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MOZILLA.  For some years I had used both Firefox and Thunderbird.  I had to change my laptop earlier this year and, of course, I had to buy one with Windows 8.  When I dowloaded the Mozilla software, I also downloaded a load of automatic advertising sites that were driving me round the bend till I realised what the cause was and managed to get rid of them.  All of a sudden, Windows 8 did not seem so bad!  Then Thunderbird kept on crashing.   Eventually I switched to another mail application (not 100% necessary but I don't like how the mail is presented on the Virgin website).  


A couple of days ago I thought that Thunderbird may have settled down again so I reloaded it.  What a mistake!  More advertising gunk downloaded that, this time, I couldn't get rid of.  So Mozilla is gone forever from my laptop!!!

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Another close encounter of the snake kind in the garden yesterday. It was a new species too, a ribbon snake. Sounds so pretty...


That was after tangling with a centipede in the bathroom last weekend and finding a frog hopping around upstairs a few days ago (apparently they come in via the plumbing vents on the roof).

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My husband visited Australia a couple of times while he was still a student working on a rocket that was launching from Woomera. His descriptions of the various forms of wildlife were pretty hair-raising. Seems as though everything that isn't lethal is at least very bad tempered with spines or teeth.

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I'd be okay with snakes as long as they don't have a lethal bite or anything even frogs and centipedes.


The main thing I just can't deal with is spiders and I know it's ridiculous.


Yesterday my partner who was in the kitchen said "come here a minute" with a slight smile."I want to show you something"


Hmmm .......what did he want to show me he wasn't cooking or anything(he is an expert cook)

So I said "what is it"

"Nothing just come here a moment"

Well it's unlike him to start anything romantic in the kitchen these days so my "spider alert button" was up to about 8


Anyway after a bit more persuasion I ventured in and as soon as I had passed the doorway he said "look"

And there on the doorway post was the most ENORMOUS spider!


Well of course I couldn't go back past it so had to run out into the garden go through the garage and come back in the front door!!

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All a bit depressing I think.


In this day and age with the whole world seeming to be breaking up and fighting for ever more smaller corners I would hope the UK can show a bit of unity quite honestly.


I detest the way the SNP seem to be suddenly the supporters of all the disadvantaged in Scotland.

Edited by LinMM
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I have several friends in Scotland, and they are all saying that the campaign has turned from a simple Yes or No on independence to an attack on Westminster, England (which is now being described as a foreign country) and the Tories.  This is not a General Election, and I don't think people realise the full implications of what they are voting on.


Whatever happens, this is a very sad day for the United Kingdom, which should never have happened in the first place.  So I am going to shove David Cameron in Room 101 as well.


And don't let him out!

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I am particularly nauseated by the sight of Gordon Brown.  I know these events are stage managed but all the hysterical cheering and applauding when he appears, and him doing the 'okay, quieten down, let me speak' hand gestures is extraordinary. When one considers the ruination he brought upon this country and how he became Prime Minister without so much as a public vote, the strange way he seemed to disappear without trace when the jig was up and he was forced out of No.10. Now he is being treated and behaving like some sort of conquering hero.

I would put him, Darling and Salmond into Room 101 with a bag of deep fried Mars Bars and hope to never see any of them again.

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Well Salmond keeps banging on about more democracy for Scotland but in truth seems to be after a one party state!!


In the UK there will always be some people fed up with the government of the day (admittedly more fed up at some times than others) ......because only about half of the electorate will have voted them in. This is the true price of democracy love it or leave it.

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I have several friends in Scotland, and they are all saying that the campaign has turned from a simple Yes or No on independence to an attack on Westminster, England (which is now being described as a foreign country) and the Tories.  This is not a General Election, and I don't think people realise the full implications of what they are voting on.


Believe me, a lot of them don't :(  What's worse seems to be the increasing intimidation tactics by the Yes voters.  Anyone would think this was Zimbabwe :(


I was hesitating to mention this, because politics is usually a no-no on this forum, but I'd like to stick in Room 101 all those people who abuse their right (privilege) to vote.  In less than 100 years since we got universal suffrage, and people fought hard and suffered to get the right to vote regardless of your gender or class, it's depressing to see how petty some voters have got.  Elections/referendums are NOT X-Factor popularity votes, and shouldn't be treated as such. 

I'm directing this not only at various people I've heard about in Scotland (and believe me, I have heard anecdotes with some pretty stupid reasons for voting in whichever direction it may be), but also the people who, in local government elections, decide to use their vote to give the Government of the day a bloody nose rather than thinking about local issues, who vote for a candidate "because he has a nice smile", who vote against something because of things that happened decades or even longer back, who vote for or against something just because someone they don't like has told them to do the opposite, who ignore the fact that their long-term sitting MP is useless/corrupt or worse and just vote for him anyway ...


They can vote for the Monster Raving Loony Party for all I care (although I don't think that's actually an option anymore) as long as they've thought about it responsibly and that's their rational choice. 

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The trouble with a no vote is that we'll have to go through it all again.  I hope I'm long gone before that!

P.S.  Alex Salmond this morning uttered the ominous words "at this stage" when regretting the vote against independence by the people of Scotland.  Any bets on how long it will be before the next referendum?

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P.S.  Alex Salmond this morning uttered the ominous words "at this stage" when regretting the vote against independence by the people of Scotland.  Any bets on how long it will be before the next referendum?


I thought the idea was that the referendum was to settle the issue "once and for all" or something like that?

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I thought the idea was that the referendum was to settle the issue "once and for all" or something like that?


Ah, but only if the "right" result is achieved, obviously :)

My heart sank when I heard him this morning.  He'd probably like one every five years or so, just like elections.


Oh well, I'm glad it's "over".  Not that it ever will be, I fear: I suspect it will turn out to have done lasting damage to this country, because you can't just shove all the emotional reactions it's caused back in a box and pretend they never existed.  But at least now politicians can get back to turning their attention to international happenings which I imagine will have been neglected this month.

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BTW, am I the only one to find it slightly depressing that, of all those registered to vote, over 15% did not do so?  I can accept that some of those may have been foreigners and other people who felt that either they didn't have a stake in it or that it really wasn't appropriate for them to be deciding the country's fate for whatever reason, but 15%?!

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Just trying to work out what that represents in terms of actual numbers of the population who are eligible to vote.  About 700,000, by my extremely rough calculation? 


Although that is a terrific turnout in comparison with the last general election. Wasn't it about 40% of people who failed to vote?

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Well, yes, but considering it's the future of the country they live in that's at stake I might have expected a few more.  Perhaps they were just so sick of the thing by then that they didn't want to know?


Not sure about the turnout for the last election, although I know it was horribly low.  Which brings me back to my original point, so I think I'll shut up now :)

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Ah, but only if the "right" result is achieved, obviously :)

My heart sank when I heard him this morning.  He'd probably like one every five years or so, just like elections.


Oh well, I'm glad it's "over".  Not that it ever will be, I fear: I suspect it will turn out to have done lasting damage to this country, because you can't just shove all the emotional reactions it's caused back in a box and pretend they never existed.  But at least now politicians can get back to turning their attention to international happenings which I imagine will have been neglected this month.

One every five years till he gets his preferred result, and then never again, presumably?


There's democracy for you.


Saw on the BBC that he's stepping down as leader, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Depends on what he's planning next, I suppose.

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