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Everything posted by alison

  1. Yes, I was disappointed not to have seen Corrales in a different role, too (I've missed his Birbanto, too ) Otherwise, it was a very enjoyable matinee. Rina Kanehara - who I understand is "only" a Prix de Lausanne apprentice - was one of the Odalisques, and looks very promising. I hope ENB can keep her. She reminded quite a lot of Fumi Kaneko at the Royal Ballet. I'm tempted to go again tonight, but am not sure how well I'm feeling, so may have to give it a miss.
  2. Me too, although I believe the headlines are often the work of subeditors? OTOH, if the critic *is* going to give a serious comparison of two (or more) casts' interpretations I suppose it can be valid.
  3. Actually, I went to a concert which included some of his music - can't remember what now - and actually liked it. Agree about his conducting.
  4. First and second casts were both very good, the second having the advantage in the middle act, I thought. The third sounds highly promising as well
  5. A belated welcome to the forum, Emma. How time flies! Seems like only yesterday I was watching you in Drink To Me Only, wasn't it?
  6. It was emotional enough for those like me who didn't "know" him that well, I think, Janet. I know I was sitting through various parts with tears rolling down my cheeks, and I certainly saw other people near me surreptitiously swiping at their cheeks every now and then, not to mention those who were audibly sniffing. It must have been hugely painful for the dancers, having to dance roles they'd danced many times with him now without him, and I salute them for the tremendous job they did. I was sitting far enough away that I couldn't see their faces clearly, and had chosen not to use my opera glasses. I think it says a lot about the man too that, despite the evening running for well over 3 hours, I didn't notice anyone trying to make a premature getaway to make last trains and so on. I'd forgotten that there was footage of him in the MB TV programme, and was grateful for the reminder, but oh, what I'd give for a recording of him in the full Swan Lake
  7. Well, I must say that this morning's gleanings were pathetic: two tickets for Winter's Tale, and not even first cast - hardly anything else in my price range. Guess I shall be getting a lot of day seats ... Oh, and whose idea was it to give all the WT matinees to the same cast, more or less? Not helpful to people travelling from afar.
  8. Matthew Bourne announced last night that ticket sales alone had raised over £65,000 for the trust fund for Jon's two boys. If you want to make a small donation (up to £10), you can text JONO16£X (where X is the number of pounds) to 70070 (and please Gift Aid if possible). If you wish to give more, you can here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/displayCharityCampaignPage.action?charityCampaignUrl=inmemoryofjonathanollivier
  9. Perhaps we *should* find out what it was he said before we discuss it?
  10. We seem to have gone off at a tangent here, with a number of posts which seem more suited to the "Rhapsody/Two Pigeons" thread. I'm going to move those over, and then copy FLOSS' relevant postings back into this thread.
  11. Is it (sorry, didn't want to use my FT allowance on this) because, even with notation, the entire extent of choreography is such a difficult thing to record properly? (See the current "Rhapsody" thread, where we're discussing whether it should be treated as a bravura piece, or interpreted differently, for example). After all, we do ask from time to time "what were the choreographer's intentions?". But nobody asks that about Shakespeare, of course, and his plays are subject to all sorts of interpretations.
  12. Ian, as Sim says, great to see you back! Do carry on posting Are you effectively saying that you don't think the males should be chopping and changing roles as much as they are? I must say that I have found certain dancers more effective in a given role than others, but haven't seen enough performances (or enough cast changes) yet to judge (I've had the same Birbanto, Ali (and Medora) each time so far). May I say that I thought Shiori Kase was gorgeous as Gulnare the other day?
  13. Vanartus, were the original sets always that ... sparse? I never saw the original production, but didn't remember the sets being like that from the photos. Janet, I totally agree with you about Francesca Hayward: she pretty much only had to make her first entrance and I was thinking "Promote that girl to Principal already!" (Yes, I know, she hasn't done the classics yet, but still ...) If anyone still doubted that she was star material, I think yesterday would have dispelled that. And drat, I forgot Petunia was coming Janet, was that you in the stripey jumper?
  14. Janet, you really need to give that laptop of yours a severe talking-to. First flights to Bratislava, and now this?
  15. I feel as though I've just seen Rhapsody for the first time. Beautifully light, fast, and with a mystery to it that I've been totally unaware of in the past. So much more satisfying than when it's danced just as a bravura piece.
  16. That assumes you have a printer. My Chromebook won't talk to any of mine, so I'd have to show the ticket as a PDF or something!
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