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Everything posted by Peanut68

  1. I believe Malvern Ballet Seminars are holding a course - possibly to be held at same venue as Summer course I’m Uppingham. I think Tring might do courses too? Lots of other providers often offer individually booked masterclasses/themed (eg. Nutcracker) day courses
  2. Ooh….yet another event for my fantasy lottery win ballet world tour!!
  3. I totally agree how early announcements in casting etc can help in ticket purchase decisions…. As can marketing to potential audience members. I’m interested to know if there is a ‘cut off’ from emailing as I used to regularly get emails about ENB productions & events (was once part of the friend/member scheme but ceased that many years ago once living much further from London) but I remained on email lists. However, I think I’ve been dumped by ENB in the last 2 years as not heard a thing direct & rely on this forum for info which then alerts me to look on ENB website…. I am not a hugely regular visitor to London but have visited many ballet events over the last 2 years… ENB have perhaps missed mine & others custom by what I assume is a policy to drop off lists people who perhaps haven’t purchased after a certain length of time. I actually think we are exactly the people to actively court through email marketing!! As I’m intrigued to hear more about advance casting info of Giselle I shall attempt to re-sign up to email lists!!
  4. Can you do this? I had no idea! Tbh, the examiner I had seemed to be spending way too much time looking at his screen as he used the then (were talking about 5 years ago) just introduced iPad system. I actually think he has pretty much ‘judged’ us adults alongside 12 year olds taking RAD intermediate (oh was tragicomedy to look at me alongside teeny perfectly proportioned pre-pubescents!!) as we walked into the room & felt scores didn’t not really reflect our dance ability or exercise execution at all. Yes, still gutted after 5 years!!! Need to get a life…. But would’ve really liked to see any justification behind scores (though in truth I suspect ipad marking was just a box marking system with no personal notes input. I think the good old days of deciphering hand written notes on pieces of paper was much more useful & represented better value for money & kind of proved they the examiner was actually watching & engaging & judging dancers!! iPads - ugh
  5. Seem to recall once buying a shoe called Duval - think it might have been R Duval? - from Just Ballet (sorry - not London!) They were nice but only had the one pair....
  6. I just don’t understand why once they’ve set up a small scale touring company they don’t just pull together a broad countrywide tour with daily dates over several months…. Like the tours of days of old by the likes of Ballet Russe, Pavlova & Sadlers Wells…. If there were more performances I actually think it would promote & increase audiences & demand for ballet long term…
  7. A recognised qualification may also help towards getting working visas or right to residence eg. In countries with a points system such as Australia. Useful where perhaps a dancer chooses country first before job so not relying on sponsorship by one job which would end when that job ends
  8. Oh that’s made me remember about those child trust funds…. Never added any money but still there must be a few £££ my teens are now eligible for… is it from 16 or 18? Must track them down! And yes, expect it could help with sone dance costs! Must say I find it heartening that a school is encouraging participation as in my experience usually it’s just the 1 or 2 golden favoured pupils that are almost secretly selected & pushed to this sort of thing by schools so bravo to NBS in being supportive & proactive! And also in getting great results as think all entrants have to have passed Adv2 with distinction? congrats to all & good luck!
  9. What???? Actually, in many ways I think you are indeed highlighting what some (the current AD especially) see the RB as....but have they actually checked in with those who should be at the crux of decisions about this? We, the audience, the dancer community, the tax payers, corporates & philanthropic individuals who generously fund surely should be consulted on this seemingly change of remit.....is it evolution or revolution I wonder? Frankly, if you read this forum I feel it is rather the latter with KOH leading the charge. I love lots of the more modern ballets (Woolf Works being one..) But frankly i can totally do without the strictly contemporary pieces. I couldn't really give a hoot about showing versatility of genres by the RB...I just want to see sensational versatility within the boundaries of Ballet. I find it often cringe worthy seeing classical dancers do a commendable job of contemporary in a piece of work that would be so much better danced/performed by a pure contemporary dancer/company. You don't get a pure dressage horse doing the odd bit of showjumping or vice versa....Yes, there are Three Day Eventers..the 'all rounders'. Well, I think that's great & probably what many dance companies need to aspire to be (especially non Arts Council funded ones) but can we not have the Royal Ballet be pure to their remit & name to be the top dressage thoroughbred I feel many of us audience members so wish it would be! Juts my humble opinion....
  10. Also consider booking them onto a class or 2 - lots for all ages including children at Pineapple/Danceworks that I’m pretty sure you can do as a one off - I’d have found that pretty exciting to do a class in a new city! RAD HQ is pretty swanky with sone lively historical boards showing firmer presidents /benefactors etc & sone nice portraits on display…. I’m guessing you can just wander in as there’s a nice dance related shop & a cafe too
  11. It’s quite a treat to go to the cafe at Sadlers Wells as you sort of enter same place as for the Stage Door & as you walk up the ramp there are lovely bronzes of dancers to your left. Plus you may see some performers/producers etc walking in & out or in the cafe! Good food reasonably priced too! Also go the The Actors Church in Covent Garden….lots of benches in garden dedicated to performers & plaques inside too…. Including dance related. Often concerts/events there too. https://actorschurch.org/ oh and go to the South Bank! The National Theatre & Queen Elizabeth Centre really inspiring with often events/activities for all ages….and the poetry library was a surprise hit with my then young kids!!! And the ‘singing lift’…. Lots of funny free entertainment going from basement to top floor & back & seeing others reactions! Good street theatre/buskers often in area too!
  12. Thx Never….I’ve never seen So Danca tights for sale… where sells them and what sort of price?
  13. many times I've recommended 'Silky' (range of Dernier from 40, 60, up to 70) & 2 colour pinks (the 'Theatrical Pink' matches some pointe shoes better) plus tan/black etc The 60 & 70 ones last & wash & retain colour really well ( as long as they don't get put in wash with black leotards...always make DD take colour catcher sheets if they are likely to do own laundry to prevent this!) Also liked are the Capezio essential (cheapest ones) if a thinner tight feel/look is wanted. Silky available on Amazon - often from £5-8 a pair so really good value!
  14. I'd recommend booking a hotel now in case you do decide to go - but one you can cancel in case you don't go/change mind/find better rate - as I have found in this area room availability & rates can just change so suddenly so if you find a good price now - secure 'just in case'! It's quite a short course. It got a mid rating from the attendees I know as not that full on & a bit cliquey....we too wanted to use it as a 'test out the school' but TBH I don't really think any short courses ever really do this. At time we booked a few years ago, had expected it to be in the promised 'new shared with ENB company venue' but of course that never happened...will it ever? Remember too though that not many hotels will accept an U18 alone....or are you planning to make it a nice opportunity for a few days in London too? Highly recommend that - ha ha!
  15. Note to self.....remember to join this sort of thing when the kids leave home....as the I might just have time/funds to start visiting all these fab galleries & exhibitions I'd just love to go to! A few more years to go.....
  16. Really would’ve loved to tie a visit to this in with TAB at ROH this weekend but at £27 each just not doable…. Had no idea it could be so pricey to see an individual exhibition in a public ‘free admission’ gallery. I’d expected c.£12-15 a ticket which I would’ve been fine with but over £25 each? Wow!
  17. So pleased you got good tickets! Enjoy that special first mother/daughter ballet visit & I hope it’s a joyful start to many more visits over many decades! I am looking forward to mother/daughter visits this weekend to see The Australian Ballet…. Goodness knows how many trips (over now 2 decades!) she & I have enjoyed together…. Occasionally good seats, often cheap last minute ones when we may not even be sat/stood together…. But always a chance to keep building our ballet bond for life! 🥰
  18. Is there less casting announced currently than is usually the case? I tend to book very much based on who I wish to see in lead roles… I’ve tried unsuccessfully to visit the site to look to see casts/prices & maybe even book but have had constant ‘moving circle’ still loading & gave up each time. So frustrating
  19. Can I ask if this an exhibition you need to book/pay fee for!
  20. Thank you for these reviews - makes me ever more pleased to be seeing Saturday & Sundays performances!! Excited!!
  21. Thanks for the heads up…. I did send the link for this year to the Hubbie as an unsubtle (& unsuccessful 🙁) ‘wouldn’t it be lovely to go to this?’ hint! But maybe next year…. (Though traditionally it’s the time of year we go away….)
  22. Is less casting announced so far than is usually the case? I tend to book very much based on who I wish to see in less roles…
  23. Reading you review makes me determined to go next year!! Thinking I should start to create an Xmas/Birthday/Lottery win - wish list!! It will include this plus Bolle & Friends & goodness knows how many other wonderfully fun looking evening gala events that seem to be springing up all over! Think this format would appeal to the Hubbie way more than a ROH visit & tbh, costs probs not too far apart if you add in smart London dinners/travel etc….🤞🏻🤞🏻
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