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Which broadband?


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Hi all, I wonder if I could pick all your knowledgeable brains please!


We've been with BT for donkeys years, and at the moment I suspect they might be ripping us off  charging us rather a lot for our broadband compared with other providers, so we are thinking of changing.


We don't use sports channels/sky/all that kind of stuff, so we don't need loads of add-ons etc, but I'm finding it hard to decide who would be best and reasonably priced for normal broadband.


All advice/ideas gratefully received - I've been looking online all day, and my brain is now a blur...!



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I started off with BT then Sean nagged me to get Sky TV and their Broadband too which turned out to be a complete waste of money. He never watched the TV and I didn`t need all those channels,and their Broadband connection was just a nightmare. I was forever phoning them up telling them I had no signal. It wasn`t cheap,either. For the last few years I have been with BT and have their Infinity package. The Broadband is always on so is just about perfect. The Infinity includes telephone line rental and free evening calls,provided you remember to hang up after you have been speaking to someone for an hour and re-dial. I am forever on the phone to my sister in Manchester and we talk for hours and I never think of hanging up and re-dialling. My monthly bills are pretty horrendous. Between £80 and £120 a month,every single month. When Sean eventually flies the nest,I think I will do away with it altogether and make do with my pay as you go phone with a tenner on it,and spending an hour in the library on the internet for free. 

Edited by Lisa O`Brien
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We're with Virgin Media and have been for many years because we are on cable.  I've got to say that we have never had any issues with them and they were very helpful at the start of this year when I had to change the account.


I don't know if you can get Virgin Media broadband if you are not on cable services.  

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If you have the luxury of the choice of providers but are generally happy with BT I would phone around some of others and ask what they provide, broadband speed and allowance, call costs and line rental. Once you have the facts phone BT to ask what they can offer you as X company can do this for this cost and Y for this. Pointing out their costs are £x and you will be leaving if they can't give you a better deal. Generally seems to work in our household.

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Thanks all, coincidentally our BT bill arrived this morning! I think I will have to make a list of what is available elsewhere and pricing etc, and then go to BT and ask them what deal they can offer to persuade us to stay with them. We can get Virgin Media here (as the avalanche of junk mail they send to us testifies) and I'm going to ask our neighbours which providers they use as well, and see what they think about reliability in our area etc.


Thanks again. :)

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I might have to see what BT can offer - we've been Virgin customers for years, and while the tv and phone is fine, broadband in our area is blummin rubbish - slow despite being on the top speed, and so unreliable. Their excuse is that they're doing upgrade work but nothing ever improves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with Sky and its brilliant.  Speed is fantastic and finally I am able to watch a film on my Ipad in bed without buffering.  It's not very expensive approx £16 per month and you don't have to have the tv package anymore.  I changed when Virgin media palmed all their customers off to talk talk as I wouldn't really recommend either of those companies.  Never tried BT to be honest, but my parents had a horrific experience with plusnet so couldn't recommend them.


Good luck - the world of internet purchase is a traumatic one - think it also depends where you live as to the signal you get.

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