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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. LinMM

    The Dress

    Oh gosh this is really weird!!! I just see white and gold .....and can't get black and blue no matter how much I stare!!
  2. I'm sure you could do both ......if it came to it that is.....teach and do some dance journalism! As you also seem to like choreography ......as a teacher you could do more or less of this as you wanted......depending on how you wanted to work etc. If you did some sort of Dance degree and then also a training teachers course in one of the major schools ....RAD for an example.....you would have quite wide options open to you. Of course all this takes money but doesn't have to be done all at once! Anyway first things first .......and here's hoping you get what I know you really want is ....a place on a full time Dance course ...so really very good luck for tomorrow ......fingers crossed
  3. Ah well Kathak is a well known Indian dance form from Northern India and is a classical form. I studied a couple of classical Indian Dance styles while living in London and when I had given up ballet(for the second time) This was at Jackson's Lane in North London and the Kathak form was with Alpana Sengupta. It is supposed to be the origin of Flamenco. Lots of foot stamping.....but with bare feet. I also did some Odisi .....doesn't look right spelling!......from Southern India a much slower and more use of the face etc.....fascinating It's just I don't recognise "South Asian Dance" .....as a style I mean.
  4. Well he has danced with Akane Takada a few times but don't know whether she's down to do Swan Lake. If it can't be Cuthbertson I wouldn't mind seeing perhaps a debut in this role? Has Fumi Kaneko ever danced The main role in Swan Lake? Ive never seen Lamb in this role but although I do like her in some things I'm not sure about her for Swan Lake......she's never really moved me before now! Going back again to the casting ......I'm still hoping then that if Cuthbertsons name has always been there .....on the website at least....for the 9th then "they" are also hoping she has a chance to be fit by then?
  5. LinMM

    How Much Rest?

    If your daughter is otherwise generally fit and well ....then a month for someone seriously studying ballet is quite a while off but I would say 2-4 weeks is okay ......definitely not more than 4 weeks.....for a young person....in ballet terms under 20! However it may depend just when that month is! For example if you have an exam or several auditions or even a show coming up soon then maybe a month would be too long. But if it's a fairly "quietish" term ahead then a bit of stretching at home or swimming etc may be all that's needed. Probably the best time to,have a whole month off is during August(after any summer schools etc) and completely rest the body on all levels ready for the next year ahead. Once the year has started though it's probably better to not have more than about two weeks off completely because there is usually just so much going on. Sorry a bit vague but it's also such an individual thing. Some people's body's do bounce back quickly into shape from a break but others may take a bit longer and perhaps your daughter felt this break was just a bit too long for her. All of the above is appropriate I think for someone who is generally well and not showing signs of stress or has been continually going down with things......often a sign the body is on that edge of fitness.
  6. ha ha Taxi!! Well I'm hoping it may be some form of Indian Classical dance just hope it's not "Bollywood" .......fun in itself but maybe not for a competition of this ilk?
  7. Thanks too Harwel.....have also just booked a ticket!!
  8. So sorry it was a no Swanprincess. And all the very best with Ballet West. Will you be getting some advice with the DVD etc? Also are you going to audition for Ballet Theatre UK ......sorry if Ive missed this.
  9. Whoops sorry not LAB then .....ENB. Yes I knew about this but didn't book for the same reason as above.
  10. What a shame .......an LAB ...ONE day one .....been hoping for this for ages ....but the date will be no good for me because don't we have a big ALL DAY rehearsal the next day (29th) for the show. Incidentally do you know where this will be......as the ENB have an event on there that Sunday?
  11. Yes you could be right there Nevsky as I KNOW I ve seen it somewhere. On a lighter note it took me ages to work out what the "c" was in "tbc" (hence why I put tba......to be announced.....yesterday walking in St James Park I said to a dancing friend what does the "c" mean "Confirmed" you numbskull you......." Enough said! I just hope Muntagirov dances that day and he doesn't get moved too ....for all sorts of re arranging of partners that may be unfortunately required.
  12. Thanks for the info ......but in that case why does the ROH website say she is!!
  13. LinMM

    No! Help????

    I agree that in the end the main "passion" must come from your DD (original poster) Ballet is a tough old world and I think success......eg....having an eventual career ....requires other personal qualities other than the ability to dance. I really love ballet but my own passion only took me to the age of 15! I think my mother was a bit relieved when I finally relinquished any idea of a career in ballet but she didn't encourage(but supported) or discourage my first dreams of becoming a dancer. Because in the end you can't live someone else's life for them no matter how much you love them!! However all was not lost. I found other passions......which have served me well in my non dancing career and........now I have retired I am back doing ballet again and loving it all over again but from a very different view point. So now it is serving me into old age......even if I didn't have that career!!
  14. I have a ticket for Swan Lake on April 9th ....Cuthbertson /Muntagirov For ages now because of Cuthbertsons injury it has been saying tba for her name but I see that her name is back there. Does this mean she will be dancing on the 9th ....I will be delighted if she is ...or is this an error on the ROH website now?
  15. May PM you Meadowblythe ....that was very helpful..Thankyou
  16. I don't suppose anyone's DD or DS has attended or had a friend attend the Danish ballet school summer school by any chance? It looks very good on the website(am researching for a friend) but of course has the added cost of staying in Denmark. I don't think they've announced all their teachers yet though.
  17. It's still the mixed opening hours here in Brighton area. Brighton Centre shopping itself is 11-5 on Sundays But some slightly out of town supermarkets or shops in for example Lewes may variously be either 10- 4pm or 10.30 to 4.30 pm Even on the big Holmbush Centre just outside Shoreham the Tesco is 10-4 and right next to it the Marks is 10.30 to 4.30!
  18. I'm sure as it was mentioned it's definitely a "good" remembering!! I'm sure if you remembered someone being not very good you would just keep pretty quiet
  19. Oh that's great MAB!! Just a friend expecting a baby ......already overdue .....so must come by the 28th....I think!! Just thought I'd give her some ballet good news!
  20. I wonder ......though please forgive naïveté in Russian Politics in advance.....if there is some political influence behind these remarks .....in the sense that unfortunately Russia seems to be moving backwards just at the minute with Putin in charge and seems to be more reactionary to the West in general .....back to the bad old days it seems.....(if only we had given Russia more support when they wanted to look more to the West ...before Putin.........but for another Forum I think) What I'm trying to say is that do the Political Powers that be in Russia have strong influence over their Artistic Institutions again as they used to? I'm hoping it hasn't got to the stage there where spying on artists and monitoring of their views has restarted. Though I realise this could just be part of my western paranoia so to speak.
  21. Are there any ballet dates for 25th to 28th February?
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