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Everything posted by JulieW

  1. Possibly Bunhead as you might get one or two who get full-time places somewhere - but I should think they're like gold dust! Congratulations on the waiting list place though, even though it's frustrating.
  2. I have to remind myself sometimes of what a wonderful time it was - was a while ago now! I was also privileged to watch my son on the ROH stage with the RB on quite a few occasions - in Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty with the JAs and Nutcracker with the school. I got to be quite an expert at choosing cheap seats. And also met some good friends along the way while hanging around rehearsals, some of whom post on here.
  3. It is possible that he might not know some of what they ask him to do, but please just warn him that that might happen, but no-one minds if he doesn't understand - he just might need to be a bit brave and ask (difficult at that age, but worth him being prepared). But the auditions really are kept very simple and basic, and are often more about them looking at physique and musicality.
  4. One of our festival adjudicators went on about "weight and relaxation" and others wanted to see them use their breath in their movements (for contemporary). Not sure it helped anyone really!
  5. Good question Sim. And no, Terpsichore, or probably doesn't matter but it's still an interesting question and I'd be interested to read people's opinions :-) (Edited to correct my phone's over-enthusiastic auto-correct)
  6. Sorry to hear about the no's, but as you know places are few and far between - my daughter was upset but not surprised at hers (quite a few years ago now). One of her JA friends got a no, but then a yes the following year and I often wondered whether she should've tried again, but actually she then moved on to more academic pursuits and is now a vet student. And congratulations to those with a yes
  7. My friend said she thinks I'll enjoy the music. I love "classical" music, but struggle a bit with more modern music (if you see what I mean), but am looking forward to this as a new experience. I'm a bit the same with ballet/dance to be honest - give me a good "old-fashioned" piece rather than contemporary for instance, but I'm slowly coming round She's certainly enjoyed being a part of it (despite the low pay - that's another story). It was her first time on the ROH stage and said she never thought her debut there would be as a prostitute . I'm trying to encourage as many of my friends as possible to get to live screenings - it's so good to have a good view of the performers and get home at a sensible time of night. Lots coming up over the summer from the ROH and the National Theatre I believe.
  8. This production really isn't something I would usually choose to go and see, but I'm trying to widen my rep and go to see as many live feeds as possible. I've watched a few operas now from the ROH which (if I'm honest) I'm glad I didn't pay the high ticket price, plus the rail fare, to see, but am glad I had the opportunity to experience - and enjoyed more than I thought I would (can you tell I'm not really an opera fan?!). Anyway - son's girlfriend is performing in this one as one of the dancers, so that's given me another reason to go, and it's also a completely different style from anything I'd normally listen to/watch, so I'm looking forward to a new experience. Anyone else going to their local cinema to see it on Wednesday? They've only got this performance and one other left and they're sold out at the ROH.
  9. kcoom75 - my son started ballet in an RAD Grade 1 class just before he was 8. His teacher asked him to audition for RBS JAs pretty soon after that - he didn't get in that year (unsurprisingly, as he did look like a real beginner) but we had a lovely letter back with an added paragraph about his potential and the training at his local school (this was about 13 years ago now). He auditioned again the following year, got in off the waiting list, and then went off to White Lodge in year 7. So, the moral of my story, give it a go!
  10. I do understand the need to know! I had 2 children in fortnightly JAs, luckily one started as the other one finished, but the times were different every year for the 4 years we were there. I hated the early ones, but loved the late afternoon slots as I'd often get cheap Upper Slips tickets for whatever was on at the Opera House that evening. We got to see loads of ballets that way.
  11. (Posts regarding Regattah's younger daughter moved to their own thread.)
  12. Made a new topic for Regattah's news about her younger daughter, so people can share their best wishes away from the pinned thread on Upper School Questions. I hope she's recovering well and that you get news from Central soon too x
  13. The times have varied over the years so don't count on them staying the same
  14. Annaliesey, you asked why start early and do all those years of training if it's not going to make any difference when it comes to applying for pre-professional training... IMHO most children who go to ballet classes are not going to be professional dancers. Ballet classes kept my daughter fit, flexible, strong, taught her discipline, commitment, teamwork, gave her poise, good posture, self-confidence. I could go on. That's why she went to ballet class from a young age, not because I thought she'd want to go to dance college and beyond.
  15. Elmhurst posted on FB that they've got one dancer in final (I presume classical)
  16. You obviously hadn't noticed that I've already hidden the posts where he is referred to by name. He may well not mind, but really the only time we mention students' names is if we are their parents, or if their name is in the public domain, for example when winning a publicised competition or has been in the news.
  17. Congratulations RBM and don't worry yet FAD, quite a few children had also been offered WL so the chance of a place coming up would be quite high.
  18. It's a very sensible way of doing it but I thought that international candidates auditioned by DVD, hence my confusion
  19. Imagine what it was like for those of us who were around when the old forum closed for a while!!!
  20. Two of my children were RBS JAs. They had good local teachers but think the main difference was that they were in a class with other children of a similar standard and attitude to the classes. Also excellent teaching with an attention to detail (perfecting the basics) which just didn't happen locally. And finally, they had fantastic opportunities to dance at the Royal Opera House, the Royal Albert Hall, go to other special dance days and dance at the WL summer fair.
  21. I'm a bit confused - easily done - I thought all the prelims had been done. But good luck for your audition!
  22. Jazzpaws - you do sometimes still watch them in class (we did once a term at Elmhurst even in upper school). I watched my son and his company when I visited at Christmas. Such a treat. And I also persuade my son to dance at our local dance school when he's home so I get to watch then too. I'm very lucky :-)
  23. My daughter and her friend did the Grade 5 grande battement exercise in their Intermediate exam and they both still got distinctions
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