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Everything posted by alison

  1. Not as much as you'd think. I was about to mention Steven McRae, and Yonah Acosta at ENB, but then realised that didn't apply. We've had it with guest artists before, less so with company principals, although I believe there has been the odd case.
  2. I quite agree, Coated. You want each one listed in a line, and individually expandable if you want further details, or something like that, I think.
  3. Thank you, northstar, for that long and considered report.
  4. Ah, that would make sense. I just assumed that it would be Romeo & Juliet rehearsing pdd.
  5. I wonder if that is a reflection of e.g. the Mariinsky mindset? After all, they haven't embraced the opportunity to do live broadcasts, either.
  6. In my day, you had to pay "adult" rail fares from the age of 14 onwards. It seemed I'd barely hit 16 before they decided to move the limit up to 16
  7. But as I was implying, if you can find one in the same timezone ... there's already a 5-hour gap between GMT and ET or whatever it is New York is on. Going for a European company would extend that to 6 hours, minimum.
  8. I think the time zoning thing must be a determining factor here: after all, there can't be many ballet companies located in the middle of the Atlantic.
  9. Wow. Oh well, wasn't Fonteyn the "wrong side" of 50 when she danced the role?
  10. It's been a while since they've done the Nureyev R&J, and there's been quite a turnover in dancers who might be cast in the leading roles since last time. Perhaps Tamara Rojo is waiting until she's sure of who will be doing what, and when? Or of course there may always be injuries/absences which change things.
  11. It's true that as we get older we perceive less in low-light conditions. Perhaps we should go for octagenarian lighting designers?
  12. Although it is conceivably a lot cheaper if you split the journey at Birmingham New Street, it seems.
  13. And ouch - I now understand why DQF complains about the cost of rail travel! I couldn't anywhere near afford to go to The Lowry anyway. It'll have to be Birmingham. Hope it *is* the matinee, otherwise I might as well take my chances with Sadler's Wells.
  14. Nooooooooooo!!!! I've just booked tickets for me and a friend for the Trocks in London that evening. There's no way I could get back from Salford in time Birmingham, I might just have managed it. I didn't even realise BRB were going to the Lowry before the Hippodrome.
  15. They have "work coaches" now? I'm not sure I was ever seen by the same person twice when I attended, because I had to keep explaining my personal circumstances all the time. I'd agree with that: in my day (early on in the recession) I got the impression they'd taken on a lot of new people to cope with the extra numbers, and they weren't always completely up to speed - either that or they'd been told different things from the longer-term people. I kept getting conflicting information about my (admittedly non-standard) case, which the system really wasn't built to cope with, so in the end I dumped them - it was just too much hassle being forced to jump through useless hoops which weren't doing a thing to get me off the unemployment figures.
  16. Where did you find that, Katherine? (And why Hirano as Romeo?)
  17. I'd have thought most coach services have Wi-Fi nowadays (although I know from experience on the Oxford Tube that it can be patchy). Whether the T&Cs allow watching videos may be another matter, of course: it may be that they don't have the capacity.
  18. Total guesswork would suggest Romeo & Juliet, if there's no insight event for it. However, they're also in rehearsals for the Raven Girl bill and I think also the Ashton one, so you never know.
  19. Hi Julie. A bit of educated guesswork from me, since it's a few years since I was last on JSA. - You should certainly be able to change your appointment time, in the same way that you can do so if you have an interview which clashes with your signing-on time. (I'm not even sure that you're not entitled to sign on when you like, but I don't think it goes down very well if you do!) - I'm not sure where we stand now on the 16-hour rule. It used to be, many moons ago, that you would lose out proportionately if you went over the 16 hours, but I now suspect you might lose it all. I was always careful not to work more than 16 hours per week. I know they had great fun trying to work out what to do with me when I submitted amounts billed, because the system just doesn't cater for people doing intermittent freelance work, with unpredictable payment periods (if at all) at all. And of course Income Support is means-tested only ...
  20. They did last year, so I expect it'll be the same this year. Don't suppose you're going on a train with Wi-Fi?
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