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Everything posted by Sharon

  1. Catch Matthew Ball performing in his home city. Stalls ticket. £24.75
  2. It's a pity Bejart didn't see it - it might of encouraged him to create something a whole lot more interesting than his Bolero - or 'piggy in the middle' as I think of it. 🙄
  3. I also caught this by chance and I really enjoyed it. While Sleep was at the Teatro Colon I couldn't help but think about Marianela.
  4. Me too. I've just got home from work, sat down in my kitchen with a hot chocolate, eager to read all the reports....and nothing. Oh well will have to wait till this afternoon now when I wake up 😏
  5. I am Gutted I missed this! I have So much respect for David Bintley. I remember him clearly when he danced and I enjoyed all his ballets, some more than others obviously. But all of them were crafted with love and knowledge of his company. There never was such a wonderfully talented touring company like SWRB for both it's dancers and choreographers - I still miss them coming to Liverpool. From seeing that immensely talented young man grow to the David Bintley we see today reminds me that life really is brief, and we should cherish and appreciate those around us who bring us such Joy. I wish a truly happy future to David and I hope we continue to see more of his fantastic ballets.
  6. Yasmine Nagdhi, what can I say? She is a complete artist. She never disappoints. Her debut last night was something I will never forget. Her technique is a given but last night it was her interpretive skills that were further revealed. My God this ballerina can do everything. That final pdd had me crying. Which brings me to Alex Campbell, I have not seen him so engaged, dance so well for a long time. It was a true pdd. (The last time I saw Alex dance like this he was with BRB). I had so wanted to see Bracewell dance with Yasmine but we were not disappointed in the least, he was fantastic. I have not been so happy with a performance of The Two Pigeons since the 80's when SWRB and the divine Nicola Katrak performed it. I also loved Vixen - what a great ballet for the school. The whole cast should be proud. And well done Scarlett. A wonderful night.......
  7. I was able to catch up with all the latest including the final on YouTube yesterday, and I was pleased that two of the dancers that really caught my eye went through to the final. Yu Wakizuka from Japan was just delightful, a big smile on his face throughout the week with a great technique and a huge jump. But my favourite was the Brazilian Gabriel Figueredo. This young dance training at the John Cranko School was wonderful. A huge talent, with a beautiful body, enviable long legs and highly arched feet. His technique was amazing and he revealed an artistry that belied his age. I still can't believe he didn't win, but I know it won't be the last we heard/see this seriously talented young man.
  8. I know we've recently been discussing a tv (ahem) dance programme. But I just want to say how much I enjoy Flirty Dancing on 4. Call me sentimental - I don't mind - but I just love it! The whole idea is great. Last week a gorgeous little dance was choreographed for a young gay couple performed in a museum and I admit I was totally involved in their dance, their connection and hopefully their HEA.
  9. I enjoyed this article in particular his memory of Elena Glurdjidze - she was such a wonderful dancer. Whenever I saw her dance in whatever role you knew you were in the presence of a great dancer. That she became one of Rojo's earliest casualties remains a crying shame. So I thank Luke for remembering her in his goodbye article.
  10. Dancemagazine.com/viengsay-valdes Principal ballerina Viengsay Valdes has been named as the new Deputy Artistic Director of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. 98 year old Alicia Alonso remains Artistic Director.
  11. Do you really think so? I sincerely hope not. David Bintley is a fantastic choreographer - so underrated, when you consider the wonderful ballets he has created since the 80's and compare them with MacGregor's, Wheeldon or Scarlett.....🥴 I'm staying positive, yes there will be changes - but not necessarily all negative and no longer performing Bintley's ballets would be a huge mistake!
  12. Mmmm yes your right, it does appear she is leaving according to her IG.....
  13. Such sad news. A wonderful dancer and as many of you have said she had such a gorgeous quality that you noticed her every time she was on stage. I particularly admired her beautiful port de bras whatever she was dancing her arms where always lovely, never ugly. She will be missed and I wish her well with her future plans.
  14. I remember the first time I saw it with Patricia Ruanne......
  15. And in my mind's eye, no matter how many times hear it, I only ever picture Alina and Ivan dancing this beautiful pdd....
  16. And I also love Alina Cojocaru and Ivan Putrov in this and Dowell too - it's just a perfect cast! It's great to spot all the future principals in smaller roles too like Watson and Morera.
  17. Sorry Alison got the wrong end of the stick 🙄
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