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Any cuckoos out there? ... and other BirdWatch/NatureWatch news


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This year we’ve got a lot of peacock butterflies in the garden. We usually have lots of red admirals but this year they are outnumbered by the peacocks. 

Scruffy robin still around. Whatever is wrong with him isn’t impacting on his appetite, singing or flying. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

out on my walk this morning, despite the returning noise of overhead aircraft, was delighted to hear the Goldfinch (finches?) in the back garden as I started off. Outcompeted the sparrows! In the park spotted a Grey Wagtail on the bank of the river, and a juvenile Grey Heron trying to find breakfast. Heard (but didn't see) a Green Woodpecker, which I have not heard for a while. Out on the open spaces in the park, it was like a scene from Hitchcock's 'The Birds' with all the corvids standing there in the cool morning sunshine (mainly Carrion Crows, but a few Jackdaws and Magpies in there too), as still as you like. Then nearing home again, saw another juvenile Heron in the part of the river at the top of my road (their nesting obviously must have been successful this year). Must try and get out a bit earlier, to avoid the joggers!

Oh - and as I write, the Goldfinch in the back garden must be hoarse by now!!

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By coincidence I also had a good birdy walk this morning  (5 am  - it's a good time to see wildlife!).  A kingfisher, a heron, a pair of Egyptian geese flying along the river, a grebe (there's another plus two chicks somewhere, I hope) a solitary moorhen, usually so timid but today pootling happily around under the footbridge, and the coot family, parents and two chicks, now almost as big as the adults, who all came flying when they saw me on the bridge, hoping for food.  No ducks or swans, oddly and the swifts have all gone.  I heard a skylark too, such a lovely sound.  Recently there has been a lot of activity of the fox and deer kind, but not today.  It's so nice going out early - lots of things to see and hear and little chance of my collie/whippet cross hounding a cyclist or jogger.  He thinks a challenge - they're not so sure.  Heaven help me when our whippet puppy is old enough to be lot off the lead - if ever!

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my birdy walk was this afternoon at a local creek; saw a lone and very distant greenshank and spent a while watching a nice little grebe dining and preening (pic below, along with a bedraggled wagtail and an egret).  Lots of lapwings, goldfinches, oystercatchers but all drowned out by the wretched gulls.  More dramatically,  I was working on our patio this morning and a massive buzzard appeared from behind me flying just above the house - can only have been about thirty feet up - those things are really big close up..



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I've never seen a little grebe close up - there used to be several scurrying in and out of the reeds at the water's edge here but I haven't seen one for ages.  I had no idea how colourful they are!  I envy you the egret - wonderful pitcture!  Again, there were a pair here but I haven't seen them since last year.  

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we sometimes get an egret along the river at the top of the road - usually in winter though (have even seen two one day, about 50-60 yards apart, either side of the wee bridge over the river). The thing I like about Moorhens is the way that when they see you, they don't usually bolt for cover, but just sorta sidle their way casually out of sight, as if you weren't watching them do it! 🙂

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On ‎03‎/‎08‎/‎2020 at 18:21, AnneMarriott said:

It's so nice going out early - lots of things to see and hear and little chance of my collie/whippet cross hounding a cyclist or jogger.  He thinks a challenge - they're not so sure.  Heaven help me when our whippet puppy is old enough to be lot off the lead - if ever!


You have a new dog, Anne?

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6 hours ago, alison said:


You have a new dog, Anne?

Yes, a whippet bitch called Bluebell.  She's described as "blue with white trim" which rather makes her sound like a Ford Anglia.  She's four months old and is now allowed out in public, showing a keen interest in anything that moves at more than snail speed - cue lots of recall training!  Bruce is brave enough to take her and Freddie out together, Freddie off the lead.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Red squirrels and nuthatches in a friend’s wood In Nether Wasdale the other day. The wood was overrun with rhododendrons but after 8 years the red squirrels have made a welcome appearance and seem completely unphased by our rhodo-bashing. Reds and nuthatches are happy to break social distancing with us at least but can be a bit aggressive to each other. Fortunate I don’t think reds and nuthatches (and many other birds) yet count under ‘mingling’ restrictions.












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A few of the pelicans in St James Park were  wandering along the paths yesterday. 
I don’t know whether this is because there were less people around than usual but I’ve never seen them do that before. 
I think the pigeon ought to watch out as Pelicans will occasionally opt for a pigeon for lunch if get chance apparently! 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather taken with this stag on Sunday’s walk:




I’d seen a stag in the morning high above Thirlmere but then managed this photo in the afternoon just below Low Saddle (rather apt), on the way from Ullscarf to Dock Tarn. I then saw he was minding at least five deer. A first for me seeing red deer in this part of the Lake District.



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Still struggling sometimes with photo size so here’s the stag with five deer.




And a more familiar local on the fells.




But very sad to hear of the fall in numbers of herdwick sheep, proper Lake District sheep. Fleeces are sometimes used for footpath repairs work in wet areas as a foundation although I doubt it provides much cash.






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2 minutes ago, Quintus said:

While shaving this morning I was able to watch a pair of Great Tits from the window.  Coincidentally the US presidential debate highlights were playing on the TV.  No connection....JkiELh1.jpg


Hey - don't insult the birds by comparing them to the two bird-brains on the tv.  😀

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