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Just bumping this up to ensure that everyone who would like to request a link for Gavin Sutherland at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 16th March remembers to do so. There's so much on online now that we have had some people thinking that they had made a such a request but realised too late that they had not, in fact, done so.


Please apply at least 24 hours beforehand to info@tlbc.org.uk. 


Members will be receiving the link tomorrow.

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The LBC's next guests will be Precious Adams, Isabelle Brouwers and Sarah Kundi of English National Ballet.


7.00pm on Thursday, 8th April via Zoom



Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 7th April please. You are asked to please join and ask questions using your own name.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping up the notification that the LBC's next guests will be Precious Adams, Isabelle Brouwers and Sarah Kundi of English National Ballet: 7.00pm on Thursday, 8th April via Zoom


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 7th April please. You are asked to please join and ask questions using your own name.


Next up on the 29th April: Carlos Acosta.

Other LBC activity for members only includes a virtual visit to The Royal Ballet School on the 27th April and a specially arranged free Breaktime Barre from Northern Ballet on the 4th May.

To join the LBC, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk


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The LBC's next guest (at 7.00pm on Thursday 29th March) will be CARLOS ACOSTA CBE, international ballet star, choreographer and Director of BRB and Acosta Danza. He will be talking with Jane Pritchard of the V&A Museum.


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 28th April please. You are asked to please join and ask questions using your own name. The talk will be followed by the LBC's AGM and non-members will be asked to leave before that meeting starts.



Other LBC activity for members only includes a virtual visit to The Royal Ballet School on the 27th April and a specially arranged free Breaktime Barre from Northern Ballet on the 4th May.


To join the LBC, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk


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11 hours ago, Jan McNulty said:

Joining LBC has been one of the most enjoyable things I have done during the current lockdown!


What a great evening tonight.  Thank you.


Didn’t Gavin Sutherland mention you recently saying he waits for you to say you are ready before he begins. Seems a lovely chap.


The LBC post above has the wrong date for Carlos Acosta, should be April not March.

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4 hours ago, SPD444 said:


Didn’t Gavin Sutherland mention you recently saying he waits for you to say you are ready before he begins. Seems a lovely chap.


The LBC post above has the wrong date for Carlos Acosta, should be April not March.


Yes he did!  We've known Gavin since his early days at Northern Ballet.  Just before he started talking I sent a comment "Tell Gavin he can start now".  I didn't realise he would see the comment as it just said visible to panellists.


At the time the NB conductor was often in the pit early checking the click track was working properly and it was a very long standing joke from something that happened many years ago and when we were sat behind him we often used to whisper it!!.  It was lovely he remembered the joke.


Gavin is such a lovely gentleman as well as being a fantastic conductor.



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The LBC's next guest (at 7.00pm on Thursday 29th April) will be CARLOS ACOSTA CBE, international ballet star, choreographer and Director of BRB and Acosta Danza. He will be talking with Jane Pritchard of the V&A Museum.


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 28th April please. You are asked to please join and ask questions using your own name. The talk will be followed by the LBC's AGM and non-members will be asked to leave before that meeting starts.



Other LBC activity for members only includes a virtual visit to The Royal Ballet School on the 27th April and a specially arranged free Breaktime Barre from Northern Ballet on the 4th May.


To join the LBC, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk


[With thanks to@SPD444 for spotting the error on the original  notice.]


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this up as it's only a week away now.....


The LBC's next guest (at 7.00pm on Thursday 29th April) will be CARLOS ACOSTA CBE, international ballet star, choreographer and Director of BRB and Acosta Danza. He will be talking with Jane Pritchard of the V&A Museum.


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 28th April please. You are asked to please join and ask questions using your own name. The talk will be followed by the LBC's AGM and non-members will be asked to leave before that meeting starts.


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay (£15) by credit card as well as via direct debit.




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After an inspirational session with Carlos Acosta and a successful AGM on the 29th April, the LBC will resume its Zoom talks at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 18th May 2021 when the centenarian teacher (and original cast member in Symphonic Variations) HENRY DANTON will be In Conversation with DAME MONICA MASON.

Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 17th May, please.


The next Zoom 'talks' with some very exciting guests will be on 8th June  and 29th June.


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription (£15) by credit card as well as via direct debit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a reminder that the LBC's next Zoom talk will be at 7.00pm this coming Tuesday, 18th May 2021 when the centenarian teacher (and original cast member in Symphonic Variations) HENRY DANTON will be In Conversation with DAME MONICA MASON.

Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 17th May, please.


The upcoming Zoom 'talks' will be on 8th June with Cira Robinson (Senior Dancer, Ballet Black) and on the 29th June with Alexander Campbell and Claire Calvert of The Royal Ballet.


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15) by credit card as well as via direct debit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The next LBC EVENT via ZOOM  at  7.00pm on Tuesday 8th June will see the Senior Artist of Ballet Black, CIRA ROBINSON  “IN CONVERSATION” with CASSA PANCHO, her Artistic Director.


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 7th June, please. 



To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15 or £2.50 for under 25s) by credit card as well as via direct debit.


Also in June, the LBC will be welcoming  Alexander Campbell and Claire Calvert of The Royal Ballet (7.00pm on the 29th).

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Can anyone advise if members have to pay for the online talks or is it just the in person talks?  I wonder if after the pandemic talks will still be zoomed as I live 200 miles away from London so would only really be able to do online things. Thank you.

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28 minutes ago, Don Q Fan said:

Can anyone advise if members have to pay for the online talks or is it just the in person talks?  I wonder if after the pandemic talks will still be zoomed as I live 200 miles away from London so would only really be able to do online things. Thank you.


No, they are free to attend but the LBC asks if you will consider donating.


I'm in the same boat as you DQF and I hope LBC will consider some zoom events going forward.  I think a number of non-South Easterners have joined.


I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all the talks I have attended.

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The LBC has announced that Zoom events will definitely be continuing. They are an important way of involving all the members, especially as so many do not live within easy travelling distance of London and the LBC has links with companies in all parts of the UK (and abroad).

It was felt appropriate to make the "in Conversation" Zoom evenings available free of charge during the pandemic and, as Jan has said, to invite attendees to make donations.


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So pleased to hear the Zoom events will continue.  They have been one of the things that have sustained me during this (mostly) housebound time.  

I am also not based near enough to London to attend in person.  

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The next LBC EVENT via ZOOM  at  7.00pm on Tuesday 29th June will feature ALEXANDER CAMPBELL AND CLAIRE CALVERT, Principal and First Soloist of The Royal Ballet respectively.


Non members wishing to 'attend' may request the link from info@tlbc.org.uk - but no later than 5.00pm (UK time) on the 28th June, please. 


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15 or £2.50 for under 25s) by credit card as well as via direct debit.


On the 20th July , the LBC will be welcoming  Iain Webb and Margaret Barbieri, the Director and Assistant Director of Sarasota Ballet.


You can follow the LBC on instagram.com/londonballetcircle, facebook.com/LondonBalletCircle and Twitter:@balletcircle

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Margaret Barbieri was a lovely dancer with Sadlers Wells Company. 
I have a soft spot for her as saw her dance at the Oxford Playhouse a couple of times when I was a student (around 1967-9) it would have been)

and then got a piccie of her from the Ballet Bookshop in London and had it on my student room wall among other ballet pictures including Fonteyn and Nureyev of course. 

She may have been in Monotones the first time I saw her but then saw her in Giselle and she was lovely in that especially the second Act. 
Will people be able to attend in person by July 20th or will it all be on zoom? 

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20 minutes ago, LinMM said:

Margaret Barbieri was a lovely dancer with Sadlers Wells Company. 
I have a soft spot for her as saw her dance at the Oxford Playhouse a couple of times when I was a student (around 1967-9) it would have been)

and then got a piccie of her from the Ballet Bookshop in London and had it on my student room wall among other ballet pictures including Fonteyn and Nureyev of course. 

She may have been in Monotones the first time I saw her but then saw her in Giselle and she was lovely in that especially the second Act. 
Will people be able to attend in person by July 20th or will it all be on zoom? 


Still on Zoom, LinMM

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Iain Webb and Margaret Barbieri will be the guests of The London Ballet Circle at 7.00pm on the 20th July. They will be talking with the dance writer and critic Gerald Dowler.


Non members can apply for the Zoom link by writing to info@tlbc.org.uk no later than 5.00pm on  the 19th July. However, non members are limited to two such requests.


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15 or £2.50 for under 25s) by credit card as well as via direct debit.

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  • 4 weeks later...


English National Ballet's Lead Principal, Jeffrey Cirio, will be talking to the dance writer Graham Watts via Zoom at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 10th August ahead of the première of Akram Khan’s Creature in which Jeffrey has the title role.



Non members can apply for the Zoom link by writing to info@tlbc.org.uk no later than 5.00pm on  the 9th August. However, non members are limited to two such requests.


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15 or £2.50 for under 25s) by credit card as well as via direct debit.

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Just bumping up the invitation for non-LBC Members to apply (to info@tlbc.org.uk by 5.00pm on the 9th) for the link to hear Jeffrey Cirio talking with Graham Watts at 7.00pm on Tuesday, 10th August.

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  • 4 weeks later...



The LBC was founded by Stanley Hawkins in September 1946 and, as far as we know, it is the oldest non-affiliated ballet appreciation society in the world.  Plans are now well in hand for an ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION on Zoom at 7.00pm on the 15th September.

Hosted by the well-known dance writer Graham Watts, who will set the scene, talk to our guests and look to the future, we will pay homage to our longevity by grouping the many decades of the LBC into three symbolic ‘eras’. The distinguished panellists who will reminisce with us will be:

Post War to the 1960s: Henry Danton and Dame Merle Park

The 1970s/80s/90s: Wayne Eagling and Dame Darcey Bussell

The 21st Century: Viviana Durante and Brandon Lawrence

Some short videos will illustrate works from each period which feature our guests.

We will also have a filmed message from our Patron, Sir Peter Wright and a live comment from our President, Dame Monica Mason.



Non members can apply for the Zoom link by writing to info@tlbc.org.uk no later than 5.00pm on  the 14th September. 


To join The London Ballet Circle, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk and click Join. It is now possible to pay the subscription online (£15 or £2.50 for under 25s) by credit card as well as via direct debit.

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I'm currently reading through ballet magazines from the early '60s and have been impressed at the range of activities LBC organised then- eg hosting a celebratory dinner for Sir Fred, organising a meal for Bolshoi dancers, arranging trips to watch performances outside London.

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4 minutes ago, SheilaC said:

I'm currently reading through ballet magazines from the early '60s and have been impressed at the range of activities LBC organised then- eg hosting a celebratory dinner for Sir Fred, organising a meal for Bolshoi dancers, arranging trips to watch performances outside London.


Amazing. That must have been great. I guess that we live in somewhat different times now with a range of  Friends organisations and more commercial interests occupying those kinds of spaces and, perhaps, people's appetite and spending capacity also changing over time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A quick reminder to anyone who is not an LBC member but who would like to attend the 75th Anniversary Celebration next week [7.00pm Wednesday 15th September] to apply for the Zoom link before 5.00pm on the 14th to info@tlbc.org.uk

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KAREN KAIN “IN CONVERSATION” via ZOOM: 7.00pm, Tuesday 12th October 2021

The world-renowned Canadian former prima ballerina and recently retired Director of The National Ballet of Canada will be talking about her varied international career to Jane Pritchard MBE, Curator of Dance at the V&A Museum and LBC Member.

The LBC's talks on Zoom are continuing to be made available free to Members.

Non-members should go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk/events and scroll down to book and pay.


[The LBC is also offering Members a free 'in person' evening with Leanne Benjamin and Edward Watson at 7.30pm on the 2nd November at The Royal Ballet School. To join the LBC, go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk.]

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Bumping up the 'talk' from Karen Kain, the world-renowned Canadian former prima ballerina and recently retired Director of The National Ballet of Canada, at 7.00pm BST on Tuesday, 12th October. via Zoom.

Members can join free of charge; non Members may book/pay on https://www.tolbc.org.uk (click events).


Also coming up:

  • Leanne Benjamin and Edward Watson "In Conversation" at The Royal Ballet School, at 7.30pm Tuesday 2nd November. FREE TO LBC MEMBERS [to join, go to https://tlbc.org.uk and click JOIN]
  • Watch Yasmine Naghdi, Vadim Muntagirov and Roberta Marquez teaching in person on Sunday, 24th October 11.00am - 4.30pm at LAMDA, Barons Court. Members £15/non members £20. Booking online at https://www.tlbc.org.uk/events/dance-forward-classes-at-lamda
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The Leanne Benjamin and Edward Watson "In Conversation" at The Royal Ballet School, at 7.30pm Tuesday 2nd November which is FREE TO LBC MEMBERS has now been opened up for non members to book [to do so, please go to https://www.tlbc.org.uk/events/in-conversation-with-leanne-benjamin-and-edward-watson ]


The LBC's 'in person' events cost £10 to non members whereas an annual membership is currently £15. So why not join and have free access not only on the 2nd November but also to future events on Zoom, such as the one below which is the first of several lined up with stellar guests in the months to come.


Sir David Bintley "In Conversation" on Zoom at 7.00pm Tuesday 30th November. Non members wishing to attend (i.e. be sent the link) should book via: https://www.tlbc.org.uk/events/sir-david-bintley-in-conversation



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