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Everything posted by porthesia

  1. Non-dd had the same phone call regarding the spurious car accident. I would love to have seen the face of non-dd's caller as she politely told him she hadn't even passed her test yet (she hasn't)! His response "Er, I'll remove your name then". When I received the same call I was promised my name would be removed too. Just waiting to receive the call again as I'm sure they will just keep calling Even though for the past four years I've been telling the double glazing firm I've sold the house they put the windows in they still keep calling - in fact I must be due another call soon, it's been about six months
  2. Hi Lin I managed to see a bit before that from candidate 309 to 314 then the interview with the judge and we were then up to 317! Hope they manage to get the live streaming running better today.
  3. I watched some of the live stream today, once I could connect to it and I thought they said you could see the live stream from today at 10.00 tomorrow.
  4. Easy Jet are advertising comfy seats so this equals happy bottoms which are wiggling. The other advert is for an insurance company, man strutting his stuff in denim shorts and high heels. He's got fantastic legs, love the shoes but can't abide the gyrating posterior On another note of adverts I'm going to miss Oleg
  5. The current rash of adverts that have peoples posteriors jiggling about in my face - ugh!
  6. Castle - Marc Morris. Was supposed to read this before my Medieval Architecture and Archaeology course. An interesting insight into the fascinating buildings which litter these Isles
  7. Mornings where you wake up to snow (not a lot, but I have to take non-dd to work) and you have to clean cat sick off the kitchen floor and mat. Fortunately mat is washable, but how to dry in this weather
  8. I normally I leave my trees up as long as possible but circumstances this year have meant they have had to come down early. Also can I put my cat in Room 101? Driving me positively bonkers with the constant demanding for food.
  9. Christmas tree needles, already had one go through my slipper and stab me and only took the trees down yesterday!
  10. Well I embarrassed myself by being told off by theatre staff recently and it was totally justified! I was in the upper circle and had my coat on the balcony! Not during the performance but I had put it there during the interval so black marks for me. Hopefully I redeemed myself in the theatres eyes as I put our rubbish in the bin on my way out, as I always do.
  11. May apply to only a few schools but we got stung for textbooks for A levels. The school just orders them every year - no option to buy or even sell on. Now stuck with history books on China, any takers? DD has managed to resell a couple of her first year leotards. Helps the others when having to do their own washing to have a spare.
  12. Oh my goodness! Sending hugs and good wishes down the line and crossing everything for you all x
  13. Hope your DD is having the most splendiferous first day at Tring today
  14. Sorry, realised my suggestion is a bit late as needs a bit of organising but thought it might be an option for another day.
  15. Pony trekking in the Brecon Beacons?
  16. If it's ballet you are looking for new123 then I would suggest Wheathampstead Dance Academy
  17. Feliway diffuser is supposed to help with highly strung cats over the firework period. I have to let my cat out during the day and just keep her in at nights otherwise we wouldn't have any carpets left!! On another topic, shoppers who arrive at a store 10 minutes before closing and then are disgruntled when 10 minutes later the tills are not open - they are on time swtiches and have to close. Non-dd definitely wants to get out of retail!
  18. Just looked in my "Clans and Tartans of Scotland" by Maria Costantino. Not sure how authentic this is as bought from a tourist shop. The only Roy mentioned in the index is Rob Roy and this took me to the MacGregor tartan - Rob Roy MacGregor. As you mention Roy is also listed as a surname with possible associations to Robertson but this does not appear in the list of surnames associated to MacGregor Have you checked out the price of a kilt? They are really expensive to hire let alone buy. Have you contacted a supplier of kilts, I presume they would have to know all this as part of their job, or you could spend hours lost in the internet Very envious of you, would love to attend a wedding in Scotland, all those men in kilts!!
  19. Congratulations, how absolutely wonderful! I'm sure you will have had enormous help from the members and it will all be plain sailing from now on - enjoy
  20. I must have used the wrong washing product because I used to try and hand wash as much as possible and they still went a bit discoloured. I never got round to trying to dye them - as I seem to remember saying I was going to do on another thread on here. Edited for typos
  21. DD prefers Papillion as they don't have a gusset. She had the same problem with the waistband on Capezio but the Papillion waistbands are fine. Can't remember how pale they are in colour. Can only get these through our local ballet shop but as I always buy six pairs at a time they give me a small discount
  22. Oh so happy another series is scheduled. Thanks for the update 2dancersmum I hadn't heard this.
  23. Unfortunatgely the Epley movement has not worked for me. I get dizzy turning over in bed - quite common apparently. I can't remember the name of my condition but it has something to do with bits of calcium floating around in the ear canal. I also had a bout of vertigo after bending over the sink to have my hair rinsed by the mobile hairdrasser really nasty and I was physically sick when that happened. I suppose I ought to confess to my GP that I didn't sleep upright for two nights after she perfoemd the Epley which is why it didn't work but I'm a bit scared to go back!!
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