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Everything posted by Nancy19

  1. Fantastic news!! I have been following your posts, So pleased for your older DD, what a focused young lady you have!! Best wishes to you all x
  2. Hi Chloe. As mentioned above, that's so untrue!! , there are all shapes and sizes at EYB. That's why it's so nice, as children who wouldn't normally be considered for a role in a classical ballet get the chance. They are looking for children who perform and are quick to pick up the steps, my DD friend is really talk for her age and was still cast a part with her smaller friends. My DD is petite for 12 but always gets a part in a small group for a pointe part, she was in the running for a solo this time but missed out to older girls. good luck for casting and let us know what part your DD gets x
  3. Balletmumfor2, your poster idea is great. Got a family member trying to sort this now! Cupcakes for the girls to share Is a lovely idea, going to contact a local cupcake shop tomorrow to enquire. Have been Sharing all these ideas with my fellow ballet mums whilst girls were rehearsing today!!
  4. Wow!! Thanks so much for all the lovely ideas. The sweet bouquet sounds fab, have googled and the pictures of them are amazing. Also like the idea of a small present linked to the ballet, frantically searching online now! Many thanks for all the replys x
  5. So each time my daughter has been in LCB or EYB, there have been flowers or token good luck cards or gifts delivered to the dressing room. With next theatre performance looming, we are trying to think of some different ideas to send. I personally think flowers for a child are a bit of a waste, and they are very expensive, but I don't want her not to receive anything, as I know all the others will do. Does anyone have an idea of the perfect good luck present to send to the stage door? Thanks in advance, Nancy x
  6. Can't believe I actually tracked down a pair of the candy pink booties for my DD. She is thrilled, as everywhere I phoned were sold out or had a back order they were waiting for. Eventually got them from 'Ballet Pointe' in Winchester. Lovely ladies who were so helpful. If you are in hampshire you must check them out, as new shop with fab customer care. Thank you to all who gave me different websites and shops to try. ????
  7. swanprincess, what a coninsidence!! We are booked in for 11. Just on train now. If you see an erratic mum with small 2 year old boy and 13 yr old DD, that will be us!! ????
  8. Wish I could be of some help Lucinda, but I'm in a similar situation to yourself! ( sorry to hijack your question!!! ). My daughter has a bloch appointment on Sunday. Is there better fitters or anyone that comes recommended. Good luck Lucinda, hope you are successful with your search! ????
  9. Have you considering applying for Tring CBA, an assosciate scheme that runs on Sunday's, (6 per term). Perhaps the principal would be happier with a Sunday class? x
  10. Lovely story, brought a lump to my throat. Hope she does really well. It would be fab if she got a really good mark. Please keep us informed when the results are in!
  11. Thanks everyone, will search all these shops!! Anaballerina- I called them today and they sold their last pair this morning!! Must have been you! x
  12. Hi, does anyone know where I could get a pair of these bloch booties for my daughter, they seem to be sold out everywhere, we are after a pair In adult medium in the pale pink / baby pink colour. She's desperate for them as she's in a couple of performances with lots of breaks between practises whilst others are taught their parts! Any suggestions please!! x
  13. My daughter enjoyed the casting last night for EYB sleeping beauty, she is very happy with her part, she is one of Aurora's friends, a pointe part that she was hoping for! How did your son get on Miracle, did he enjoy it x
  14. I had exactly the same. Had the navy regulation leotard RAD (freed) and my daughter needed a new one in the same size, it arrived and it was a totally different material, far to big and had the built in bra bit. I spoke to the shop and they said they would exchange it and when we tried a different one which was much better. Seems they had tried a new 'style' but you can still get the older style x
  15. Thank you littleballerina, she is hoping for a pointe part again! x
  16. Hi does anyone have any experience of which parts my daughter may get in EYB sleeping beauty? She's just been 13 and had a pointe part in the last production they did in our area. She Is keen to find out what the different parts are. Thanks in advance ????
  17. Not sure how it works but I'm sure they must have a rough idea of who will do which parts. Exciting to find out! Think 'main' roles will go to older dancers, my DD would love to have been Snow White but too young!!
  18. Same for us and DD other dancing friends. It seems 'yes' letters have not arrived. They are now giving results over phone. Must have been a problem somewhere x
  19. Thanks Dancermiax wonder if it will be an email?
  20. Has anyone had results of final auditions. Letter said results would be out by 22nd November but nothing! Just wondered if anyone had heard either way x
  21. Sorry! Should have said it was a pointe part, all the girls who had that part were 11 - 13 yrs old. x
  22. My daughter did swan lake last year and was 11, she had the role of a 'little mariinsky' ( think that's spelt right!! ). She loved swan lake her favourite yet. Well done to all those who gained a place ????
  23. Thank you, Anjuli_Bai I will try to speak to the teacher tonight. If I don't catch her, ( she shuts the studio door and hates being disturbed! ) I will drop her an email tonight. Once again, many thanks for your knowledgable advice ????
  24. Thank you all so much for the advice, can't get into GP until next Thursday ???? but I'm now researching the private route. This morning it didn't hurt but she's off to intermediate for 2 hours now so will be interested to see what happens after. She apparently has a 'flat turn out' I know nothing about dance and turn out, but her teacher mentions this a lot. Could this be a contributing factor? x
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