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Everything posted by onemouseplace

  1. I thought Jennifer Hudson sounded awful as well - her voice is just all wrong for a musical role, especially for a song like Memory. Interesting as she also came to prominence on a tv talent show, but I saw Alexandra Burke in Chess recently and she stuck out like a sore thumb as by far the weakest link in an otherwise great show. I thought Francesca Hayward looked lovely and I am really looking forward to the film (Cats was the first West End show I ever saw when I was 9 and I was obsessed by it and I've just introduced my daughter to the soundtrack (also now aged 9) and she loves it as well).
  2. This has annoyed me hugely as, as far as I'm aware, was not indicated to Friends prior to booking. I've booked the cheaper Stalls Circle seats because they were what I could afford, without even looking at the packages first (a) because of the meltdown on the Friends+ booking morning as when I eventually got onto the website I didn't want to waste time navigating the website further and (b) because you don't automatically get booked onto a package if you book seats within a package but have to go through the separate packages channel, which is virtually impossible to find on the new website. If I'd know this, I would have looked at the packages as I suspect the packages discount would have brought the slightly higher priced ticket within the price range I was prepared to pay.
  3. Thank you - I have nabbed one for Cuthbertson/ Ball. I wasn't planning on seeing Manon this season, but this seemed a bit too good to miss!
  4. Still glitchy clearly. Mine seems to have worked ok for now. And I did take great pleasure in giving them a 0 when they requested feedback for whether I would recommend the ROH website after I'd bought my tickets 🤔
  5. Same here. Can't get onto any of the ticket booking pages at all. 15 minutes now and nothing. But they've managed to send me the email to tell me booking is open.
  6. I find the packages too restrictive most of the time as you have to book the same number of seats for all performances. I tend to go on my own, but there will be performances I want to attend with my 9 year old daughter and I can't risk not being able to book an adjacent seat at a later date for her and she can't sit on her own. Plus, I tend to vary where I sit in the auditorium depending on finances and who or what is performing or being performed.
  7. I absolutely love this, how have you been keeping count? I've actually just started a spreadsheet (helpfully assisted by all my bookings back to 2008 being in my account on the ROH website), mainly as an aide-memoire as to performances/ performers and my thoughts. I really enjoyed last night and was very glad I stayed for Symphony in C. I thought the Firebird was excellent - I'd seen the same cast last week from the OS but was in the Amphitheatre this time and liked the different perspective. I've not seen A Month in the Country before and thought it was wonderful - I'm really coming to enjoy one act ballets in the same way I've come to enjoy short stories more. I was particularly impressed by Anna Rose Sullivan and, of course, Vadim. I LOVED Symphony in C - my only gripe was that I wanted to refer to my cast sheet throughout as I'm not as familiar with some of the dancers as others here. But, as with last week's Fonteyn Celebration, I thought it showcased the current breadth and depth of talent in the Company.
  8. I’ve just popped into the ROH shop and, as suspected, the £45 ones in the shop are the Helios ones available on Microglobe for £22.
  9. I've been going back and forth over whether to do the same tonight! I do really want to see Symphony, but also the thought of a 10:50 finish (and interminable journey home) is really making my heart sink.
  10. I had a look at the opera glasses on the ROH website, and they have a full spec for the Leica ROH special edition ones (a mere snip at £750). They also have some for £45 but no spec listed. The £45 ones seem identical to the 'opera glasses' on the site Bluebird linked to, which are incidentally £22 there.
  11. I agree. I have't studied the R&J text closely since I did it for GCSE (a long time ago!), but I've been reading this discussion with great interest as I really noticed in the cinema broadcast Paris's aggression and the suggestion of assault and was thinking how different it was from my reading of Paris in the play, who I remember feeling much sympathy for and as much a victim of circumstance as any of them - indeed (and I may misremember this) - isn't the entire reason he is at the Capulet tomb because he is genuinely mourning Juliet?
  12. I know there is another thread about favourite scores, but I just have to say here that I agree with you. I was a little worried that the cinema screening wouldn't do justice to the music (cinemas are mostly far too loud for my taste) but I was pleasantly relieved that it sounded lush - and as a pp said, the brass were the best I've heard them. Of all the ballet scores, it's probably the only one I prefer to listen to as a piece of music as a whole rather than either a suite or excerpts. Act 3 is just perfection in my opinion. How full were the other cinema screening people attended? Mine only had about 20-25 people in which made for a bit of a lack of atmosphere (and certainly no applause!) but I did see than my other two local-ish cinemas were fully booked/ nearly fully booked.
  13. Agreed. I really enjoyed the exhibition as a whole, but I wouldn't go just on the basis of the stage/ costume design aspect of her work. For The Firebird there was only a theatre poster and a design for the backdrop. I found plenty of her work very interesting and striking though, and could see how she came to stage and costume design.
  14. I couldn't work out why the couple next to me were sniggering and was just starting to get a bit annoyed with them when I spotted what had happened, just before he managed to tuck it back in.
  15. Yes, I feel the same, and I came away from last night feeling that it was not only a fitting tribute to Fonteyn, but also a wonderful celebration of the current Company.
  16. Just home and (from my lay perspective) my favourite performances were Frankie Hayward's Ondine and Naghadi and Muntagirov's Corsaire. Overall I really enjoyed the divertissements, but I have quite a short attention span at times and am rather fond of a crowd pleaser. Agreed, and I couldn't work out why they'd put it on last, until it made sense leading into the projection of Fonteyn's Salut D'Amour, accompanied by the ROH orchestra. As an aside, I thought the orchestra were very good tonight.
  17. I think I am as well - I did just look to see if I could get tickets to the ROH, but on balance my local cinema is £17.50 as a member, plus I'll be home by 1035 which is a big draw!
  18. Just bumping this as the exhibition opened today (and is on until 8 September). I'm going on Sunday afternoon, which will tie in nicely with the two Firebirds I'm seeing in the next week (the Fonteyn celebration tomorrow and the 14th).
  19. How lovely. Bangorballetboy beat me to it, but I LOVED Life at the Royal Ballet School when I was a child - my tiny local library had a copy and I think I got it out about once a month on average. I basically read that and watched the Natalia Makarova Ballerina documentary which I had on video on repeat. Happy Memories.
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