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Everything posted by primrose

  1. Its definitely the Bristol Russian ballet school. Its a first rate school. This is where my dd took lessons before she went to the Bolshoi in Russia. Cant recommend it enough.
  2. Would you put socks over football boots. Of course not as then they would lose there grip and not do the job they are meant to do. I am shocked that any teacher would allow a student to dance with socks over any shoes never mind pointe ones.
  3. I know that they do have a good teaching faculty. I am just curious with it being new their graduate destinations. A huge well done to the students gaining employment in these difficult times.
  4. I know that the school you mention Meadowblythe is new. However I think they have had two years of graduating students. Are you able to tell me where these students have gained employment. Just being nosey really.
  5. Several vocational schools do A levels as part of their dance courses. I am sure that Laines Birds also have an option of doing A level studies.
  6. I think boarding school's are hugely different from 20 years ago. I do speak to people my age group who hated boarding but their own children's experiences are very different. House parents these days are very loving and caring and very sensitive to the needs of their charges and families. I believe my children are very privileged indeed to have attended boarding schools. They themselves say that they had a fantastic time.
  7. I think that as long as the children realise they have the choice to come home then they usually settle down. Being a military family I know a great many children who board at the best schools in England. I very rarely hear of children being unhappy. Its usually the parents who find it hardest.no child I have spoken to have felt abandoned ot traumatised at being left at boarding school as they are in constant contact with their loving families.
  8. I havent read the newspaper article, but clearly this TV programme is for the entertainment of the viewer. Its always a pleasure watching people achieve their dreams, but I get the impression that this programme will be at the expense of the large dancers. Stricktly come dancing is another programme that has the odd contestant for everybody to laugh at. I dont like programmes that are designed to make fun at vulnerable people. The X factor often has contestants that clearly have learning difficulties and I find this so upsetting to see a panel of judges stripping what little self esteem these people have away.
  9. Unauthorised absences of course ie holidays etc
  10. Oh dear from September schools are not allowed to allow children absences. It might be easier to say she is ill on that day.
  11. The Judith Hockaday school has a post 16 college.she does very well getting her students into vocational colleges and schools. Tanwood also has a good reputation. You need to visit the schools to get a good feel for them.
  12. YDA do offer boarding with selected host families
  13. What a very passionate and courageous teacher. This to me is a good example of someone giving everything of themselves and asking nothing in return. Bravo.
  14. My dd was weighed regularly whilst at vocational school.she hates it but accepts it. I personally dont agree with it as it should be more about how the person looks
  15. The school nurse weights the children in their reception year as part of a medical check. If there are any concerns about the child then a letter is sent home to the parents. No child will be given any feedback from the nurse or teachers. This would be classed as professional misconduct
  16. The thing is we dont know what has triggered this young girls unhealthy attitude to her body, probably many things. I do know that if my dd came home at that young age comparing herself to other dancers and wanting to diet, i would probably be horrified, panic and I would have to remove what I thought might be a contributing factor. I feel sorry for this mother in that she is getting so many negative responses from the newspaper article. Can you imagine what she must have gone through and be going through worrying about her young daughter. I believe that as a society we are too quick to point the finger instead of offering support.
  17. Whilst my dd was at vocational school we knew of four students around her age who had a eating disorder and required hospital treatment. At the Bolshoi there is a lot of girls who have a unhealthy relationship with food.Many of my friends whose daughters attend ballet schools in this country and abroad tell me that it is the same in their schools. weather we like it or not there is still a huge amount of ballet dancers both students and professionals who have a eating disorder diagnosed or not. We shouldnt get defensive about it but be open so that much needed help can be given to these dancers. Anorexia is brushed under the carpet in the ballet world and is seen as something not to be spoken about to the outside world. In my opinion the mother in the article did the right thing. I dont think anybody is to be blamed for her daughter's attitude to her body. I also think she was brave to hi light a problem that does exist amongst our young girls. She was actually proactive in removing an activity that the mother thought to be a catalist in her daugters mental state. In my books I would say she is a responsible parent.
  18. Another thing to remember is that all schools have their issues and they are not perfect.
  19. Katycustard I loved reading your post it was so humorous whilst very informative. You really made me smile. Good luck to your little princess
  20. Unfortunately the ballet world isnt fair at all. It is true to say that if a student wasnt working at the required level they would be asked to leave. I summer intensives were aware that my dd was on the 3 year diploma course and the name of her teacher.
  21. Steven has taught my dd and he is quite a bit taller than her. She is 5ft 7. I estimate him to be approximately 5ft 10 or 11
  22. LinMM my dd is British so she is sponsored privately to attend the school. As I said no foreign students recieve any funding from the school, even Joy Womack who trained there and is now in the Bolshoi company had to fund her own place there. I believe that the Vagonava school in St Petersburgh is the same.
  23. I am sure that you know that there are many students who have left the school your son is currently attending to join the Bolshoi Academy in Moscow. All boys join the Russian boys classes. Fantastic training infact outstanding training. Drawback is there are no scholarships available to foreign students no matter how good they are. All academics are taught in Russian, including physics and so on. You could make a dvd and send it out to other schools without telling your current school you are doing this, of course you would not be able to reveal which school he is attending. I know its unethical, but one thing I have learnt and that is to do what is best for your child. At the end of the day the teacher is far more important than the school, however the name of a school does open doors as I found out when my dd was offered some of the best summer intensives without having to send a dvd, the mention of the Bolshoi was enough.
  24. Dance Europe have classical ballet companies advertising for dancers on their site and quite a few state the height requirements. On average they tend to be 5ft 4 min to 5ft 7, but of course there are always varitations to what each company wants.
  25. My dd has given up her place for the RBS summer school so that should free up a place for somebody on the waiting list.
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