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Everything posted by Suffolkgal

  1. There’s Wayne Eagling? And other Ashton dancers about I just hope they cotton on to their treasures
  2. Especially as we have dancers one longs to see in the roles. It’s not the Alain thing is it? I think that’s his name! Perceived as disrespectful or prejudiced against people with metro divergence? I really hope not
  3. Can only concur with the unquiet sentiments here. Every ballet was new once so we must have new works ... but the balance between new pieces and the RB’s unrivalled repertoire seems to me off kilter given the art form that classical ballet is. One rich in heritage where the art is passed from one generation to the next and beyond. I can see many of the recent expensive contemporary ballets withering on the vine. All too often I fear it’s all about a series of big ticks to meet targets and secure funding.
  4. I was hoping for Hayward/Bracewell or Bracewell/Nunez, but I am sure it will be a lovely partnership with Naghdi.. they seem to be very in sync on tour! They have so many to choose from.
  5. They are thoroughbreds! When I see the horses riding out at Newmarket to train, elegant and graceful, with their shapely legs and careful delicate hooves I am sometimes reminded of some female dancers ... only in the sense of grace and beauty and polish
  6. Great to read all the comments- interesting review in the telegraph... noted that the late Queen was there last time they performed here. Maybe at the gala ...
  7. A friend who is a Friend is taking me to don q for my 62nd! I am eschewing anything else for now in hope of having the funds for Manon etc. I did go in to see how booking was, and while some juicy options are gone there are an awful lot of seats available. Same at Summer at Snape. Emails daily offering discounted tickets in the west end. People do not have the cash.
  8. I can’t believe I’ve had to pay £67 in the middle amphi for don q ... it’s a huge financial commitment loving the ballet!
  9. Oops third post in a row just because I have just read Marianela’s Instagram post and I won’t lie I shed a tiny tear.
  10. Thankyou so much for such a comprehensive report so glad you are there to witness.
  11. So pleased Morera had a proper send off. Makes me a little sad that neither Mukhamedov or Eagling were so recognised... but very different days for the RB now. Very moved by the filming from yesterday
  12. I can’t comment on these works as I haven’t seen any of them except the full length Anastasia years ago - I agree about Anna Anderson but I think when this was created her fraud had not been proved by dna and Anastasia’s body had not been found. Anyway it was interesting and better o think as a whole.. all I can say is times is hard, Suffolk is far, summer is hot, trains are unreliable and I am historically underwhelmed by much contemporary ballet. So I decided to save my money and give this a swerve. Which in a way is a shame and if there had been one piece on the bill I knew I’d like I’d have been there. Concerto? A bit of jiri Kylian? Anyway no judgment on the two other ballets and I am sure the dancers were amazing. Great for them to create. But I adore ballet and these dancers but still I chose to stay local
  13. Have to say that depending on cast I may sit out different drummer in the Macmillan triple. I saw it many times when Eagling/Ferri danced it but I never liked it. Same with Judas tree - watched it for mukhamedov. I revere Macmillan but not his full canon. I was so hoping DD would be last on the bill so I could get home before 1am!
  14. Lovely pics of Bracewell and Kaneko whatever it’s called! It must be exciting to create work with a choreographer
  15. He’s very boyish is Bracewell which I love! Looks much younger than he is ..
  16. I raise on every customer survey/audience experience question that there are not enough ushers in the amphitheatre. Each show starts with applause as auditorium darkens and shadowy figures peering at phone screens and desperately looking for their seats. To the hushed tones of: this is row P!
  17. I think the glasses were 20p. In the 80s I was a young friend and could buy 5 amphi tickets for £1 each per booking period. But it was much much more affordable. Somewhere in there my coterie of amphi chums discovered a small pair of binoculars from - I think- Argos. We all got them! I still have them and they are brilliant even from R which is as far back as I will go!
  18. Just watched the Wiener Staatsballet Swan Lake... I’m not keen on the latest RB version ending but this took odd decisions to a whole new level! Apart from Siegfried flailing about in dry ice - drowning I assume - if the last minute does not include the swans folded up like powder puffs on the stage as the lovers sail off into bliss I’m frankly disappointed
  19. Feel like I should put my head above the parapet as a practising Christian to say the religious element moved me profoundly. It may not be your preference but if one is a person of faith it doesn't really "date". I'm not offended, turn the other cheek and so on, but must stand up for my faith and everyone else's in the nation. (Not just Christians either). This isn't the place I know but it is being discussed - anyway - the weekend ... Attended St Edmundsbury Cathedral Coronation service (multi-faith and I'm a Catholic so all good!) before a Big Lunch and then a Street Party (ate body weight in cake). Then tuned in to the concert ... i loved the lighted up places around the nation at the end ... I thought the R and J spoken bits were just awful but loved Hayward and Sambe, they are young and beautiful and so lyrical. I think they showed the RB in a great light and I do hope (with much talk about the importance of the arts for the King) this will signal lots of support for our creative life. It really helps in getting funds!
  20. Just seen Sambe and Hayward on the news talking about tonight ...
  21. Yes and an interesting point - thinking about coaches and so on in the ballet - that gold coach is so old that apparently it is not the stuff of fairytales but may have inspired fairytale imagery in classic tales. I loved that ...
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