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ENB Casting - Nutcracker 2021 and Raymonda

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I am sure someone on here must know this but do ENB have a standard timeframe for when they announce casting and why do they leave it so late?


I have previously bought late with ENB to try and get casts that I wanted but its such a pain! Raymonda opening night is only a month or so away and yet no announcement seems odd (unless I have completely missed it!)



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A couple of days ago I tried asking them when casting would be announced, as a comment on one of their Instagram posts about Raymonda, but have yet to get a reply. Given they've clearly been rehearsing for several weeks I can't believe that they don't know....Unless they're waiting to see who's still uninjured at the end of their Nutcracker marathon!

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I believe that the casting is due to be announced ahead of the run of Nutcrackers. [I asked when I attended a rehearsal this week but I don't think that that timing is certain.]

From what I saw, ENB's new Raymonda is going to be a terrific show. Can't wait to see it on stage.

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Some great piccies have just appeared on my Facebook page and these certainly give an indication of who is in the first casting but can’t be absolutely sure. 
Daniel McCormick looks great in his costume definitely like to go when he is cast!!    And hopefully Frola will have a biggish part to play too. 

Think this is going to be a winner 🤞

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I'm hoping to see it with Frola as Jean de Brienne, so all I can tell from the photos is that I won't be seeing the cast shown in them! Assuming the photos are of the first cast, I'm surprised that Takahashi's not in them, given she's been used for the advanced publicity images so I'd assumed she would be in the first cast.

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12 minutes ago, Dawnstar said:

I'm hoping to see it with Frola as Jean de Brienne, so all I can tell from the photos is that I won't be seeing the cast shown in them! Assuming the photos are of the first cast, I'm surprised that Takahashi's not in them, given she's been used for the advanced publicity images so I'd assumed she would be in the first cast.

I believe the photograph for the "Raymonda" poster, showing Takahashi and Hernandez, was taken before the first lockdown, and the company's roster of principals has changed substantially since then.  The short publicity videos posted on Facebook show Takahashi, Kochetkova, Oliveira and Hawes sharing the role of Raymonda, and I believe there are a couple of others who have not been featured yet in any publicity.  

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So far the dress rehearsal photos have Maria Kochetkova as Raymonda, Isaac Hernandez as John (formerly Jean de Brienne) and Fernando Carratala Coloma as Abdur (formerly Abderakhman). They’re also her main partners in Nutcracker so I expect they will continue in Raymonda.


My guess is that Erina Takahashi, Joseph Caley and Jeffrey Cirio will be Raymonda/John/Abdur in the first night cast, or if not, they will at least be in the same cast together (despite what the posters show). Beyond that, not sure who is partnering whom, and not sure who is dancing which night. I just hope I don’t end up with the same cast for all the shows I booked! They had indicated on FB they would announce on Monday or Tuesday, but so far, nothing. 


With regard to their usual timescale of announcements, it varies from production to production, unfortunately.

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8 hours ago, Emeralds said:

So far the dress rehearsal photos have Maria Kochetkova as Raymonda, Isaac Hernandez as John (formerly Jean de Brienne) and Fernando Carratala Coloma as Abdur (formerly Abderakhman). They’re also her main partners in Nutcracker so I expect they will continue in Raymonda.


My guess is that Erina Takahashi, Joseph Caley and Jeffrey Cirio will be Raymonda/John/Abdur in the first night cast, or if not, they will at least be in the same cast together (despite what the posters show). Beyond that, not sure who is partnering whom, and not sure who is dancing which night. I just hope I don’t end up with the same cast for all the shows I booked! They had indicated on FB they would announce on Monday or Tuesday, but so far, nothing. 


With regard to their usual timescale of announcements, it varies from production to production, unfortunately.


I think the first night cast looks very much like Hernandez and Kochetkova. All the clips are these two and the trailer. It also seems very unlikely that Rojo, would not create this ballet on her partner. Additionally, Kochetkova was ENB big signing and states on their website "I would love to have the opportunity to work with choreographers on creating new roles and ballets" - you would think she would have sought to create this role when negotiating joining.

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I am not sure why English National Ballet are withholding the casting for Raymonda, whether it is because they are disorganised, or out of a company policy to dampen down the fanbase rivalries of the ballet public for individual dancers and focus on the company ethic.


I, for one, have been holding off booking any tickets, until casting is announced - and I know that goes for some of my friends.  Now, with the omicron virus sweeping across our theatreland, I am certainly not going to book now - I will wait and see.


The Coliseum box office website helpfully states the number of seats available in each of the four sections of the house - Stalls, Dress Circle, Upper Circle and Balcony.  I estimate the capacity for Raymonda to be 2,323 per performance or 32,522 across the 14 Raymonda performances.  The website shows that there are 22,062 seats available as of this morning, representing 68% of capacity.  Put another way, they have sold (or reserved) only 32% of the tickets.  Across the season, they have sold (or reserved) 56% of stalls tickets, 37% of dress circle tickets, 18% in the upper circle and 16% in the balcony.  The most heavily sold performances are the first Saturday (45%) and opening night (44%).  The least heavily sold performances are the Wednesday (24%) and Tuesday (26%) of the second week and the schools matinee (25%) in the first week.


When a potential customer scans the website and sees acres of unsold seats, it rings alarm bells.  Is this show worth seeing?  Is it suitable for children?  Should I wait for the inevitable discounted offers nearer the date of performance?


With other theatres suspending performances across Britain, because of local outbreaks of covid infections, it begs the question as to whether these shows will go ahead.  If I were the marketing manager of ENB, I would publish the casting this morning, in an attempt to sell a few more tickets now to the regular ballet public, who know the principal dancers of ENB, while the ballet public are still confident enough to buy them.

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I think you are being a bit harsh about the reasons for unsold tickets.


I am not coming to see Raymonda, not because I worry about the production or am nervous about going to a theatre but because I worry about 2 1/2 hours each way on the train.  I think very many people are still wary of travel and attending venues like theatres and have perhaps waited to see what was happening with the virus before deciding.  With omicron sweeping the nation I don't think the situation will improve with ticket sales any time soon.

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With Omicrom infections rising so quickly, it makes sense to hold off announcing cast until you have more certainty about who is available.  Likewise the audience may be leaving booking until the last minute in case they themselves are isolating or the whole production is postponed.  Several West End shows have had to cancel performances  over the last couple of weeks.

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If I were involved in ENB decision-making, I would publish the intended casting now, even if COVID or injury uncertainties remain.


When all is said and done, I doubt that people’s booking choices for ENB are as dancer-specific as they are for the RB.


I took a punt a few weeks ago when the fromtheboxoffice website was offering 58% reductions.

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12 hours ago, TSR101 said:


It also seems very unlikely that Rojo, would not create this ballet on her partner.

I’m sorry but I find it highly insulting if not simply offensive to both parties and the ENB itself to suggest that the Artistic Director of one of the UK’s leading ballet companies has cast a dancer on the basis that she shares a bed with him. 

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30 minutes ago, capybara said:

If I were involved in ENB decision-making, I would publish the intended casting now, even if COVID or injury uncertainties remain.


When all is said and done, I doubt that people’s booking choices for ENB are as dancer-specific as they are for the RB.


I took a punt a few weeks ago when the fromtheboxoffice website was offering 58% reductions.


I booked months ago for the first night, in the balcony with a small reduction because I'm now over 60. So I'm feeling slightly miffed! (Having said that, the ticket was ridiculously cheap.)

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I’m still holding off booking ....initially because of casting but now because of the virus as there is now a hint of rule of six coming back etc in January and if theatres are still open I wonder if there will have to be socially distanced performances again 😢 So just waiting a bit longer to see how pans out....I think most people will know that it’s not booked out currently for this reason too. 

However I have no doubt at all that it is definitely worth going to see and that the best dancers have been chosen for the roles available. Hernandez is a very good dancer ...not my particular fave but still up there among the very best in the Company. 
When any Company has so many good dancers to choose from inevitably some will unfortunately miss out but some have been with the Company for quite a while now so others will get their chances in the future.


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I had to book for Raymonda without knowing the casting in the end as I do depend on the joint discount with Nutcracker to be able to catch more than just one show a season- the last time I waited for casting, all the Nutcrackers I could make it for were sold out and I had some disappointed family members. Had to end up squeezing into an inconvenient weeknight show and not quite the ideal sight lines. 


I think waiting till the last minute to announce casting is shooting oneself in the foot- if one wanted to predict illness or injury, then nothing would be announced till 20 minutes before the show starts. Even opera and orchestras can confirm a year in advance- and singers do get struck down by throat infections and colds every so often, musicians get ill or can’t fly when Covid closes borders. Like ballet casting, sometimes it’s disappointing, but sometimes you end up with someone you like more! It’s a bit odd that Nutcracker can be confirmed (even given the 4 weeks’ difference in schedule) but not Raymonda. At least just even the casting for Raymonda and John only, or just Raymonda, will give patrons an idea, and a few dates can be TBA if there is some uncertainty about visas or border closures. We’re seasoned theatregoers- we know there might be replacements through illness, injury or not being able to fly. And surely all the big stars have plane tickets or gala appearances confirmed by now, and will know which dates they can or cannot do. 

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4 hours ago, capybara said:

If I were involved in ENB decision-making, I would publish the intended casting now, even if COVID or injury uncertainties remain.


When all is said and done, I doubt that people’s booking choices for ENB are as dancer-specific as they are for the RB.


I took a punt a few weeks ago when the fromtheboxoffice website was offering 58% reductions.

Aha- mine are equally specific for RB, BRB, ENB, Mariinsky, Bolshoi, etc. 😊I’ve even once travelled 7 hours up to Scotland and back again on the same day from the south just to catch one dancer in a 20minute ballet. Or bought a ticket just to hear one favourite singer in a small role. I think the target audience for Raymonda will be vastly different for Nutcrackers- probably more ballet aficionados, some dance teachers and former dancers keen to see this rarely staged classic or reboot of a classic, and while many of us are keen to see it performed regardless of who does it, there will be quite a few who care about the casting. Le Corsaire was also in a similar situation- although some of us had seen the production staged by ABT on tv - but casting came out much sooner. I say they should just go for it and announce some casting, and if they need to substitute  at the last minute, just do it. 

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I very rarely feel this way, but with ENB for me it's primarily a case of trying  to avoid a particular dancer because I'm almost certain I'll get distracted by my (irrational and disproportionate) annoyance! So for me even provisional casting will probably do the job as I can book for one of the adjacent performances and feel reasonably confident that I *won't* see them.  It would of course be a bonus for one of those adjacent performances to be with dancers I particularly like.


Sorry to be so negative, but I've learned this one the hard way. And I acknowledge it's a "me" problem, not a "them" problem!

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I know exactly what you mean Lizbie.  There was a dancer I couldn't bear to watch at ENB some years ago.  It did mean I missed rather a lot of another dancer I really admired though.  I'm not that familiar with the company now so if I was going I would just "book blind".

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I’ve just been going through the dancers currently at ENB ...Some I’ve never heard of still but noticed one young man has been plucked from the “corps” as such for a role in Raymonda:  Fernando Carratala Coloma 

However another dancer I liked I see has left it seems. I’ve forgotten her name at the moment ......She was a Chinese dancer and always remember her in Le Jeune Homme et la Mort dancing with Cesar Corrales when he was with the Company. 
Can anyone remember her name and/or where she might have gone? 


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6 hours ago, capybara said:

When all is said and done, I doubt that people’s booking choices for ENB are as dancer-specific as they are for the RB.


Mine are more so for ENB. I have only seen a handful of ENB performances so many of their dancers are unknown to me. Therefore, having lucked in & seen a dancer I really, really liked, Francesco Gabriele Frola, at my first ENB performances for years (Manon, January 19) I stuck to booking for his performances for the following Cinderella & Le Corsaire and have been waiting for casting to do the same for Raymonda. Though now with increased covid I might not book at all.

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2 hours ago, LinMM said:

I’ve just been going through the dancers currently at ENB ...Some I’ve never heard of still but noticed one young man has been plucked from the “corps” as such for a role in Raymonda:  Fernando Carratala Coloma 

However another dancer I liked I see has left it seems. I’ve forgotten her name at the moment ......She was a Chinese dancer and always remember her in Le Jeune Homme et la Mort dancing with Cesar Corrales when he was with the Company. 
Can anyone remember her name and/or where she might have gone? 


Yes, Jia Zhang- she was also very good as one of the Two Swans in  

Swan Lake and one of the solo Sylphs in La Sylphide.  She was one of the dancers whose progress through the ranks and parts she was given was unduly slow, and I was baffled that one or two slightly less accomplished dancers got prominent roles that they couldn’t quite pull off ahead of Jia. She left in the pandemic - I haven’t checked where but hopefully she has found a good company that rewards her ability fairly and gives her good roles. A dancer’s career is too short to hang around waiting.


ENB does attract many, many gifted dancers- there aren’t enough shows for everyone deserving to show what they can do. I was amazed to see how good Ivana Bueno was at the Emerging Dancer livestream, and prior to that she only had bit parts. Junor Souza can and should get more lead roles eg the Siegfried, Nephew, Florimund, etc roles. I have a long list.... 😊 I also have the same situation that Jan and Lizbie1 describe - but it is true for me of all companies. 


PS Dawnstar is right about Frola- what a phenomenon he is! Those jumps, turns, the partnering, and his ability to inhabit any role- Nephew, Franz, Armand (with Cojocaru at Sadlers Wells), Playlist, Jose in Bizet’s Carmen, Apollo etc. I keep worrying another company will steal him from us, but thankfully he seems to be staying. I feel a bit bad we appear to have stolen him from National Ballet of Canada, but I understand that they had restrictions for far longer, so there weren’t many performances happening there either. 

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The wonderful Jia Zhang is now a mum (noted on social media) and might not have gone to another company.

She was indeed phenomenal in Le Jeune Homme et La Mort.

It is always the case that no AD sees things the same as another and dancers’ fortunes change when they change.


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Dawnstar and Emeralds - you have both posted above about Francesco Gabriele Frola and his jumps.  He danced Diana and Actaeon at Ivan Putrov's Ukrainian Ballet Gala with Natalia de Froberville.  Dance Europe has posted his variation and the coda on you tube.  


I am not sure what the rules are about putting links here, but if you go on You Tube and search for Diana and Actaeon (Dance Europe channel), you will find it.  

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