. London's population is ~60% white according to the 2011 census. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_London
  10. Hmm, he better come up with some really good full length ballets then. I don't dislike most the recent crop, but can't say that I have a fervent wish to see them over and over again.
  11. The theatre has 1156 seats, that's a lot more tickets to sell per night than in the Linbury *fingers crossed for the 2-day run* The programme sounds tempting though I'm not convinced that advertising involvement in the play McQueen by one of the choreographers is going to encourage theatre goers to see ballet black.
  12. I'm still trying to gather my thought about Naghdi and Ball's performance today beyond the immediate 'OMG how awesome'. I was also blown away by Luca Acri's Mercutio - the lower half of my jaw literally dropped when he delivered his dazzling solo. Fleet footed, elegant and full of energy.
  13. Due to Janet's extreme enthusiasm about the Delia Mathews / Brandon Lawrence cast, I have now duly acquired an additional Swan Lake for the Sadler's Wells performances. Hopefully I can just waft out of the office around lunchtime for what is now a double Swan Lake day...
  14. Hmm, the matinee offers work out cheaper if you get the 20% Sadlers discount instead...maybe not the best offer they've had...
  15. I had exactly the same thought when I saw them on Friday and would happily watch a whole DonQ with a male Kitri. If Casey Johnsey can't make it, I suspect Leonid Sarafanov would make the most show-off delicious Kitri
  16. I stayed till the end, but also felt the performance never really took off. It got better towards the end, but the music was strangely muted and somewhat dull (how can this awesome score sound dull?) all the way through and put a severe damper on the performance for me. There was some fine dancing, but not enough chemistry for me to get involved in the story. Some days are like that and it's often as much down to your mood as the performance itself. It probably didn't help that I was still buzzing from an intensely vibrant Orphee matinee which probably severely reduced my tolerance for a less than perfect Prokofiev rendering.
  17. It must be horrible for her. I'll miss seeing her on stage, but I hope she takes as much time as needed for decent treatment even if it means she's out for more than one season. Maybe it's time to choreograph an upper body only role for recovering ballerinas
  18. Oops, bad behaviour of a disorganised audience member - namely me. I grabbed my Orphee ticket this morning, checked where I was sitting and merrily turned up at the opera house to sit in 'my' seat. This poor guy shows up shortly before curtains looking for his seat only to find me sitting in it. Confusion ensues, and I get up so we can go find an usher when someone a couple of seats further up told the guy that the next to her seat will remain empty and he can sit there. After that kerfuffle I check my ticket again only to notice that I brought the one for the wrong date. D'oh. Thankfully the guy was happy with the slightly better seat he ended up with and didn't mind too much about inability to figure out the correct date, so I probably won't need to feel eternally guilty. And that's how I ended up in spitting distance to Flórez instead of my more expensive but less awesome actual seat And as a bonus I get to sit there again in a couple of weeks.
  19. Yet another messed up booking day yesterday, and by the time I finally stopped getting error pages and recovered 2 precious ticket in my basket, I could kiss goodbye to any decent standing ticket for the more popular ballets... I'm feeling somewhat grumpy about the extra tickets I ended up with when I couldn't figure out whether my order had gone through or not and hence lost track of which performances I'm likely to see. It would be interesting to know what is being held back for phone booking. ETA: one of things that annoys me most about the ROH website is that you can't even quickly check what tickets you have. Instead you get 'upcoming events' spread out over several pages to show every single restaurant booking option IF on the rare occasions when it is actually working I just want a quick spreadsheet type list that can be ordered by date or performance and that includes the ticket cost so I know what I have booked and spend without having to wade through ancient emails.
  20. It was a group of people with carers sitting in stalls, and two of them occasionally talked. It can be a bit distracting, but I tend to focus on the fact that it is a special night out that hopefully gives a lot of enjoyment. That woman eating crisps however - don't care how much she enjoyed her crisps, and thankfully she didn't enjoy Bayadere enough to stay for the last act.
  21. Saw the Bayadere tonight and got on much better with that than their Swan Lake. Denis Rodkin is a marvel to behold in the flesh and gets enough to do as Solor, the company gets into the spirit of Bayadere with some delightfully hammy acting (particularly enjoyed the flouncy, cross Brahmin) and I quite liked Gamzatti as well. Kolesnikova's arm were beautiful and I felt she was more suited to Nikiya than O/O. The shades were a bit shady at times and as in Swan Lake, there were no real stand-out dancers. I think it's a shame that the company seems to have focussed on one dancer as their star but doesn't really seem to develop the lower ranks. I'm sure there is some talent there, but some of the variations looked very haphazard.
  22. That kid is hilariously brilliant. (As is McNally - wish she'd get to do a piece for the RB already)
  23. ...almost everyone. There might be some people who have missed your previous Campbell posts.
  24. *sits in a corner and cries* I am going to miss his Rudolph very very much All the very best for the future.
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