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Everything posted by MJW

  1. There are quite a few for me but I will pick two: seeing William Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko in their first performance together in Romeo and Juliet in October (which was the first time in a full House since before Covid), and the Ashton triple (which I saw twice) and which was superb.
  2. Rather late in the day...link to images by Alastair Muir https://photos.alastairmuir.com/Ballet/Royal-Ballet/Like-Water-for-Chocolate/i-PJHQXfq
  3. Having had a quick flick, I think the new layout is an improvement on the previous version. Certainly splitting what's on stage from other events seems sensible.
  4. Interestingly they seem to have added wheelchair spaces in the GT. Unless this is an error, they are presumably carrying out works during the summer as they certainly weren't there on Saturday.
  5. From the ROH's Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72177720299568950
  6. I first started going to the ROH in 2014 so some time after the redevelopment in the late 1990s. Every so often there may be a program on tv from the 1970s or 80s which show the Opera House before it was redeveloped ( there may be an episode of Rumpole and certainly Fresh Fields which show Bow Street etc before the 1990s). There was a book I think by Dixon Jones the architects behind the 1990s development which would have been really interesting but I can't find that now unfortunately.
  7. Just got back home from this afternoon's performance. I have rather mixed feelings about Like Water - the dancers were exemplary and the staging and music were excellent (though at times if I had shut my eyes I felt as though I could have been listening to the parts of the score of Alice). I just felt there was far too much going on - especially in the first act. Even having read the synopsis beforehand there were parts which I didn't have a clue what was going on. Perhaps if I go to the cinema screening in January for a second helping things may be a bit clearer and I might enjoy it more. I do wish the season had ended with the Ashton triple as that was superb, but there we are! Long wait until October !
  8. There were some very amusing anecdotes from Darcey at the beginning of the BBC’s coverage of the service at St Paul’s concerning the Queen’s lack of enthusiasm for ballet (and opera)
  9. Hope your journey was uneventful and you have managed to get here. Hope you enjoy
  10. Very interesting to read all the reviews from last night - I shall see for myself Saturday afternoon. A very positive four star review from Mark Monahan in the Telegraph (link below - behind paywall) https://www.telegraph.co.uk/dance/ballet/royal-ballet-like-water-chocolate-review-covent-garden-hayward/
  11. I wonder if the ROH are missing a trick here - they have plenty of cinema screenings which haven't been released on DVD - why not make them available to stream and produce some more income?
  12. And details of pricing (apologies I should have posted this at the same time as details of casting) https://media.wordfly.com/roh/2223-bp1-autumn-ticket-prices-enews-27-may.pdf?utm_source=wordfly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022_May_Friends_Enews_27May&utm_content=version_A&emailsource=59087
  13. Something to whet the appetite before booking opens! https://media.wordfly.com/roh/ballet-bp1-casting-2223-enews-27-may.pdf?utm_source=wordfly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2022_May_Friends_Enews_27May&utm_content=version_A&emailsource=59087
  14. From Reece Clarke's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd2vjjxIqGt/ From William Bracewell's https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd2w-u3I0sN/
  15. Congratulations to both Reece Clarke and William Bracewell - thoroughly deserved. As others have said it seems a bit of a shame for the news to leak out this way through an article in the Sunday Times, rather than a formal press announcement from the ROH first. Didn't this happen when Marcelino Sambe was promoted to principal?
  16. I'm sure a lot of people have seen this, but for those who have not, a lovey picture of Lauren from last evening https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdxy2xesOrJ/
  17. Just back from the cinema and what a fantastic evening - everyone superb and what a lovely tribute to Lauren Cuthbertson on her 20 years with the Royal Ballet. Its always very interesting to see a production from a completely different viewpoint and to pick up details which one can't see "live" so to speak. I do hope that the video with Lauren that was screened during the interval will be available again to watch - I thought that was very moving.
  18. Although I have been two performances at Covent Garden in the current run I am going to my local arts centre to see the cinema screening with a friend (as its always interesting to see a performance from a completely different perspective) - 130 seats - 118 sold. Interestingly the Nutrcacker sold out completely but R&J was about half full.
  19. I ad forgotten about public booking but but as I had booked for Like Water... some time ago as Friend+ it didn't really matter. Just went to check regarding the RBS performance and the new system allows you to proceed to booking but there appear to be no seats available looking at the seat map and when choosing the option for them to chose what is available, nothing is. Not quite sure how much testing this system has had given what happened earlier in the year !
  20. Rather a lovely photo from William Bracewell's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/stories/williambracewell/2831566993497486983/
  21. I'm very sorry to hear that Alison - I know from experience how much poor audience behaviour can impact on one's enjoyment of a performance. Personally, I felt that the audiences for my two trips were better "behaved" and more attentive than usual. Certainly they were incredibly appreciative.
  22. I was browsing at lunchtime in between decorating and rediscovered this insight into the musicality of ballets. This was filmed as part of The Firebird triple from 2019 which was the first time I saw A Month in the Country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AFpX1KYSYc&t=46s
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