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Beryl H

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Everything posted by Beryl H

  1. Last night was technically even worse than expected, apart from dire lighting in Two Pigeons there were continual glitches where the picture broke up for a few seconds, I think the cinema you see these relays in matters a lot, I'm hoping for a Blu-Ray (PLEASE) so I can really see it! Two men were the standouts for me, Steven McRae's outstandingly clean fast technique in Rhapsody and Vadim Muntagirov's totally different style of dancing and charm in Pigeons, and the birds of course, bless them, Vadim was the best bird handler of the 3 men I saw.
  2. I hadn't read much about this production and went with an open mind, wasn't sure after act 1 whether I would want to see it at the ROH or not, but there was a huge change in act 2, much more serious and surprisingly emotional, complete joy to see these dancers so close up, especially my dream Bolshoi couple, Olga Smirnova and Semyon Chudin, so now I definitely want to see it again, perhaps twice. Liked the fact that the story was only really a frame for non-stop dancing, nice length too. Technically excellent, none of the problems that seem to give the ROH team so much difficulty, and lovely at the end to actually be backstage amongst the dancers!
  3. Good weekend, Corsaire in the afternoon, a beautiful Ashton evening, and will shortly be watching the Bolshoi at the cinema! Yuhui Choe gets 5 stars from me in Rhapsody, such luminous dancing, can't imagine a better interpretation, but if there is the RB have 3 outstanding casts now! Valentino Zuchetti was very good at the rapid changes of direction, one of the things I have been reading about in the Ashton biography. Very special debuts from all four leads in Pigeons, Claire Calvert showed exciting technique, and emotional dancing from Beatriz Stix Brunell and Matthew Ball, think the first act is a little slow but the second act is a gem. Looking forward to the cinema, shame Laura Morera is injured.
  4. I've been able to read the FT reviews for several months now too, not using the link here but via Google, today's questions were about Tesco!
  5. Excellent review from The Times for Natalia Osipiova and Steven McRae in Rhapsody, I'll have to wait for the Cinema to see them but should see Yuhui Choe and Valentino Zuchetti tomorrow, another treat I think, plus a wonderful cast of debuts in Pigeons! It was nice to see Debra Craine give Yuhui Choe and Alexander Campbell great reviews for Two Pigeons too!
  6. As usual it's the cheaper amphi seats that get increased the most, the seat that usually costs me between £21-£35 looks as though it will cost £48, might be able to sit in row S for £34!
  7. I am enjoying this production enormously, although the Bolshoi one is grander and has even more choreography, also the only real characterisation here comes from Michael Coleman's Pasha, a marvel every time! Otherwise it's non-stop dancing and last night gave me a chance to see yet another bravura dancer, Osiel Gouneo, with Cesar Corrales, Junor Souza, and Yonah Acosta it was quite an evening, and wonderful to see Lauretta Summerscales dancing so well and looking so relaxed and happy, with her moving up to Medora I was able to see Ksenia Ovsyanick as Gulnare too. Very exciting dancing from Summerscales and Gouneo in the Soviet style "cave" pdd!
  8. I don't have or want a printer or Smartphone but I'm sure the Box Office will post tickets as well.
  9. Very exciting performance last night, even though I only saw about two thirds of the stage, what a marvellous group of young male dancers, athough I thought Tamara Rojo outshone them all, she had true ballerina radiance!
  10. Wouldn't be Southern would it? I've only just realised that I doubt I'll want to travel on Saturday 23rd January, just checking their website again, they have a horrible long list of future disruptions. Am going to see Le Corsaire tomorrow and looking forward!
  11. Went last night, thought the dancing parts were beautiful, Zenaida Yanowsky looks so like the young Elizabeth, and admired Carlos Acosta as four different people, he was particulary funny as Walter Raleigh, and very tragic at the end as Essex. Wasn't so keen on the acting sequences, nothing wrong with the 3 actresses but I couldn't hear everything from the back, it went off the boil just a bit for me but as soon as Zenaida and Carlos reappeared, which was most of the time, I was happy. Good use made of the space, the apron stage made it look bigger and better than usual, and the costumes, designs and lighting (bit dark) gave an Elizabethan atmosphere. Didn't see any evidence of filming last night.
  12. The Sunday Times has gone overboard with ballet today hasn't it, and an advert for the Bolshoi giving the booking dates of 12th April for public and 1st March for Friends. It said Yasmine Naghdi was dancing in Christopher Wheeldon's newest and The Winter's Tale but her name isn't on the ROH, maybe just small roles.
  13. Welcome back Ian, and thanks for mentioning this Berlin production, I would love to see it on the stage as I have the Blu-Ray and find it fascinating, I've never seen Nutcracker look so grand and classical, beautiful Waltz of the Flowers.
  14. Yesterday's matinee was lovely too, a Schools Matinee, and had a happy atmosphere, I enjoyed this production more this year. I booked at the last moment to see Shiori Kase and Yonah Acosta whose dancing I had enjoyed in Coppelia, they are a very good partnership, I like Yonah Acosta's mix of strength and softness, Ksenia Ovsyanick was Louise so I saw her dance the Mirlitons, Junor Souza made the Arabian dance look great, virtually a solo now, and Erik Woolhouse (a new name for me) was brilliant in the Russian Dance, the whole Company looked full of enthusiasm although they must be getting tired.
  15. The audience did clap along with the fouettes at the Bolshoi's Bayadere once but that was to encourage the young dancer who suddenly stepped in for Maria Alexandrova, very special of course and lovely to hear
  16. I've always taken the Russian slow hand-clap to be a form of extra approval, in fact the English audiences join in at Russian performances in London sometimes, I've done so myself, usually at the end of the evening, I remember the last night of the Bolshoi's Flames of Paris Sometimes though I believe organised "claques" or just extra enthusiastic fans in Russia do it throughout the evening, then it does get wearisome.
  17. I think it was usual for applause to start before the end of the grand pdd years ago, I remember a TV documentary where Dame Alicia Markova was coaching an ENB couple and she said they wouldn't hear the music at the end as the audience would probably be applauding.
  18. The January Dance Europe is good, the usual excellent photos, articles about Dutch National Ballet's upcoming Mata Hari, the POB in Nureyev's Bayadere, realise there is a whole new generation of dancers and I don't know any of them, review of Two Pigeons, all worth reading.
  19. Carmen certainly didn't improve on TV, although I'm going to watch it again tonight as I missed some of the better parts such as the toreador's solo, thoroughly enjoyed Darcey Bussell's programme though, personally I think she is fine whenever she does interviews with others and she seemed genuinely excited to be in the company of some great male dancers of the past, nice too to see Luke Schaufuss, Eric Underwood, Alban Lendorf and especially Edward Watson who at the end was shown rehearsing with Wayne Macgregor in the most modern style of ballet, right up to date, the film did cover different periods of history. Some great clips too, I was momentarily fooled by the hoax Nijinsky film!
  20. Woolf Works tops them all, the ballet, the music, and the dancers, especially Alessandra Ferri. Vadim Muntagirov, especially in La Fille Mal Gardee with Laura Morera. Irina Kolesnikova and Denis Rodkin in La Bayadere. The Two Pigeons. Yasmine Naghdi and Matthew Ball in Romeo and Juliet.
  21. Yes, I've been checking the times again, and Gatwick Airport has been added to almost all the Southern trains, so what use is this train that runs twice a hour and no one can use without paying extra? unless it takes the long suffering commuters who have yearly passes. Hope this is another mistake (like that stupid ticket office system at Brighton that has now been abolished) that will be put right soon. I think I would be willing to pay an extra small fee (like the old Brighton Belle) if there was a really fast non-stop service
  22. Fascinating programme but I wish it had ended with Nureyev meeting Fonteyn, if only for a moment! Artem Ovcharenko is probably the closest dancer for facial resemblance to Nureyev, and his acting was surprisingly good, I didn't realise there was such a physical fight at the airport, I thought he was told to just walk to the two policemen and say "I want to stay in France".
  23. I had such an awful journey home on 27th November (train packed, people standing everywhere, an emergency stop would have sent them over like dominoes, a complete disgrace) that I'm not sure if I can face travelling next week, especially after seeing the new timetables, I was hoping that I could travel on the new Gatwick Express from Brighton to Victoria with my Travelcard but can't get any sensible information online, the last one leaves Victoria at 10.30pm anyway. The only good news for me is that they have re-instated a train that leaves Brighton at 00.04 and goes down the West Coastway, as it did years ago before the vandals made it unsafe!
  24. I think Kevin O'Hare is doing a good job in giving debuts in leading roles to many talented young soloists this season, still to come include Beatriz Stix-Brunell and Matthew Ball in The Two Pigeons, Claire Calvert in The Winter's Tale, Tristan Dyer in Frankenstein, and Akane Takada and Ryoichi Hirano in Giselle, surely more than usual.
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