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Everything posted by Amelia

  1. Up to now I came across only fixed booking fees: Sadler's Wells - £3; RFH - £3.50; Coliseum - range from £1.80 to £2.25. On the Royal Albert Hall’s website they explain that their Booking Fee is 7.5% of the total transaction value. Useful to know. I was still curious about the inability of their printer to print tickets while the receipts were printed perfectly well. Made a phone call to the box office and got an explanation: “We still don’t know how the R & J tickets will look. When we get the design, the tickets will be printed."
  2. It was a strange experience for me when I was buying my ticket at RAH today. There were no R & J posters outside at all. At the box office I was told that the most expensive tickets had gone. When I asked why there are such unusual ticket prices as £92.88, the reply was: not to worry, we will round them down: for £33.75 ticket you will pay £30, for £55.25 ticket you will pay £50 and so on. After I paid for a ticket, two receipts were printed for me and I was told that the ticket will be sent to my address by post. WHY? The man explained that their printer can print receipts but sometimes fails to print tickets. Strange...
  3. Daria Pavlenko, a former Principal of Mariinsky Ballet, signed a contract with Pina Bausch Company until the end of 2020 season. Next week at Sadler’s Wells she will take part in all four performances: http://www.sobaka.ru/entertainment/ballet/102541#vk
  4. Mrs Lilian Hochhauser will enrich our ballet summer again! The National Ballet of Canada ROYAL OPERA HOUSE Tuesday 28 July - Saturday 1 August 2020 Rudolf Nureyev’s THE SLEEPING BEAUTY https://www.victorhochhauser.co.uk/page/repertoires.php General booking opens 15 April 2020
  5. Those who are planning to attend The Russian Ballet Icons Gala at Coliseum this coming Sunday please be aware of huge crowds of people in that area. See the traffic report, which I received from my professional group. Sun 26.01.2020 - 00:00-23:59 CHINESE NEW YEAR Closures within the Westminster and Chinatown area for the annual Chinese New Year celebrations. (ChinaTown, Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, Leicester Square, Shaftesbury Avenue). This will end in an event within Trafalgar Square. CNY parade usually takes place in the afternoon. 2019's parade began at 1715. 25,000 expected.
  6. Last night Lauren Cathbertson was chatting with friends in the front foyer during the first interval.
  7. Thank you, Capybara, for correcting me. I misread the date at the top of the article.
  8. The consolation is that he is not injured and was listed to appear at the Gala in Rome last night: https://www.gramilano.com/2020/01/les-etoiles-gala-in-rome-2020-features-the-ballet-worlds-starriest-names-with-some-surprises/#comments
  9. DANCING TO ART AT TATE BRITAIN To some it helps. Watch now: https://www.tate.org.uk/visit/tate-britain/dancing-art?utm_source=emarsys&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CRM_Dec_w3_Christmas_DigitalContent_Engaged&sc_src=email_1501426&sc_customer=2862357&sc_lid=120667490&sc_uid=QkBkWZDJdR&sc_llid=215301&sc_eh=b1dd8deeb43440061
  10. If you, Alison, mean Pas d’esclaves, well, he made it his own. His brilliant solo here starts at about 5.55:
  11. Yes, Capybara, I saw that cast on 29 November and I generally admire Muntagirov for his almost faultless technique.
  12. I agree, Stevie, that the group dancing was restricted in "Coppelia" by the lack of space - there is too much scenery. Btw Bolshoi performs "Coppelia" on the New Stage, which is much smaller than the historic one. Here is a video of Yevgenia Obraztsova rehearsing with Motta Soares and Yanin first in a studio, then on the New Stage and then performing. Repetiteurs: Vladimir Nikonov and Nadezhda Gracheva. However, it is not only the space that matters but the feeling for the character dance where the whole body (shoulders, head, neck, waist, etc.) are 'alive' with dancing.
  13. A press conference for a new project by Polunin “The Red Riding Hood” to be performed at the new Zaryadye Hall in Moscow. Libretto by Ross Freddie Ray (studied at Royal Ballet School) Red Riding Hood — Laura Fernandez Gromova (left Mariinsky Ballet to join this project) The Wolf - Johan Kobborg The Woodman - Sergei Polunin The press conference is in Russian but some speak English: Ray on 8th, 33rd and 41st min. and Kobborg on 14th min. https://www.facebook.com/presstass/videos/478163896161981/?redirect=false https://www.facebook.com/ross.f.mccaw
  14. And some will remember him as a true Prince Desire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfW5kC_XZfE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqqNWkbydqo
  15. There is a tradition in one of the forums that I follow: as soon as three messages go astray, i.e. don't exactly follow the topic, the moderator opens a new thread and moves three messages there. Everyone interested in these new messages can write in the newly opened thread. Believe it or not but in this topic on 'Sleeping Beauty' I counted 48 posts concerning pointe shoes. I did my share too.😳
  16. Not only "before" as on this video below, with a whole variety of Fouettés. She can perfectly do the same now. 'betterankles' is right, some of the greatest didn't perform them. The best Odiles in my memory were Dudinskaya and Plisetskaya who both did manege that was like an evil spell, sorcery, bewitchment.
  17. Ballet is a highly aesthetic form of art and is loved, first of all, for its beauty. I regret very much that the majority of dancers choose now to dance in shoes with wide blocks. For me it is NOT beautiful. I remember very well the time when ballerinas' points were really pointed like on this photo of Galina Ulanova (37) as Aurora in 1947.
  18. Hi, Eva. I would like to buy your ticket. Will send you a PM. Thanking you in advance.
  19. I would like to buy your ticket, bangorballetboy. Sent you a PM. Thanks.
  20. There are 3 ways to watch "Raymonda", Alison. Check if they work for you. The first one is of much better quality. 😍 https://yadi.sk/i/20jE-KsmBtd-Rg http://media.bolshoi.ru/play/#/channel/play/464 http://media.bolshoi.ru/play/#/vod/mcat/5 If you are still struggling, try to re-register. On the Bolshoi website, in the top right corner, there is a little icon - "You Tube". Click it, then click “Subscribe” and it will let you watch …
  21. Alison: It was doing that in the cinema, too It was a flawless transmission of "Raymonda" at Clapham Picturehouse from the beginning to the end! Neither glitches no frozen picture and no darkened screen. Just perfect. I always watch ballets there and don't remember if any problems ever occur. Unfortunately, 60% of the seats were unoccupied.
  22. Dear FionaE, the name of a former Principal and now a répétiteur at Bolshoi Ballet is Maria Allash. (Incidentally, the word you wrote means "a habitual drunkard" in Russian.😜)
  23. Before the Grigorovich's production (1984), for almost 40 years Bolshoi was performing "Raymonda" by Leonid Lavrovsky. I remember the remarkable Alexei Yermolaev as Abderahman. In the link below we can find several recordings of that "Raymonda", some done in a studio. There are variations there danced by Maya Plisetskaya and various scenes, including Grand Pas, with Nikolai Fadeyechev: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ACYBGNQi5DqWkSSYopyOiw7m4te_a5MGjQ%3A1572018403333&source=hp&ei=4xizXaXbEcPVkwWNtIvAAg&q=потсецкая+раймонда&oq=потсецкая+раймонда&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i19.13695.20620..21693...0.0..0.113.1577.14j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0j35i39j0i10j0i10i203j0i13i30i19j0i13i5i30i19j0i8i13i30i19.r4bw---LAgw&ved=0ahUKEwjl2Ij04LflAhXD6qQKHQ3aAigQ4dUDCAs&uact=5
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