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Ms Sunshine

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Everything posted by Ms Sunshine

  1. I think it must be on surname order this year as its all very random!
  2. My 10 year old dd will be doing it for the 2nd year. We are both very pleased x
  3. I think my dd said she was a sailor last year. Just tell her to move and not freeze. She will have a great time <3
  4. Last year we went in with them. They gave them a number and I walked my dd up the stairs in central to a waiting room then waved bye. They did a normal ballet class and improvisation. Nothing tricky. At the end they photograph them in different groups. Yes, no's and waitlist maybe. You then pick them up at the time organised at the main entrance of central. Hope that helps x
  5. My dd has been offered a year 6 place. We are delighted x
  6. My dd got a no one year for an associate's but a yes for the same one the next year. The yes was so lovely so keep going
  7. Hi. Where about are you based? A few I can think of are Royal ballet associates, (centres all over the UK) Tring Classical Ballet Academy (6 Sundays a term) Young Dancers Academy (10 Saturdays a term) Elmhurst Young Dancers (3 centres) plus loads more.
  8. Is anyone else still waiting on an email? xx
  9. My dd was in the juniors so cant help with main company, sorry. I do remember girls of 12 in the juniors. I think they will juggle kids to fit where they want them. Best of luck! x
  10. In greek my dd has been asked to study animals or nature and try and dance like they are that thing. Interesting! Last week she came out with a piece of paper asking for them to bring slime or putty to class this week. To analyse the feel, appearance and consistency, and try to incorporate this into the dance movements. See how she gets on
  11. My dd does ballet, tap, modern, greek and theatre. Ballet and greek are her favourites
  12. NYB was more effort with 2 auditions before she got a place. We had a long way to travel and hotels before the summer school and while she was in theatre in Birmingham and Sadler Wells. She had the time of her life and we met friends for life. Opes was simple was no auditions with a lovely end of week show. But nothing compared to how grand and special NYB was if you can afford the extra's. x
  13. I think its in the next few days the audition dates and applications are announced. They have a facebook page. Hope that helps. I'm still undecided about the a summer school for my dd. NYB was amazing last year but said she would be happy to do OPES again as she loved that the year before.
  14. I hope mini PV has a wonderful time today. Everything crossed for her. So exciting for all those involved. Lucky kids
  15. Last year I think we sent the application mid December and the 1st audition was February. Hope that helps x
  16. I think your dd was on a waiting list for that recall in case children could not make it. That is one stage better than lots so she should be very proud! One girl is amazing going and the other two I have just heard about. x
  17. My dd was a no letter. Not a problem to her as she knew it was not likely to get a yes. I have not told her lots have been recalled. I have heard of a boy and 2 girls and that's in a very small circle. Best of luck to the next stage x
  18. My dd auditioned Sunday. She very much enjoyed the class. They said all results will be emailed within the week. Fingers crossed to everyone. With apparently over 300 taking part what a difficult job to select the lucky 8 girls and 8 boys.
  19. We ordered straight away and a small size which we have been sent. They did say the bigger size was on order. I phoned them as the leotard came up small so had to return and get the next size up. They were very helpful over the phone. We are all sorted now.
  20. So happy with this! We are sewing names into the dance gear and towels as well. I thought this may help. We also had a big discussion about what she wants to wear to the Red Carpet party night. Her outfit won! We have put music on a CD for the comp and packed a dress. Think we are nearly sorted xxx
  21. My dd was a no as well. She got in NYB, Tring CBA, Hammond associates,YDA associates so just shows they must be after a certain thing. Not sure what but good luck to the yes's. Not sure I will suggest for my dd to audition again next year. That wait was a killer My dd did not seem bothered. I think they just want to dance dance dance!
  22. My dd has got a yes to group 1. She had a come back letter last year
  23. My 9 year old dd is doing National Youth Ballet, (NYB) this summer. We had to go through 2 auditions to get a place but she is very excited about it
  24. Huge congratulations! My dd is so excited we are a yes as well! We are the same, she will have to stay residential but she is totally delighted with that. Lots to plan and get organised now.x
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