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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Floss, may I just say how much I enjoy reading your knowledgeable and insightful posts. How do you know so much ? x
  2. Personally I don't find the pictures shocking at all. To me it just looks like a bunch of very normal kids trying out for an after school activity.
  3. I'm sure that there are darker shade tights available. Check out dance direct or other UK websites. Capezio (for one) do a 'tan' colour. It's the same for shoes (but possibly in canvas - not leather, if that's ok) x
  4. Oh poor thing ! I remember the 'trauma' myself...when most girls are wishing for bigger busts, us dancing girls just wanted to strap them down ! Yes, there are classical dancers with busts (watch the Royal Ballet class video on youtube for example) Don't forget that on stage the girls are mostly wearing a very fitted bodice as part of the tutu. I understand your concern regarding the 'unhealthy obsession' (My non dancing DD -13- told me yesterday that she's too fat....she's not, at all) Sometimes it's best (imo) not to make an issue of it - puberty does funny things to a child's body (and mind !!!), but tell her that it's important to eat healthily, work hard and focus on strengthening her lovely long legs, bendy feet and good turnout. The rest will take care of itself
  5. Don't panic ! (although I understand that it's nerve wracking !) As drdance and youngatheart have said, focus on a couple of things. So if they need to work on spring pointes, get them to demonstrate a nice tendu devant with turned out legs. If it's petit jete, maybe take them back to the barre and check their placing. Break things down to the basics. Good Luck x
  6. Sorry to hear that dancetaximum...Would it be worth getting a 2nd opinion from the NHS Dance Clinic ? x
  7. Thank you Angela, I thought I'd be able to rely on you ! x
  8. I was wondering if anybody could give me ideas, or point me in the right direction to find out about contemporary dance events in Berlin. A friend of a friend is travelling from the US end of this month to spend a week there and she would like some advice of what to do/see. Thank you for any ideas !
  9. I wonder how much the private ballet lesson with Vishneva will fetch at auction ?! ....And Aileen, possibly wealthy Russians ?!
  10. Thank you Jane S. Nina G, I haven't seen the current run of Swan Lake and absolutely do not wish to disrespect anyone who danced, I just particularly enjoyed the performance I mentioned from LFB.. RBS used to include the Cecchetti method (they probably still do). Marcelino Sambe trained almost exclusively in the Vaganova method until he went to RBS . x
  11. Thanks for the info Janet, I'm not surprised that he danced with RDB....His ballon....
  12. Isn't it Bejart's 'Ballet for Life' (with music by Queen and Mozart) ? I saw it a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. You can find segments of it on youtube with (imo) the beautiful Elizabeth Ros dancing.
  13. I think that the Cecchetti method is excellent for developing quick, nimble footwork. The Neapolitan dance is one of my favourite moments from Swan Lake and I particularly like the 1989 version from London Festival Ballet (it's on youtube - and if anyone could tell me who the dancers are I'd be grateful). For me this performance is so musical, fun and buoyant (perhaps also down to the influence of Schaufuss ?)
  14. Twoballerinas, don't panic ! As others have said, contact the school (or post on this forum) as there may be 2nd hand uniform available. Obviously shoes /tights are a different matter, but every little helps ! x
  15. Lovely to hear such positive news Regattah. Continuing to send love and best wishes to you all. And Sheila, what a lovely gesture. Thank you. x
  16. Thank goodness, I can go to bed now
  17. I tried it out in the living room - minus the skirt twitching, (but with the giggle)....I think I've pulled something.
  18. I need to know what this longlaise step is........................
  19. Good for you and good luck. Could you treat yourself to a bit of cheese on toast or a slice of cake in a café/bakery once in a while ? Just an idea, but then maybe you wouldn't feel you were completely depriving yourself, but at the same time you wouldn't have that big chunk of cheese or chocolate cake waiting for you in the fridge ! x
  20. bettyballerina, I can absolutely understand where you're coming from. Wishing your grandson and his cohorts all the very best. x
  21. It could be that she has over stretched....How old is your DS ? I know that when I was in my teens I would inexplicably suffer from groin pain (one side only) just before my period. I think that lumps and bumps are fairly common in that area (at least for young dancers) but if it doesn't go away soon do go and see a doctor, just to put your mind at ease. I would also say try deep heat or vick rub (very carefully applied) as often heat can soothe the area better than icing. I hope that she feels better soon. X
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