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Summer Schools 2016 feedback


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My DD was in the "inters" group both weeks.  About 18-20 kids in the group.  About the same in the younger and senior groups too.  My DD felt she learned a ton and that her dance improved.  As it was her first residential summer intensive, I believe she also learned alot about being away, getting along with others, etc.  The environment was very good for that type of thing.  Teaching was of a high level, but not pushy.  For us, it was a fantastic introduction to intensives.

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My dd also did the Centre Pointe summer school in Denton. It was her first one, she is 7 so we didn't know what to expect. She was apprehensive but was made to feel so welcome and everyone was really friendly. There were 3 groups split according to age and in my dd group there were 15 children, 14 girls and 1 boy. There were more boys in the older groups. The day was split into 3, ballet, contemporary and jazz. My dd had only ever done ballet before but she coped well and enjoyed learning new techniques. In fact she now wants to start jazz along with the ballet. The facilities were great, sprung floor, air conditioning, theatre, shop, a piano! My dd has never experienced any of these at her small dance school so she was very impressed. She was given lots of corrections in a supportive, nurturing way. The presentation at the end of the week was very impressive given the time they had and i really enjoyed watching all the students. Overall my dd had a fantastic week, made lots of new friends and didn't want the week to end. The cost was £175 Mon to Fri 10am to 4pm x

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My DD attended weeks 1 & 2 of OPES summer intensive and had a great time.  Teachers were friendly and supportive, giving corrections to all participants in a positive way.  Good amount of differentiation in what was taught (ballet, contemporary, etc.)  Accommodations were also very good.  Other kids were welcoming - which was great as my DD went alone.  Would definitely recommend.


Dd attended week 3.

Class size depended on the group. She thinks there were about 10-15 in the youngest group. There were 21 in her group & about 20 in the oldest group.

For most classes each of the teachers had an assistant with them who were usually young professional dancers (in one case an assistant taught some demo choreography from a professional ballet company she had performed with.

This sounds great & one we will definitely look into for DD next summer. What was the age range of the youngest group at OPES?

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Dd just finished Northern Ballet’s summer intensive. Many of the participants seem to be from their own CAT or Associate programmes, although there were plenty of others there too, including vocational students from Ballet West and Central. Group sizes varied between about 12 and about 20. Quite a few boys, 4 or 5 in each group, and they had some separate classes with Chris Hinton-Lewis. It’s non-residential (and no food is provided) although they do have an agreement with the nearby Liberty Living student accommodation. Classes in ballet, rep and contemporary (or jazz for the youngest). Also a little bit of Pilates, and they got to watch the company rehearsing a couple of times. Excellent teaching. The performance at the end is less exciting than at some summer schools because it’s really just watching bits of classwork rather than ‘showpieces’, but dd says that’s because they focus a lot more on technique and less on ‘putting on a show’. The standard is high - I think you do have to audition unless they know you or you’re a vocational student.

Edited by BlueLou
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We have just returned from picking ds up from summer school run by our own Tutugirl in West Yorkshire. What a fantastic week he's had. What we LOVE about this summer school is its friendly, inclusive nature. There are children from lots of different dance schools, both part time and vocational which means everyone has to mix in and get to know everyone else.


There was a lovely double show at the end held in the studio theatre, where every child had their chance to take centre stage. The younger children looked so happy, having an absolute blast and the highest level students did some beautiful classical rep and lovely pas de deux - also looking very happy and relaxed. The variety of work that had been achieved in the week was ballet, rep, pdd, contemporary, jazz, tap, singing and acting (some things are optional and dependant on level).


The price of this summer school is very reasonable and children that are not local stay with local families arranged by Tutugirl. Class sizes are small in comparison to other summer schools which is great for individual attention and corrections.

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Hi Harwel

My dd also attended tutugirls school ,and I agree 100% it is a fantastic summer school ,all the children were extremely talented ,very friendly a credit to all the parents.

My dd did the swan dance and pas de deux it was so professional ,every child got there moment to shine ,and they all sparkled .

Tutugirl made every child feel special ,this is one summer school that should be top of everyone's list next year.

And also the added bonus of everyone singing happy birthday to me made my night ' 21 again as always.

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We are still on our way home from the above summers school and I'll give my reports later on - enough for now to say that he had a fantastic time and was quite exhausted so we stopped at a travel lodge !

Now I figured out at last which is your DS Harwell !!

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My dd has just finished one of her most favourite summer school 4 th year she's been , last night with a show that put others to Shame . The Sara Packham summer school run by tutugirl of here , not only stretched my daughter to her highest ability but nurtured her in a very friendly family orientated way . I can't praise the teachers more for what a lovely week . I have had a fantastic often missed chance to see all her talents ,now she's away at fulltime training by the amazing 2 shows yesterday . Every child was given there chance to shine and show there talents . This is one of my top recommendations for anyone who wants to try somewhere new . There is mixed abilitys both vocational students from all the top dance schools and local dance school s . The teachers were Ex professionals from Estonia ballet company , BRB and ENB. She had a lovely week and it was very reasonably priced well worth a look at for next year if anyone's thinking that far ahead X

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So we are back from our long drive up and back to west Yorkshire for Tutugirls summer school !

I echo everything sais by Harwell, Dancingfeet and Stardancer !

It's the first time DS has asked to go back next year and he has said it was his favourite summer school ever !

Plenty of ballet , but also loved the tap commercial, contemporary and took part (with my persuasion ) in the singing !

DS was definitely challenged and stretched as requested!

The show was super - watched it twice !

DS loves to perform and I could see that every one got their chance to shine and do whatever they did best !!

So lovely to see such an enjoyment of dance !

It was well worth the drive and good to see all abilities included !

DS also loved staying with a family especially one who also has a dancing son !

Looks like we will be back next year space permitting !

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I'll review more thoroughly elsewhere, but I finished The Place and Rambert's intensive on Friday. I took Contemporary 1, Ballet 1, and the RAD 1 version of the repertoire workshop.


Contemp 1: the classes were all pretty good in themselves, but as a course they suffered from the fact 3 different teachers led class in 5 days. Marie Forbes took it in a release technique direction, with some good corrections in floorwork. Then, successive substitutes took it over to Cunningham and then back to Release. Obviously there would be potential in doing the same choreography from Release, Cunningham, Graham, or whatever approaches, but that implies some sort of plan. Stuff happens, though, and injuries certainly do. Also, the unofficial half an hour stretching club in the studio beforehand was really useful.


Ballet 1 (i.e. RAD Elementary): oh hella wow. Nicola Simpson's teaching is phenomenal. Choreography didn't change much through the week but emphasis did. Intensity was savage. Best of all, the priorities (plié/relévé opposition, port, and pirouettes) converged and supported each other - corrections from one had relevance to the others. And the class is a performance in itself; she is your genuine inspirational teacher. There was a massive scrum of dancers trying to find out where she leads class regularly; it looks like you have to live next door to her in Kent or become a Central School JA.


No trouble then *checks Rightmove* *dyes hair, starts work on new back-to-6th-form identity*.


Rep/Choreo Workshop 1: this was a bit mixed. Malgorzata Dzierzon of Rambert led. We worked on new material of hers (wow!) and a bunch of choreo tasks. On one hand this could be a bit vague and could have done with more direction. On the other hand I had my first ever experience of partnering and my first ever lifts...with another man, and I started to get over the temptation to choreograph myself ALL THE TURNS Nicola had just been beating into me. And we got to show. On the other hand, it could have been a bit more focused.


Logistics: the schedule was a bit hurried. 15 mins break from Contemp 1 to Ballet 1 meant after a chat and a stretch and writing up masses of new material (C1 always introduced lots more) and refilling water (watch this: it was a 25ish degree but wet week and the Place has some sweatbox studios, notably 2 and 3), you would struggle not to end up on the back wall barre of shame. 


People: really nice. students ranged from big company JAs to random blokes like me. Modern was the usual 1 in 7 ratio, ballet went as high as 1 in 5, a whole 20 per cent.


Class I wish I'd taken: the partnering/contact improv workshop. I actually joined this by mistake and then changed sides. Their showing, though, was ridiculously beautiful and they should all be very proud.

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My DS has also just finished an "awesome" ( his words) week at Sara Packhams SS. He has loved every minute and would love nothing more than to repeat it all again this week. He is only 11 and quite a lot younger than the others in his senior group but the children are put into groups mainly based on ability rather than age so are able to receive the very best training for their individual needs and get to perform expertly choreographed pieces in the end of the week show.

He starts at Tring in September and it has been great for him to mix with other children and young adults from Tring and other vocational schools, listening to their stories and putting him at ease about moving away from home.

This SS is not just about the vocational children though. The standard is extremely high but they are mixed ability and age and are given the chance to train in ballet, tap, contemporary, commercial, vocal and drama, some of them optional with professional teaching, some of the children would not ever get this opportunity elsewhere.

I would definately recommend this SS for its high class training, friendly atmosphere and large range of classes.

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Thank you very much Harwel. He was so pleased to hear that your DS will be staying in clock house this year, it will be so lovely for him to have a familiar face there and I know that he will feel comfortable asking him for help if he needs it.

Edited by Balletmum11
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My dd also attended West Yorkshire Summer School ( thank you Tutugirl) and I couldn't agree more with the positive comments. My dd loved it and came home every evening tired and happy especially after the two performances on Saturday. What a pleasure it was to see all the talent and hard work on display. I don't get to see my dd perform as much as I used to as she's at vocational school. She loved catching up and dancing with friends she's met over the years sharing what they all love most - dancing. The variety of genres covered during the week by excellent teachers in such a well organised friendly environment all enhanced the week. This year we introduced another two dancers to the summer school one into the younger age group and I'm sure her mum wont mind me telling you she was very sad when it was all over, she'd been very nervous at the beginning of the week but loved every minute and willingly went to bed every night so she'd have the energy for the next day. The other dancer joined my dd in the older and I believe they also had a very positive experience. Harwel please thank your ds - my dd enjoyed dancing the pas de deux with him. We are so lucky that this summer school is on our doorstep and we are able to lift share during the week. There is a good mix of vocational and non vocational students in the older group from a variety of schools. Accommodation is available through host families so the students are very well looked after, the cost of the summer school is very reasonable and definitely worth being on your list of summer schools.

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Thank you all so much .

It's been a wonderful week and I'm so proud of the students for what they have achieved .

I will flag up the dates for next year as soon as I can ( so we don't clash with Moorlands ! )

I shall keep class sizes small - and priority will be given to students who have previously attended .

Now to start planning next year's choreography !!

Tutugirl x

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Also wanted to give feedback for the Woodside dance retreat Summer School .

What can I say ? Just 8 students - being taught by Ed Watson , David Yow and Sarah Wildor .

Nicola and Simon Moriarty opened up their beautiful home , and made a welcoming family atmosphere .

Aside from the personal tuition - the evenings included a limousine theatre trip and a visit from a gym coach .

DS finally did a 'flip ' happy days .

Yes it is expensive - but actually great value for money .

I have observed summer schools where the classes are full , and some children overlooked without a single personal correction .

I can genuinely see the improvement in my DS and he has had his self esteem boosted too .

Definitely consider this one - although I'm not sure if they are already full for next year .

Thank you Nicola and team xx

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Thank you all so much .

It's been a wonderful week and I'm so proud of the students for what they have achieved .

I will flag up the dates for next year as soon as I can ( so we don't clash with Moorlands ! )

I shall keep class sizes small - and priority will be given to students who have previously attended .

Now to start planning next year's choreography !!

Tutugirl x


Also might be worth avoiding clashing with the Northern Ballet one too as you’re in the same bit of the country. The Northern CAT students have to attend the Northern ss. 

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Jennifer Ellison's Summer School feedback (sorry I posted on another thread but makes sense to keep in one place)


For £100 for the week it was excellent value for money (non residential) and fantastic fun!


- 4 or 5 classes per day

- Commercial was a blast with excellent choreographers/tutors

- not much by way of corrections

- Large groups of about 30 per age group. Was 60 onthe first day but groups were adjusted. 

- The registration forms asked for current genres and grades but this seemed to be ignored and split purely on age

- very 'happy clappy' and upbeat.. there were 'select groups' at the end of commercial classes that I saw and everyone clapped and cheered for the select group

- Diner served popcorn chicken and chips - very popular! Reasonable price £4

- Couldn't take any own food or snacks on site (bit difficult if child likes fruit snacks for example)

- Not much ballet - only one or two classes I think

- DD loved Jazz with Jennifer

- DD disappointed in tumbling instructor who didn't spot her one time for back handspring and she hurt herself

- DD disliked the drama saying it was a bit boring (sorry, just her feedback)

- DD loved the aerial silks as she had done some before (think they did this twice). From a spectators point of view I'm glad my DD had been taught elsewhere how to come down properly as it can be dangerous to slide or jump, even onto mats from near the bottom, and some of the kids were doing this when I watched. 

- We were all told to buy a t-shirt £20 as mandatory but then it seemed there were others there not wearing a t-shirt

- Very easy parking


DD would do it again purely for the jazz and commercial and for fun. 

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Oops sorry I obviously can't quote. BlueLou Tutugirl's summer school usually is the week after Northern Ballet CAT SS. I guess that would have clashed with August Bank Holiday this year. My DD has done both last year and the year before. I would definitely recommend you keeping a look out for next year as it's a great opportunity to get some performance experience. Like others have said you will be very impressed by the end of week show. Great teachers and great choreography.

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Oops sorry I obviously can't quote. BlueLou Tutugirl's summer school usually is the week after Northern Ballet CAT SS. I guess that would have clashed with August Bank Holiday this year. My DD has done both last year and the year before. I would definitely recommend you keeping a look out for next year as it's a great opportunity to get some performance experience. Like others have said you will be very impressed by the end of week show. Great teachers and great choreography.

Thanks Yorkshire Pud - dd did want to go this year, but the clash scuppered it. Fingers crossed for next year :)

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My dd has just finished the MIDAS ss course and loved it. She liked the studios but the changing rooms were a bit small. She liked the different methods of teaching and was tired every day.  Lots of friendly students and teachers

My DD has also just done the course. She absolutely loved every minute of it. She feels that she has learnt a great deal as well as making new friends. and said she would definitely go next year. Everyday she has had some really useful feedback (apparently Midas dont use the term corrections) She has been given specific exercises and practice advice that in her words "have really made sense and help me to understand how to improve". She is now a Yoga fan, She had never done Yoga before. She loved the holistic approach to the sessions and has learnt lots of new things about her body that she didnt previously know.She particularly enjoyed this afternoon as the class got to choose a SMART goal, she is due to go on pointe in a couple of weeks time so her aim is to improve her ankle strength so she was able to get specific tuition and advice about this. Seeing her enthusiam after each day has been lovely. The venue was great and the only criticism she gave was that the changing rooms were very small. I will definitely keep in touch with MIDAS and look out for other workshops/training days etc as I am very impressed. From a parents point of view I was really impressed with the low hype but high standard of teaching. Often these courses/workshops are really hyped up but then fall short in lots of areas. The class sizes were capped so I think the largest class was  about 12 so the children really felt like they had the teachers attention. All in all I would highly recommend this course of workshops. 

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My dd attended a few dance/musical theatre summer schools for the first time this year. Three were purely for childcare purposes - she enjoyed them better than a childminder / holiday club but they weren't very demanding.  However, she also attended the Norfolk Dance Association summer school which she absolutely loved! Five days (non residential) of ballet, contemporary, jazz and musical theatre each day. She went away not liking contemporary (too much rolling around on the floor she said) to coming back with it as her second favourite class! She already has plans to attend again next year. 

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