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Everything posted by LinMM

  1. There are very few performances of ENB’s Giselle in January …5 or 6 I think.
  2. Actually the photo above Prix de Lausanne announcement of where winners are going is of 2024 competitors my mistake ..thought I’d recognised a 2023 dancer and jumped to conclusions. Only mentioning here because of above comment but otherwise there’s a Prix thread to discuss anything further.
  3. Have just signed another petition to save a choir in Cambridge which has suddenly been told it will be disbanded in June 2024 They were not privy to the discussions regarding this until already a fait accompli 😥
  4. What amazing news about your dad Kate_N that’s lovely to hear!! Also I know somebody who had to have part of colon removed (don’t know which bit) and for a while did have a stoma bag but later on this was reversed so she no longer has one.
  5. Looks like I did pick up on Airi Kobayashi and Martinho Lima Santos back in February as well as Paloma. I see the French dancer I thought might be a fit for the RB has gone to the Swedish Ballet.
  6. Was just re reading my Prix de Lausanne musings from February and apparently mentioned these two lol!!
  7. I see Paloma has gone to ABT who was one of the few who really stood out in February. I know splitting hairs here as all obviously have a good standard but that little bit extra!! Annoyingly the picture above this info is of 2023 winners not this years!
  8. Well done Everhopeful that’s great news …out with the champagne ( or Prosecco as would be here lol) You made me laugh up thread when you said you continually alternated between thinking you’d failed one minute to might just get a Merit the next!! That’s so what happens when you take any sort of exam! Anyway you’ve done better than you expected so that looks like some hard work rewarded!
  9. That’s good but nobody really stood out for me this year at least none of the men did! But can’t remember any particular names like remembered Darrion Sellman in his year. I think this year there were a couple of girls I liked but one didn’t make the final 20 and the other girl did…. I think was from Portugal.
  10. But this years Comp was February so I’m thinking has anybody chosen/ been offered a place as yet for next season ….from February 2024 competition.
  11. Thanks. This in danger of becoming the Viola Pantuso fan club now so perhaps back to others! But you can sort of see from these clips why the Royal might have been interested in taking her I think she suits their style quite well. Do we know if anybody joined the Royal from the Prix this year yet?
  12. Not bad at contemporary either if this link works https://youtu.be/0HYAzbpJQRo?si=tfaP7BwbH8er8suh
  13. Thanks for the clip Roberta ( looks like posted by proud dad!) lovely dancing. Her partner not bad either!! Im guessing she’s had a Russian teacher over in America?
  14. Yes BBB I only saw piccies of that as missed that summer performance and 2022 as well.
  15. Yes that does indeed look like her Dawnstar clever you for noticing!!
  16. Oh thanks for that info Dawnstar. When I saw Rob S picture ( Thankyou again RobS) back in December I thought ooo looks like Ella being noticed a bit so if now performed the Neopolitan ( killer of a dance) that’s really good news. I noticed her in class at YBSS but of course didn’t know her name. Such a clean classical line and un showy dancer but nice use of epaulement too so not sure where she started training. I discovered her name on World Ballet day the following Autumn when she was in a pointe class …I think Nicola Katrak was teaching it? Anyway at one point she went over and asked “Ella” to do something so that’s how I knew her name from then. That was year 9! Lost contact then really until saw she was an Aud Jebsen dancer so have been keeping an eye again!! I had a similar story with Caspar where saw him at YBSS when he was year 7 and thought what a lovely musical dancer but didn’t know his name of course until the following year he appeared in that Nutcracker film so pleased he got into the Company eventually too.
  17. So you are not free to go out to work in Tescos or any other work not connected directly to education if you wanted to at 16 then? So that feels more like 18 to me!! When I stayed on at school until 18 it wasn’t compulsory you could leave at 16 if you wanted to.
  18. Hoorah I’ve finally managed it RobS Have been messaging RobS to be able to use the above piccie and finally managed to post it after a few efforts. The reason is to point out Ella Newton Severgnini …in Mirlitons ..she is 2nd from right ( or 3rd from left!) Just from a general discussion of which dancers we think may be likely to be promoted in not too distant future ( like Viola Pantuso) but I also hope Ella gets more chances to be noticed next season!
  19. She did have a featured role in Nutcracker as Mirliton last December though
  20. Although I don’t always book to see her first agree with Marianela Nunez being one of a world stars group!! There’s a studio video post of her dancing in Grand Pas Classique and it’s just a perfect rendition and master class in what musicality is in dancing! Wonderful.
  21. I seem to remember I only took interest in Viola Pantuso when she was named as an Aud Jebsen student. I googled them all and thought she looked interesting. I also more easily noticed her than the others once she was in the corps because she was so small so easy to pick out in big corps numbers etc. Then she entered the competition with Daichi Ikarashi and looked very good in that and then I saw her as part of RB young generation festival and really liked her in that. I had this notion that Caspar Lench being that bit smaller might make the ideal pairing with her but this is just my wishful thinking!! I’d booked to see her Clara in Nutcracker last December which I missed because of broken arm so when I saw she had this part in Winters Tale I booked that probably to make up for not seeing her as Clara more than anything else!! I don’t know whether she’s a future star but she is a striking dancer so will see how it all pans out. I like Ella Newton Severgnini also joined as an Aud Jebsen who have been following as long as Caspar Lench both of whom I saw at YBSS a few years back now but she doesn’t particularly stand out as yet but am sure she will eventually if doesn’t get injured!
  22. I mentioned Beryl Grey DVDfan because there was a suggestion that it was a new ( current trend) for younger dancers to be offered main roles so soon after graduation but just pointing out this was more common in the past and am sure school leaving age played a part. When I started school in the 50’s the leaving age was 14 but 16 by the time I eventually left( at 18) It’s now 18 officially I think.
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