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Angela Essex

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Everything posted by Angela Essex

  1. My husband got me one from Amazon think it was about £60 it’s been perfect.
  2. Yesss! I loved watching him in the RB’s morning class - his jumps 😮😮😮🔥
  3. Thank you 🙏 I’ll try and sell the stalls one on here
  4. Oh I didn’t think of that - I’ll have a look now. Thank you.
  5. Gosh I really don’t know. I’ve never seen a class on stage before or sat in stalls or grand tier so I’ve no idea. The prospect of being so close is enticing but I could have tall people in front of me in the stalls and from memory of posts on here there isn’t much (or any?) rake for first 4 rows of stalls. I think I might have a better overall view from the grand tier but seeing as it’s class it might be better to be close to the action. Having said that if I was in second row of stalls and could only see the front dancers that would be a bit sad, especially if my fave dancers were further back. Decisions decisions!
  6. Update: I couldn’t decide so bought both tickets with the plan to either return one to box office or sell one on here. Still can’t decide. It’s an opportunity to sit in seats that I’d never be able to afford to sit in usually though so either choice will be a win - so exciting 😀
  7. Same happened to me earlier but just chose a different SCS seat (sadly it wasn’t as good as the one I wanted) and then it let me proceed. I think it does that if someone else has the seat in their basket and are in the process of paying for it but the website hasn’t registered the seat as sold yet. It’s really annoying isn’t it? I think putting two SCS in your basket and if it won’t let you proceed removing the better one then trying to check out again so I you don’t have to waste time re selecting a different seat is the way to go. That’s what worked for me today. 🤯
  8. Hello All, Just wondering which seat would be best for the RB class on stage on 16/12 B29 stalls (second row but at far side) or B39 Donald Gordon Grand Tier. 🙏
  9. 😮how is your knee now Viv? Yes I should hope they would be very generous with the marks considering that. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  10. Oh gosh Viv what rotten luck - well done for managing to finish the exam at all. Under the circumstances that in itself was a massive achievement and a testament to your determination a d dedication. I think they’d be pretty mean not to be lenient on you given that you’d injured yourself mid exam. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. How’s the knee now?
  11. Aww I’m so sorry Adrian has been so unwell. It sounds like you’ve both been through quite an ordeal and I hope that when he sees the urologist they can offer some treatment that will help. Hopefully then the catheter will not be permanent. Thinking of you both ❤️
  12. Not me! I saw the matinee today and it just wasn’t my type of thing at all. I’ve not been watching ballet for long so I’m far from a connoisseur but there was a lot of running around the stage, swaying in various formations and not much dancing. The dancers clearly gave it their all and it was delightful to see the children on stage, beautiful performances by Joseph Sissens, Luca Active and Isabella Gasparini but I just didn’t ‘get’ a lot of it. I know from the program and discussions on here the first act was supposed to depict the refugee crisis including death of a baby, but the ‘baby’ was a coat bundled up and the way it was being held and moved only vaguely evoked someone holding a baby and looked a lot like someone holding a bundled up coat. Also when the coat/baby died there was no convincing outpouring of devastation and grief from the mother. It just made the whole thing less engaging. The second Act was supposed to explore the convention on human rights as applied to children eg you have the right to a name, the right to play, the right to life, the right to an opinion - but I didn’t feel that these were really depicted in a way I understood. Again more running around the stage and swaying on various formations but not much actual dancing. The third act featured the pdd by the elderly couple and was supposed to explore death and passing but when the man died the elderly woman didn’t seem that devastated - quite upset but not distraught - I felt the acting and emotion needed to be dialled up a gear. It was all a bit to restrained and subtle for me to get emotional about. I think I just don’t enjoy more modern, non-narrative ballets as much as I do the classics and narrative ballets. I like a really palpable story with lots of dancing, beautiful costumes, stunning sets and as much raw emotion as possible. So this didn’t cut it for me at all.
  13. Hello all, I’ve revived this thread to ask if anyone knows of any places that do RAD intermediate foundation classes for adults? I know RAD HQ do them but I was hoping to find somewhere closer than Battersea. At the moment I do a local non-syllabus class on Monday, Harlow Ballet alternate Tuesdays, Hannah Frosts beginner class at Pineapple on either Thursday or Friday (usually online but I try to get to Pineapple in person at least once a month). Plus I have a lesson from another RAD teacher on Saturdays. This has pretty much been my schedule consistently since the beginning of this year, but recently I’ve been feeling that I’d be better focusing all my efforts into just working on the RAD intermediate foundation syllabus since I’ll be doing the exam hopefully next year. Unfortunately nowhere local seems to do RAD intermediate foundation classes for adults so I’m hoping someone out there can advise me of possibilities local to South Essex
  14. Hello everyone. I accidentally booked 2 seats for Mayerling at the ROH and I need to return one (or sell it on here). The seats are B77 (front side amphi) and D30 central SCS. I’m torn as to which one to return and was hoping any ROH regulars on here might be able to offer some advice as to which seat to return. On one hand I like the thought of sitting down but I’ll be in the amphitheatre which I’m worried might be a bit far away. I like the view from the stalls circle but standing in the evening is suboptimal. This is one of 2 performances of Mayerling I’ve booked. The other is a stalls circle standing ticket. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thank you in advance.
  15. Yes Bridiem - audiences cannot be grown from infertile soul. In Russia I’ve heard that they put opening night performances of the Bolshoi on National TV and people put up big screens in towns and villages for people to watch and people are crowding round screens to watch. Ballet is respected for the physically demanding, athletic art form it is, not seen as something for primary school aged girls to do as a hobby. Here in the UK we have coverage of many other physical pursuits eg football, cricket, gymnastics but how much coverage does dance get? Practically zero apart from Strictly and ballet even less. It’s very sad. I grew up poor and from my first visit to roh as a very working class child I could appreciate the beauty and strength in ballet. To think that audiences in the provinces aren’t interested in watching ballet is just patronising - it’s just a product of societal norms and conditioning why more people aren’t interested in ballet. Culturally the UK has a long way to go compared with other countries.
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