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Everything posted by aballetlife

  1. I had grishko pointe shoes which I took the shank and block out and used for an exam. This might not make sense but I'll give explaining it a go haha; -soak the shoes (block) in boiling water until they are soft - id say about 5-10 minutes -the hard part! turn the shoe inside out - then cut a slit in the fabric and pull out the block, I think it grishkos it does just come out as a solid block! -turn them the right way around then put them in the washing machine then leave them to dry and ta daaaaaaaa hahah
  2. I don't know if this is much help but if you're allowed you could take the block out, I know some people that do this. it makes them more like a mix of soft shoes / soft pointes though!
  3. yes pointe is just a section at the end. the rest of the class is done in soft blocks
  4. no there's no pirouettes - in the centre there's just a temps lie and an échappe exercise. there's also the reverence which is done en pointe
  5. I've heard frog stretch but lying on your stomach called butterfly before
  6. hey, the first time I did EYB I got a place off the waiting list! quite a lot of people turn down their places due to finances, schedule clashes and stuff like that, so you've definitely got a chance
  7. my little brother has a yes from Manchester!!
  8. I don't know about Russian but I've heard at SAB they don't put the heels down as the movements are very fast as its Balanchine style, and supposed to be very light looking if that makes sense?
  9. hi, so I have a slightly stupid question... I was going to apply and got to the page about what you're studying and got confused! I'm doing a 2 year HND course (first year HNC) then a degree but I don't know how to put this, would I put this years dates and select the HNC then change it each year afterwards? or what do I do? anyone got any advice?
  10. Alfred71, swayback knees are also known as hyperextended knees. It's when the knees extend beyond straight hence the term swayback. It's seen as desirable in ballet as it can create a more asthetic line (I've just proof read that so many times! no errors this time, touch wood!!!)
  11. I know I've just noticed and it's too late to edit... cringe! ????
  12. yeah any exercise where you poo your heels of the floor is generally to look for swaybacks, I think most people (dancers!) can get their heels off a small amount and then the more swayback the more your heels come off. I think it's because someone with quite large sways would have 'bent' legs when sat on the floor normally so when they fully straightened their legs their heels would pop off?? hope this makes some sort of sense? :/
  13. I think most people just use tampons as it's easier, however when I was younger I used to wear pads to ballet with just a leotard and tights and they weren't at all noticeable and I never had issues
  14. I think my brother said he did frog stretch at his JA audition however trying to get information from a 9 year old over the phone is rather difficult!!!
  15. I'm pretty sure a Scottish higher is equivalent to an a level. I'm less sure of this but I've been told advanced highers are similar to first year of uni.
  16. I need to wash mine! but first I need to sew them since the back has split open... I'm not sure the insides would appreciate being washed!!!
  17. I think quite a few schools do have singing or drama/acting of some sort on the course even though they are solely dance schools. but yeah none of the ones mentioned have any singing or acting at the audition
  18. yeah probably, I know she's done a lot of guest artist stuff like sugarplum fairy in nutcracker for school companies I think?
  19. hm I have no idea about taxes and stuff but I didn't think you had to do that. I saw someone post that you can use social media to sell to people who don't already have a yumigirl at their school / company?
  20. ah, not sure if this is of any use but (this is mainly in America) I always see people asking if anyone wants to order yumikos through them on Instagram and they'll post it so the buyer gets the discount and the yumigirls gets the orders!
  21. hehe, it was a (sort of) jokey remark but it didn't show my laughing face emojis!!
  22. I know there is yumigirls I'm the uk, I'm not sure where though, I've seen it on Instagram before... maybe you could search on there and try find someone?
  23. kind of taking my own post off topic but I feel Instagram and social media are so big with that generation of dancers! like so many teenage dancers have thousands and thousands of followers on Instagram and such, enough to hold their own meet and greets etc. and be offered modelling jobs for dance companies... is Instagram the way forward?
  24. wishing your little dd a complete recovery Regattah. good luck to your elder dd also, I'm sure she did the best she could, she's already achieved so much by going and shows her strong character! best wishes to you all:)
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