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Everything posted by Ellie

  1. Not sure if this will help, but thought it may be worth a read. x http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/52VwfQDxRmr0WRBTLygxWmv/seven-tips-for-coping-with-stage-fright
  2. Exactly this...I'm so sorry to hear that you are all going through such a difficult time. But please don't blame yourself your DD, or ballet. I think that dance students (or any student) who are serious about what they are doing are open to, and put themselves under a significant level of stress and discipline. It's the nature of the beast and the chances are that if she had stayed at your local secondary school or college she would have been equally hard on herself. As a parent I think that you make your decisions for your child based upon the information, instinct and opportunities available at the time. In hindsight they may not have been the best choices,but trust that whichever decisions you made were with her best interests at heart. I wish you all the very, very best. X
  3. I'd say use socks, at least for the barre until you can get ballet shoes. Even for centre practice - unless the floor is slippery for turns or big jumps.
  4. Peter Brinson, Ballet for All. They did a wonderful job. x http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/obituary-peter-brinson-1614724.html
  5. Lots of Love to you too Lisa and all the very best wishes for you. Take Care. X
  6. Acts of kindness-random or not and no matter how small or seemingly insignificant make the world a better place.I'll never forget a good few years ago I was on my way to pick my son up from the railway station. As I was crossing the road a lady approached me. I thought she was looking for directions, but she just smiled at me and said. You have a lovely face. (Believe me I'm no supermodel) but later, when I'd cooked the dinner, cleaned up, was picking up sopping towels from the bathroom floor and felt generally fed up, I remembered her words and they made me smile Patience, kindness and voicing general concern and appreciation for those around us are very important. You never know when you'll help make someone's day be a bit better...
  7. Ellie


    I read this today and thought I'd share . A lovely article with some lovely comments. Enjoy. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/09/adopted-stray-cat-pet-ginger
  8. Yes PdQ ! Sorry, I was posting in a rush.
  9. Hello David, Many thanks for your reply. Best Wishes, Ellie
  10. Hello David, I know of a few young dancers in their graduating year who would be interested in applying for Grand Audition. I am aware that the closing date for application is January 5th 2018 and have also noted that " we reserve the rights to close the application process once the amount of accepted candidates reached it's limit" (https://www.grandaudition.net/terms-and-conditions) Could you tell me if, firstly Grand Audition inform potential candidates before they pay the 45 euro registration fee whether or not the audition quota has been filled and also if the Artistic Directors of the Companies mentioned who will be present actually have contracts to offer for next season. Best Wishes, Ellie
  11. No,really no. In my experience good pianists capable of playing for ballet class or exams are very few and far between and the pay is not great, so why should they have to lug around and risk potential damage to an expensive piece of equipment ? Teachers in my area buy or rent a piano or keyboard for exams or classes. That's great news hbrew, In my experience (unfortunately) most ballet teachers have to use recorded music for class as they can't cover their costs and pay for a pianist. Getting back to the question of the RAD recorded music,personally I find it too fast. (Am happy for other teacher's input on this )
  12. Ellie


    Thank you ! I'll let him know.x
  13. Ellie

    Genee 2017

    Consider it done !(I think that my fellow spectators will think I'm a bit of a nutcase - but never mind ) x
  14. Ellie

    Genee 2017

    I'm off to watch the 2017 Genee Final in Lisbon next week. Of course I'll be cheering all of the candidates on, but if any of you forum members require an extra whoop or cheer for participating DC's or students let me know x
  15. Ellie


    Non dancing DS is in Rome for a week. Any tips about what he should see / spend money on seeing ? I've heard that the Vatican Museums are well worth the price. x
  16. Could the tiredness and pain be also down to burn out (end of term) or hormonal changes ? I'm not sure how the health service works in the UK, but perhaps you could ask your doctor for a quick once over and a blood test to see if you're lacking in any vitamins or minerals ? It could be that you just need a good rest. I'm so sorry to hear about the drama at school and home. Can you try and focus for now on enjoying dancing in the festival and look forward to the summer school. X
  17. This thread has given me a headache ! I count myself very lucky to live in an area where we still have access to greengrocers / butchers / bakers and small supermarkets on the local high street. Long may it last....although I have my doubts.
  18. Another vote for Grishko from me ! We order for DS via the website. Prices are very reasonable and free postage (but check on your countries import tax laws) Where we live in Europe the order takes about a month to arrive and as long as the order is under 40 euros no import tax applies. In our experience the most arch hugging and durable brand he's tried.He uses canvas but they also do leather. x
  19. Also very sorry to hear that Blackie passed away Lisa. But how lucky (if you know what I mean) that you were together at the end and she left peacefully. Lots of Love. X
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