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Do you mean the "skinny" assistant literally pulled your car forward on her own?! Are skinny people known to be stronger at pulling cars along then.....I'm just trying to picture your post!!

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Into Room 101 - (quietly livid about this because I've been backed into a corner regarding ferrying relatives about, and which now also means I will now spend more than 5 hours driving on the day instead of being able to enjoy myself):


Other people's weddings.

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Into Room 101 - (quietly livid about this because I've been backed into a corner regarding ferrying relatives about, and which now also means I will now spend more than 5 hours driving on the day instead of being able to enjoy myself):


Other people's weddings.

Not strictly Room 101 but your tiny grump about driving relatives to weddings reminded me of an incident decades ago when my brother and I were dispatched to pick up an elderly distant relative for a cousin's wedding.  We drove to the address and found an elderly lady, smartly turned out, waiting anxiously on the pavement.  She answered happily to "Auntie Vera?" and we bundled her and her walking frame into the car.  .  Next day the bride's mother rang to ask who she was.  Poor Auntie Vera missed the wedding but on the plus side her inadvertent stand-in had a lovely time at the reception...

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Into Room 101 - (quietly livid about this because I've been backed into a corner regarding ferrying relatives about, and which now also means I will now spend more than 5 hours driving on the day instead of being able to enjoy myself):


Other people's weddings.

Also other people's christenings. A few years ago we were invited to be godparents to two young children, whose parents were acquaintances of ours and were separated. We were surprised and flattered to be asked and agreed, despite some misgivings, not least the religious aspect. Anyway, as was typical of the mother in this case, all was not as it seemed.

Next we heard was that it was the grandmother's wish for the children to be christened and she lived in Dorset, where it was intended the ceremony should take place. As we live in Derbyshire, this raised the question of transport. As the mother could not drive, it was decided that we would provide wheels for her, the children and ourselves. The grandmother ran a guesthouse but was not prepared to accommodate us - the godparents - as we have a small dog. We were obliged then, not only to travel some distance but also to find our own accommodation and pay for it. 

The mother then announced her boyfriend - who is not the father of the children - wanted to come along 'for the ride'. Next up she told us they wanted to stay a few extra days so she could see all her old friends. We were expected to stay on, because of course we were providing the transport! I told her she must surely be taking the proverbial but she thought I was being unreasonable.

The final straw was when we again queried the details, little things like the church ceremony, responsibilities of being a godparent and so on. All the important stuff was already arranged as far as she was concerned, transport, accommodation, catering etc. It turned out the father of the children knew nothing about this whole event and we were told not to tell him if we saw him, as he would never have agreed to it.  No way was I going to agree to that sort of deception and we pulled out. She was furious and could not understand why we felt as we did. We have not spoken since.

Edited by Jacqueline
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Anne Marriott that was a great story and reminded me of back in the 70' s for my cousins wedding my mum and me were given the job of looking after my mum's mum whose memory was very poor by then.

Poor nanny she was doing the washing when we arrived and had completely forgotten about the wedding. We had to get her ready and then an hours drive.

We only just managed to get there in time in the end ( my mums sister whose daughter was getting married was outside the church panicking where we were so we already got a black mark. Then while all the photos were being taken we lost her!!

Couldn't find her anywhere and were getting really anxious that she had wandered into the nearby town but then next to the church was a hut for church social functions etc and we found her in there enjoying a cup of tea with some other old people ....nothing to do with the wedding!

By this time my mums name was mud but it was such a relief to find her and she obviously was having a much better time than we were!!

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Flipping Royal Bank of Scotland group. I bank with Ulsterbank and this morning I was going to book my hotel in Belfast for when I go to see BRB in Swan Lake in November. I keep checking my account every 20 minutes. Not a penny has been paid in. Oh,and even worse,there is £3.00 of electric left in my meter and when that runs out there will be no way of getting any money from anywhere else to buy some more.

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Lisa,  I don't know where you are expecting money from but as long as it is going in via the BACS system, it should be within your account within seconds of the "send" button being hit by the sender.


If it is an automated system, unless it has changed BACS effects the transfers first thing in the morning.


If you should have received money today I suggest you contact the payee as soon as possible to find out what is going on.


(On 1st July 2003 I discovered that my salary hadn't been paid into my bank account.  I was on leave but happened to be in Liverpool that day so went straight into work.  No-one had been paid.  For security reasons the pay file was prepared by one team and transferred to another team at a different location to transmit the file to BACS.  Unfortunately all 3 people in the team were off and the transmission hadn't been made...  We were paid on 2nd month.)

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Just been on the phone to my local Ulsterbank branch,explaining my dire financial situation. She told me they don`t expect it to be fixed until tomorrow at the very earliest.They have arranged to credit my account with £500 within the next hour. Yay,hotel room and Sainsbury`s ,here I come.!!

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Just booked a room at the Fitzwilliam Hotel,Belfast. £140 for the night,including breakfast. Jeez. I looked to see if there was a Premier Inn or even a hostel nearby [i`m used to slumming it at Oasis gigs in cheapo hostels]. There was a hostel,but it`s just off the Shankill Road. Not the nicest of areas to be wandering around at night. At least this hotel is literally next door to the theatre. And I did say I wanted to treat myself anyway.!!!

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Jacqueline how cheeky she was! Unbelievable. ..

Oh yes! She sure was. Just prior to this, she had had one of many bust ups with the boyfriend ( the one who wanted to come along for the christening ride ) over whether the relationship was on or off. At that particular point, for her it was off. He responded by going round to her place and kicking the front door in, then chasing her and what must have been two terrified children all over the house. Luckily, he then ran off and she and the kids came round here for safety and the night.

The next morning, I returned from taking my dog out, to find the little boy had lined his 'breakfast' crisps up all along my windowsills. Then his sister was moaning about lumps in the strawberry jam on her toast. I explained that these lumps were what we call strawberries but she wouldn't eat it. Both kids had a habit of spitting out food they didn't like and walking round while eating, leaving half chewed things under furniture. They did not know how to sit at a table and eat properly or use cutlery.

The boy then decided to hit my dog over the head with a can of pop, so it was time for them to go! 

I arranged for somebody to come and fix her front door and took the kids to school. She and I had a chat about what she was going to do next and I just knew she would take him back. Everything was always about her and what she wanted. I did feel sorry for those kids and sometimes wonder what became of them. It was partly the reason we agreed to be godparents as we thought maybe we could look out for them. But you can't make people act responsibly. She would have just moved on to the next person she thought she could use.

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There's a couple living in a tent in the garden next to me at the moment but although they seem to get on okay, the woman uses f***ing as a favourite adjective in most sentences, they're not up yet but it gets a bit tiresome.

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Breakfast crisps?  I was once given a packet of crisps for breakfast in a hotel in Nottingham, it did make a change from my usual porridge of course.

Yes, crisps for breakfast apparently. Not on the in-house menu, hence the inverted commas. That's what he liked for breakfast, his mother told me. I think it was more a case of that's what he got. The fact he lined them up along the windowsills might have told her that's not what he liked, had she been interested. 

We all went to the park one winter's day, this time with the daddy who liked to show off what he thought were his parenting skills. I suggested to the little girl that it might be funny to tie daddy to the miniature train tracks. She thought this was a great idea but informed me, in all seriousness, that the little train doesn't run in the winter.

As for casual swearing,it is unpleasant and frankly, tedious to have to listen to. So many people have such a limited vocabulary/imagination. It's the same with many comedians nowadays, if you take all the swearing out of the performance, the show would be last about 3 minutes, along with the number of them that use audience participation to fill up the running time.

I was listening to an interview with an Irish comedian recently, of the 'old school' variety. He was asked what he thought of the seeming modern reliance on audience participation. He said they not only wouldn't have done it in his day, but if they had, they wouldn't have got away with it. 

He started off on the northern club circuit, where most of the audience were working people who were there to relax and be entertained, not be the show. He said he couldn't imagine asking somebody who had perhaps just finished a long, hard shift down a pit or at the steel works , what their name was and where they got their shirt. Heckling was another matter!

Still, today's society is very different for all sorts of reasons and as the saying goes, you gotta give the people what they want.

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Why oh why oh why do they do it?


You need to print out an online form/document/booklet/guide and it runs to dozens of pages. Well, no problem - except that most of the pages are either:


White writing on a black page

Umpteen coloured boxes

Every single dratted page has a three-inch coloured border

There are loads of photos, most of which are also on a dark background.


Don't they know how much printer cartridges cost?????!!!!! :angry: GRRRR!!

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Oh yes! She sure was. Just prior to this, she had had one of many bust ups with the boyfriend ( the one who wanted to come along for the christening ride ) over whether the relationship was on or off. At that particular point, for her it was off. He responded by going round to her place and kicking the front door in, then chasing her and what must have been two terrified children all over the house. Luckily, he then ran off and she and the kids came round here for safety and the night.

The next morning, I returned from taking my dog out, to find the little boy had lined his 'breakfast' crisps up all along my windowsills. Then his sister was moaning about lumps in the strawberry jam on her toast. I explained that these lumps were what we call strawberries but she wouldn't eat it. Both kids had a habit of spitting out food they didn't like and walking round while eating, leaving half chewed things under furniture. They did not know how to sit at a table and eat properly or use cutlery.

The boy then decided to hit my dog over the head with a can of pop, so it was time for them to go! 

I arranged for somebody to come and fix her front door and took the kids to school. She and I had a chat about what she was going to do next and I just knew she would take him back. Everything was always about her and what she wanted. I did feel sorry for those kids and sometimes wonder what became of them. It was partly the reason we agreed to be godparents as we thought maybe we could look out for them. But you can't make people act responsibly. She would have just moved on to the next person she thought she could use.

Sounds like the sort of person you might see appearing on Jeremy Kyle in a few years.!!

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Anne Marriott that was a great story and reminded me of back in the 70' s for my cousins wedding my mum and me were given the job of looking after my mum's mum whose memory was very poor by then.

Poor nanny she was doing the washing when we arrived and had completely forgotten about the wedding. We had to get her ready and then an hours drive.

We only just managed to get there in time in the end ( my mums sister whose daughter was getting married was outside the church panicking where we were so we already got a black mark. Then while all the photos were being taken we lost her!!

Couldn't find her anywhere and were getting really anxious that she had wandered into the nearby town but then next to the church was a hut for church social functions etc and we found her in there enjoying a cup of tea with some other old people ....nothing to do with the wedding!

By this time my mums name was mud but it was such a relief to find her and she obviously was having a much better time than we were!!

That reminds me of my wedding.  The reception was held in a large hotel which had a number of weddings going on that day. Photographs were taken outside and then the wedding party moved up to our suite of rooms for the reception.  During this process we "lost" my ex husbands grandfather, which we didn't really notice until the wedding party lined up to receive the guests.  no one had seen him for over an hour, so a search party was established.  Thirty minutes later we found him happily seated in someone else's wedding with a free drink and nibbles chatting to (he assumed) my relatives.    Luckily the bride and groom found it hilarious when another bride and groom wandered into their wedding to collect grandad! 

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As for casual swearing,it is unpleasant and frankly, tedious to have to listen to. So many people have such a limited vocabulary/imagination.


Yes, it is, isn't it?  After all, how many bleeping people do you want to hear bleeping swearing the whole bleeping time?  (And the fact that you can remove all those bleepings from the sentence without altering the meaning in the slightest just goes to show how redundant they are.)

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Yes, it is, isn't it?  After all, how many bleeping people do you want to hear bleeping swearing the whole bleeping time?  (And the fact that you can remove all those bleepings from the sentence without altering the meaning in the slightest just goes to show how redundant they are.)

And yet I'm quite a fan of imaginative, articulate swearing.  Genuinely.


The weirdest thing happened earlier this afternoon - I was reading through some earlier posts on this thread, and got to one about broken teeth.  And then five minutes later a chip came off my tooth :(

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Yes, it is, isn't it?  After all, how many bleeping people do you want to hear bleeping swearing the whole bleeping time?  (And the fact that you can remove all those bleepings from the sentence without altering the meaning in the slightest just goes to show how redundant they are.)

Very true. Sometimes though, you can hear people constructing whole sentences using the 'f' word as subject, verb, adjective and so on. Their English teacher would be so proud.


And yet I'm quite a fan of imaginative, articulate swearing.  Genuinely.


The weirdest thing happened earlier this afternoon - I was reading through some earlier posts on this thread, and got to one about broken teeth.  And then five minutes later a chip came off my tooth :(

I know what you mean. Done properly, with a degree of wit, swearing can be very funny. It is the witless variety I object to, particularly sad when it comes from the youth of today. Are they showing off their verbal skills or is it just the norm?

As for broken teeth, here on the Ballet.co Forum?? Who? Where? :o  ;)

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I vote we put teeth in Room 101.

My gums bleed a bit when I brush my teeth. I have a bottle of Corsodyl next to the toothpaste,but I always forget to use it. Then when i`m at the dentist, i`m alright until at the end when he says," I`ll just give them a clean". It`s incredibly painful due to him sticking the thing right up to the gum line. I always have a mouth full of blood the second he starts to "clean" them. Gross.

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This happened to me when once I was between dentists so to speak so,hadn't been for about three years!!


The tooth cleaning was so "bleedy" that the hygienist couldn't do it in one go so had to go back again.


Now I have a regular dentist I go every six months to have them cleaned to reduce the chance of this happening again and it's no problem at all........apart from the usual qualms that are very difficult to get rid of just at the thought of the dentist.....even when there's been five years of no problems at all now not even a minor filling!!

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On the topic of teeth can I add Dentist's opening hours to room 101 please.  I work 40 mins drive from home (on a good day) and our dentist only opens during standard office hours!!  It used to do a late night on a Wednesday and open until 8pm so I never needed time off work for the dentist, and I know the evening session was popular as you had to book weeks in advance for an appointment.  However about 2 years ago they decided that, "for my convenience" they were going to close the evening session and open an hour earlier one morning a week.


Not very convenient at all and makes my blood boil when companies reduce service and try to advise you its for the best.  The trouble is it's the only national health dentist for miles so I can't change.  Very annoying!!

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