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Everything posted by aballetlife

  1. I've heard of talented dancers quitting purely because they felt it wasn't for them anymore, they wanted a change. I guess no matter how talented you are if you don't have the passion you will only succeed as far as you want. (I hope that makes sense I spent ages trying to figure out how to word that!)
  2. I know there's a nandos around the corner from the dance house but other than that I can't help sorry!
  3. yeah if she's on pointe she could be a little mariinksy or if she's tall maybe a sean or mariinksy dancer
  4. the roles aren't usually done by ages it's more height and how people work as a group but the parts I can think of are: lady in waiting/Hungarian dancer cygnet Spanish courtier that's all I can think of! congrats to your dd and friend
  5. yeah the prayer dance is done by the little friends, again there's around 6 who are smaller in height to the main friends! I forgot that part sorry, thanks lovetodance
  6. you could try asking pointe variation, she definitely does pointe shoes but she could maybe do soft ones aswell? the websites www.pointevariation.com
  7. hi meggy, not a ballet mum but hope I can help;)! the big pointe group in coppélia is the morning hours, who are also in the czardas. some of the more experienced dancers en pointe are swanildas friends. there's usually around 6 girls for this role. then there's also the coppélia doll. however EYB doesn't really consider age with people en pointe if your able and strong enough and what they're looking for you'll get that pointe whether you're 11 or 18
  8. I'm not sure about your brand but I'm sure you can get a harder shank, or maybe special order so you can get a double shank which makes it harder (I don't if this costs more or not). ask your shop about it
  9. I've had something that sounds similar before. I agree with the above advice, get a professional opinion, just wanted to add an exercise I was given, it may help?: tie a theraband (if she has one) above the knees fairly tightly. then stand on one leg and bend it slowly keeping the knees and hips in line. this should help align the hips a bit (from what I can remember!!) do as many reps as possible but take care not to put stress on the knees.
  10. lema, they're usually worn to keep your feet warm. so if you have a break in between classes you can just put them on and have cosy feet! they're basically ballet slippers! they also have a sole so you can wear them outside for walking in between or to the studio and stuff like that:) also I'm a 3 and have the small and there's plenty of room even with pointe shoes so you will probably get away with child's sizes although if she's still growing it may be best to get an adult one.
  11. just a tip I found, take (especially the full view) photos from a lower angle as it lengthens your body and makes you look better than photos from above!
  12. hi southerndancemum, Sorry I can't help but just wanted to say; from my experience they don't mind if you only have to miss one or two rehearsals if you tell them in advance. also even if does conflict if it's not too awkward to get to, your dd should still audition! I think the class itself is fun and a good learning opportunity Sorry I couldn't actually help with your question:) oh also the rehearsals don't usually start until a while after the audition, for me the audition to casting day date has probably been between 2-3 months! One more thing!!! if you email them, they can probably give you a rough idea of when the rehearsals will be
  13. it can be hard doing gcses and dance but it is managable. i think its important not to get stressed, if you get stressed it just makes everything harder. so only do as much as she can manage academically and dance wise. i've just got 10 gcses ( none below a B, yay;) ), while doing english youth ballet at the same time as exams ( last exam then straight to dress rehearsal and show!). i also had an audition the day before an exam. explain to the school if she has to have time off, so they understand and can provide her with any missed resources. i haven't done contemporary but managed to get a place at vocational school. i think having a strong ballet background makes contemporary easier to pick up, as do modern lessons so i wouldn't worry too much. remind her to pay as much attention in lessons as possible to avoid having to do extra afterschool. it's useful to make small revision or summary cards (after each lesson or after a whole topic) they can then be used while driving around to dance and auditions etc. also some kind of unrelated advice but make sure she knows how she learns best ie. kinesthetic (probably shes a dancer!!), audio or visual. so she can get the most out of her revision time. sorry its quite long, just wanted to share some advice of what i did as i went through this last year, i hope it can be of use in some way
  14. BTUK, Ballet West, Hammond and NBS all definitely take students at 18, so unfortunately if your daughter didn't get a place at 17 she could at least get a feel of these schools and reapply at 18 if she wished:)
  15. hi Aileen , yes or if you had not done that step before, if I remember I think they offered an alternate when doing posé turns (although I can't remember what). no sorry I can't say, I didn't know anyone at my auditions so don't know who got in or not.
  16. hi I auditioned last year for Tring, Hammond, NBS and Ballet West. only NBS and Hammond required pointe, it was aimed at around intermediate level and was optional in the sense that you didn't have to leave barre if you weren't very strong and they would offer alternate steps hope this helps
  17. also just thought I'd add I used to wear grishkos (hard/super hard) and went through them every 3 months, I then switched to gaynors which lasted me 8 months!
  18. hello, Just thought I'd add my opinion! In regards to the shank of gaynors you can use a hairdryer to 'heat form' them so you can effectively make the shank bend wherever you want
  19. hello! Just thought I'd tell you, I did EYB Stockport and I heard Dom saying they usually put the next lot of dates up in August :-)
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