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National Youth Ballet 2013


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Congratulations to your DD Loulabelle. 

The days at Tring consist of a mixture of dance classes,rehearsals and body conditioning (as my daughter remembers it) The children are kept busy.

Last year it was only possible to stay in the school accommodation for performences without parents if over 16 - there is extra payment for this.

Quite acceptable to commute.

Good luck at casting - see you there :)

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Don't be disheartened Maria as there seem to be very few parts for the younger ones and it can be a lot of hanging around for not much stage/dancing time which can be hard for them.


She could try again next year and you never know what will happen- don't give up. Most DCs get disappointments along the way it's just part of the ride we're all on. Good luck to her.

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Just reading this thread as my 10 year old has auditioned for NYB this year and I'm
already feeling exceptionally nervous about the recalls for her as I danced
with NYB nearly 20 years ago myself (Only in small group parts) and I remember
how high the standard was even back then!


we too live a couple of hours drive away so have asked to be considered for a
residential place. Although I am trying to tell myself the possibility of this
will probably be quite low given her age and knowing that generally many towns
out in the suburbs are sometimes a bit behind the big London schools so she may
not be as advanced as some of the other girls auditioning of a similar age. I’m
so proud she's made the recalls though! Even if she doesn't make the cast after
the finals this time, I think I'll let her try again when she's 12 if she still
loves her dancing as much as she does now. Good luck to everyone who will be
attending recalls at the end of April!





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Guest balletmum16

Hi Clara, my dd has been recalled too and I'm looking into a boarding place after advice on here. We live about 5 hours away! Is your dd recalled on 21 st April for JA ballet? It looks such an exciting opportunity!

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That's brilliant news! Well done to your dd! Yes it's a really exciting opportunity. I loved every minute of it when I was with them. We were the very first year they trialled a summer school I think back in 1995! It is great fun and I made lots of friends. A couple of whom I'm still in touch with!

Yes dd has a JA recall on the 21st but also the following Sunday....I was thinking this is because I requested for her to be considered for a residential place on her original application owing to our location?....But I'm not 100% sure what the difference is between the 2 auditions to be honest. It has changed a lot since I was last involved with NYB! Wow 5 hours away? Yes I don't blame you for looking into residential too!!

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Ooh and just another quick question for those of you who have had children dance with NYB previously (By previously I mean a lot more recently than when I last did!!) Do any of you have a rough idea of how many dancers are recalled and how many usually make final cast? Is it still around the 100 mark?

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Guest balletmum16

My dd was recalled for both weeks and I called to explain how far away we lived so she's been seen on 21st only. It's such an expense hobby!!

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Yes it definitely is! Ooh that's handy that she only has to travel for the one date! I don't suppose I can really complain as I haven't got as far to go as you; so I'll just take advantage of a bit of lunch and London shopping instead! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi dtadmin, I honestly don’t know as this is the first year my DD has auditioned and I can't remember from years ago when I used to audition, other than there were roughly 100 dancers who made it through to the final cast. I think I'm a naturally apprehensive person, but nearly every post I've read on here tells of dancers making it to the recall stage......which automatically makes me think there will be a lot of competition for the available places! That said, maybe those who don’t make it through to recalls just don't post it on here! From everything I have read there seems to be less parts and definitely smaller parts available for the majority of the younger ones, but like I say, I'm new to it, so I guess it's just a waiting game! It has seemed such a long wait from the initial auditions through to recalls! Thankfully DD seems to take everything in her stride and although admitting to being a little bit nervous about recalls 'because it will be all of the good dancers' she still seems relatively unfazed and is looking forward to the next set of auditions! Just me feeling anxious! Good luck to everyone with recalls coming up!


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The recall did seem like a long time but it's now only 2 weeks away and my DD is getting excited :)


She danced with EYB last year but I know NYB is tougher to get in and being so new to all this, it's difficult to gauge my DD's abilities other than in terms of her local dance school.  Guess we've only a couple of weeks to wait now and in the meantime, she's got a Dance Festival starting tomorrow so that'll keep us busy for the last week of the Easter Holidays :)


My DD is 10 too and doesn't know anyone else auditioning but that never seems to worry her!


Good luck to your DD and everyone else at the recalls.

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Yes I'm sure the next couple of weeks will fly by! My DD doesn't know anyone either, but she's quite out going and makes friends easily, so hopefully she'll be ok seeing as they will be there longer on the 21st than they were at the initial auditions. I guess they may get a chance to talk to each other at some point!

It is difficult to gauge ability on a National scale.....I look at DD and know she is a nice little dancer, but then I made the mistake of digging out my old NYB videos and had completely forgotten just how beautiful the younger dancers were who secured the main roles for their age group! The way I'm looking at it is that to be given a recall is a nod to their ability and potential as they wouldn't bother recalling them if they didn't see something they liked! As the letter said, the next stage will be a lot to do with the number of parts available for their age group as well as characterisation etc, but if DD doesn't make it this time around, at least I will know they liked her dancing enough to want to see her again!

Will unwittingly see some of you Mum's at recalls....without actually knowing who any of you are! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

How long did they say it would take dtadmin?


We will be at the main cast recalls this Sunday and I noticed it says there is a photo call the following weekend, does this mean that some people are informed on the day if they've been successful if they are wanted for photo call? Anyone know?

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Hi Loulabelle, we will be at the main cast recalls this coming Sunday too (and were there yesterday!) I'm a little confused by the audition process as it's new to us! I requested a residential place for dd due to commuting problems if she was successful and assumed this was what the main cast recall was related to.....but I'm not actually sure now! What is the difference between yesterday's audition and next Sundays?

Also, will those who are not at the next audition find out if they were successful before those who are?! Plus.......Sorry for the bombardment of questions, but the letter I think said it would take 2-3 weeks to hear about the result, but if the photo shoot is on May 5th that's only a week from the final cast auditions?!  

Apologies for the very confused ramblings of a newbie!! I'm sometimes shy in new situations so would have been standing alone nervously waiting yesterday, but hopefully if dd is successful I'll get to speak to some of you lovely parents soon! :)

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Hi Clara


I think this Sundays recalls are for the girls that are 12+ ie;not JA's. I'm assuming that everyone there yesterday was under 12?

Yes I read that on the letter about it taking 2-3 weeks to let you know if you have been cast,so that was why I was wondering about photo call on 5th May?

Perhaps its just for soloists? But it did say costume fitting as well so I assume they allneed costume fittings?? Very confused :wacko:

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Thanks Loulabelle, glad I'm not the only one feeling a little confused! Yes, I thought it was just JA's yesterday, but my dd is only 10 and has to go again next week.....so maybe I am right in thinking it's because we requested residential?! :wacko: I hope she doesn't feel too put off if they are mostly older than her next time! Maybe we will have more of an idea next Sunday.....Or I might have to discern which parents are old hands and see if they can shed any light on it all!  

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Hi Loulabelle and Clara, I'm not too sure of the process either....the info sheet did give the date of 5th May for photocall / costume fittings as provisional but the other dates have remained the same so chances are it will be a quick turnaround.  Our first round letter came through within days of the initial audition so perhaps they will be letting us know quickly again this week? 


They didn't appear to be set up to give any immediate decisions yesterday, although my DD got called in with a small group of dancers to audition for a "Garden Goblin/creatures" piece.  And the fact that they were told this was part of the production leads me to think that they did cast with specific parts in mind yesterday.  


I think that if your DCs are of JA age but have been asked to attend next weekend's audition as well, it is because they are being considered for Main Cast as well as just for JA.  My DD's original application asked to be considered for Main Cast but her final audition letter just gave the 21st for the JA Audition.  When I enquired whether this meant that my DD wasn't now being considered for Main Cast, I was told yes she was just auditioning now for a JA part but if she was successful and felt she could cope with residential, she may still be able to stay as a JA.


Will let you know if, as and when we hear back. 


Good luck to you all next weekend  :)

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Thank you dtadmin and good luck to your dd! My dd said she didn't feel like she had to dance a lot yesterday, but I've told her not to feel disheartened as I don't want her to go into next week's audition feeling like she isn't very good! It's good to know that even if she doesn't get offered a role in the main cast there may be a residential place available still if she made it through yesterday's audition ok. I'm hoping that we will all know by the 5th one way or another what the outcomes are! I would definitely be interested to hear whether any of those who had their final audition yesterday hear any sooner! :)

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I have been following this thread with interest.  I don't very often post on here but felt having a daughter who has done NYB for a couple of years I would share our experiences!


She first audtioned 5 years ago aged 8 on the advice of her ballet teacher who is actually involved with NYB.  Despite making it to call backs and hanging around all day doing very little dancing she sadly wasn't offered a place!  She successfuly went back the following three years as a JA.  We live an hour away from Tring although there were several other friends from our ballet school also JA's so we managed to share the driving.  Days were long and lots of hanging around and only very small parts offered to the girls.


Last year she applied again age 12 - desperate to have 10 days away boarding at Tring Park with her friends - but didn't even make it to the recalls.  It is VERY definately down to whether your face and the costumes fit on top of being a fantastic dancer with the ability to perform!  Competition for places is very tough indeed! She was very upset but gritted her teeth and tried again this year and has been invited back next Sunday and again we have no idea what to expect!


I can conifrm that some of the girls at the JA audition yesterday were older than 12.  If there is a petit 15 year old with talent they will be cast as a main part in the JA ballet.  Photo calls are usually for soloists and the panel will already have a very good idea of who is being cast as what especially as they know alot of the dancers from previous years!


Final offer letters can either be 2 days after audition or two weeks.  Dancers who auditioned on Sunday may well hear this week.


We are trying to plan our summer holiday but can't do anthing until we know the outcome and also awaiting results of ALL ENGLAND DANCE regional finals as if dd is successful that is the first week of the school holidays.  Semi finals are not until half term though so all our plans on hold at the moment.


NYB is a really lovely experience and my dd made loads of friends and can say she has danced on the stage at the London Palladium and Sadlers Wells! 


Goood luck to all auditioning on Sunday and awaiting results x

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Thanks for the info Belleballerina - it's really interesting to hear from people who've been through the process, although a little daunting to hear of all the ups and downs too  :unsure:


We're exactly the same with regard to holidays, our DD is competing at All England Midlands Semis at end of May too, as well as auditioning for RBS and Elmhurst JAs next month.  Our life seems to revolve around dance at the moment  :)


If she is successful in getting a place with NYB, I think we're looking at the last week of August for a break!

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Hi all,


Just read the thread - I was told yesterday that they will be sending the final decision letters soon after Sunday (28th) - within 2-3 days. Then they'll also let us know whether the children are needed for the 5th. I think it's just a costume fitting, some will be needed and some not but we'll know soon after Sunday. Hope this info is helpful!! :)

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I feel even more nervous now! I guess as much as we all try to fathom it out in advance; only they truly know what they're looking for! Good luck to everyone awaiting results from this Sunday and to all those auditioning next Sunday! Hopefully only another couple of weeks to wait! DD has another audition locally for a dance academy in May so if she doesn't make NYB this time, hopefully she'll focus herself on that one instead and give it another shot next year!

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