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pas de chat

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Everything posted by pas de chat

  1. I think the whole audition process is stressful enough, I can't imagine how parents feel during appraisals. To receive a poor appraisal after your first two terms must be dreadful for children (and parents) as they are still surely just settling in to a new way of life?
  2. It is an expected no for us as well! ): maybe next year we shall try again
  3. Well done amber21 that is such great news and well deserved! I'll tell DD when she comes home she will be so pleased for her.
  4. Sorry to hear that TMT. Good luck with Elmhurst finals though!
  5. When DD went on the 13th I think only two did a drama piece. According to DDs teacher Miss Rachael is really only interested in the classical side of things. Kiwimum6 is right if you do other things they might think your child may be suited to other areas.
  6. Yes we not 6th Form but Junior Dance. We thought we might have heard by now too as DD auditioned on the 13th! On the flip side the nice thing about not knowing is that you are still in the game!
  7. We were told we could get a waiting letter as they had lots of auditioning to do. The last audition for our group is the 6th Feb so maybe they are just holding out for that. It has been a long three weeks for DD but hopefully worth the wait!
  8. Congrats jazzpaws great news hopefully more good news to come!
  9. I think so far the audition process has been a great life experience for DD we haven't regretted one moment. I would try out for JAs and see how your daughter gets on. We did our first audition for RBS on Sunday and DD enjoyed it very much!
  10. We were there too but no news. I think they said three weeks but it was so long ago I've forgotten!
  11. Check out the Elmhurst website they have last years on there.
  12. No news here either. I'm wondering whether they go out on a friday night?
  13. Good news we had a very lovely letter yesterday saying yes from The Hammond. Happy Days!!
  14. Sorry posted too soon. DD loved her audition. I think she knew she just had to go for it as the chances of getting in are sooo slim she thought she should just enjoy having important ballet people looking at her. She is not the body type for WL and not overly bendy but it was a good day.
  15. We were at the 3.45pm I can't believe there was a further audition after us!
  16. DD had a wonderful day yesterday and came out very happy. I can't quite believe how many little girls there were piling in and out. However they all seemed bright eyed and bushy tailed so WL must be doing something right. There was no competitive warm up just stretching and jumping going on. DD was practicing her face as she never smiles. One of best things about the day was DD meeting up with a girl she met at Tring Easter week. They were just like old friends nattering and went off to the toilets together for ages. I think we'll hear at the end of Feb?
  17. Thanks balletmadmum they sound great. We have also not considered them before because of the non boarding element. Interestingly it says on the application form that they are not residential but I also met a mum last Sunday whose daughter attend the school and she said there were some residential places on offer.
  18. DD went last Monday. She felt a lot of the solos were made up by the girls themselves and all the candidates watched each other. I think Miss Rist wants to see musicality, lots of smiles and a love of dance.
  19. Sadly it is a no for DD. She doesn't know yet so plenty of cuddles tonight to boost her confidence for Sunday at Covent Garden. Just one thought has anyone been rejected from Elmhurst to then get into WL? I could do with some ammo for tonight's morale boost!!
  20. I downloaded grade 5 it was very slow and I had to try several times for it to work.
  21. I read these last year as well and thought how funny they were. Now I'm in that boat and feel very nervous. DL vs A4!!!
  22. DD's teacher is doing the old grade 5 but will also do some of the new grade 5 work alongside so the girls have a platform for both routes.
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