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Audition without insight day at RBS


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My 8yo's ballet teacher has told us that our daughter should try the RBS's auditions as Junior Associate. I don't know anything about the dancing world. I've combed the RBS website and see the insight day was last year but the application for the audition is this Feb to start in Sep 22. My question is, is it worth it to apply for my daughter this year? We don't know what the auditions entail. Does everyone generally attend the insight day first the year before?  It seems like a long time between the insight day and the actual auditions for an 8yo to remember what is to be expected of her.. 


Thankful for your responses! 

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There is absolutely no need to attend the insight day in order to attend and succeed in the audition. That said, the style of teaching at JAs is very different from what your daughter is probably used to and wouldn't suit all 8 year-olds. The lessons are long, so require prolonged focus, and involve a lot of exercises working on tiny muscle groups (and anatomical explanations). My pupil LOVED the insight day which confirmed our decision to apply, but it might come as a surprise to some children and not be what they were expecting, thus why experiencing an insight day is helpful.

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You don’t have to, the audition class is very simple. However, some DCs who who attend the insight day find that it is the scheme for them and this will motivate them to do well in the audition. Conversely, there are some like my DC who decided during the insight day that’s it’s not for them. If that is the case, it will save you money on application fees. 

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11 minutes ago, Granbatty said:

I think the audition insight class is for those preparing to audition for a full time place.

Yes, I think that’s right about the October one  - but this online class seems to be for those thinking of auditioning for Junior Associates.

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Yes the October "audition insight days" were for full time training. The "associate insight days" are for those applying to associates, it looks like there are spaces in the Newcastle one and in the online one, the rest are full. 


You would generally do the insight day (if you want to) at this time of year, ready to apply to associates in February. 


I would agree that it's totally optional - we had actually booked onto an insight day which was the cancelled the year my DD applied, so she applied anyway and loves it. As above though, it might be good to do one if possible as it would let your DC decide if they liked the look of it or not. The online ones were really well in my opinion if you're not near one of the centres. 

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OK, it makes more sense now. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I'll apply for the online insight day for associates then. 


Which brings me to my next question : is it just a matter of watching or is she expected to dress in her leotard and participate in the insight day?


Thank you. 


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My daughter did the online insight day last year as that was the only option but didn't really enjoy it at all. I am not sure if she’d had enough of zoom by then.
She auditioned via video audition and was lucky enough to get a Year 5 place in September and is absolutely loving the class each week. She is very focused and takes it very seriously. 
The good thing this year is that the auditions are in person in the form of a class so i dont think you have anything to lose by auditioning. Its all experience. Also your DD teacher would know what they are looking for so a recommendation to apply is a positive. The applications are only open for a short time. Good luck 🤞🏻 

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9 hours ago, Granbatty said:

I think the audition insight class is for those preparing to audition for a full time place.

There was an in person insight day in Leeds for JA’s in October this year which is different to previous years as its usually in Spring like the other centres. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering if anyone is currently completing the JA application online. It looks like you have to select a second choice associate centre (online sessions are NOT a choice for second choice). We can only get to one centre so not sure how to handle this. Also what is the difference between London 26 weeks and 32 weeks. Is it just the length of the program or is there anything further that differentiates the two? Thanks! 

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On 20/02/2022 at 17:21, Medora said:

I was wondering if anyone has any insight to offer re JA boys? What are the acceptance ratios for boys? 

Only personal experience of Newcastle JAs. My DS auditioned for Years 4, 5 and 6 for JAs and was waitlisted twice, finally successful for Year 6. In that time, we only saw about 8 other boys audition, of whom 4 (including my DS) were accepted during those 3 years. That sounds like a very high acceptance rate, but it's a very limited sample! The lesson we learned was, if your DS is keen, keep trying! 

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40 minutes ago, BallerinaMum13 said:

I was wondering if anyone is currently completing the JA application online. It looks like you have to select a second choice associate centre (online sessions are NOT a choice for second choice). We can only get to one centre so not sure how to handle this. Also what is the difference between London 26 weeks and 32 weeks. Is it just the length of the program or is there anything further that differentiates the two? Thanks! 

Not from personal experience as my DD was never a JA but I think the diff between those two is that the 32 weeks basically attend almost every week apart from school breaks etc. The 24 weeks is more every other week. I always used to think that if we had the choice I’d opt for the 24 weeks because it frees up some time to spend time with the family. Weekly is a lot of commitment especially if they have siblings. However if your DC wants to try for full time in a few years then maybe the 32 weeks is a better option as I noticed these days that those who get full time places seem to train a lot more hours compared to a few years ago (the more hours, the better, or that’s how it seems anyway). I think you can just pick one centre, does it not let you proceed with the online application if you don’t pick a second choice? Although, again, these days it’s not unheard of for kids to travel miles (travel times in excess of an hour)  to get to the “nearest” centre. 

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3 minutes ago, Neverdancedjustamum said:

Not from personal experience as my DD was never a JA but I think the diff between those two is that the 32 weeks basically attend almost every week apart from school breaks etc. The 24 weeks is more every other week. I always used to think that if we had the choice I’d opt for the 24 weeks because it frees up some time to spend time with the family. Weekly is a lot of commitment especially if they have siblings. However if your DC wants to try for full time in a few years then maybe the 32 weeks is a better option as I noticed these days that those who get full time places seem to train a lot more hours compared to a few years ago (the more hours, the better, or that’s how it seems anyway). I think you can just pick one centre, does it not let you proceed with the online application if you don’t pick a second choice? Although, again, these days it’s not unheard of for kids to travel miles (travel times in excess of an hour)  to get to the “nearest” centre. 

I ended up choosing London 32 weeks as first option and London 26 weeks for second option ... It doesn't let you proceed without choosing a second option and we are not traveling outside of London, which is where we live. 

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13 minutes ago, BallerinaMum13 said:

I ended up choosing London 32 weeks as first option and London 26 weeks for second option ... It doesn't let you proceed without choosing a second option and we are not traveling outside of London, which is where we live. 

Ah is it 26 weeks? Years ago, I seem to recall 24 but it might just be my rubbish memory. Yes, I can totally understand not travelling too much further afield. I am the same - anything that involves over half an hour of travelling is usually a no-no for us. Glad the second choice could be the same centre, just diff number of weeks. All the best with the application! 

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2 hours ago, Neverdancedjustamum said:

Not from personal experience as my DD was never a JA but I think the diff between those two is that the 32 weeks basically attend almost every week apart from school breaks etc. The 24 weeks is more every other week. I always used to think that if we had the choice I’d opt for the 24 weeks because it frees up some time to spend time with the family. Weekly is a lot of commitment especially if they have siblings. However if your DC wants to try for full time in a few years then maybe the 32 weeks is a better option as I noticed these days that those who get full time places seem to train a lot more hours compared to a few years ago (the more hours, the better, or that’s how it seems anyway). I think you can just pick one centre, does it not let you proceed with the online application if you don’t pick a second choice? Although, again, these days it’s not unheard of for kids to travel miles (travel times in excess of an hour)  to get to the “nearest” centre. 

Living in Scotland, our nearest Center was Newcastle ( Dundee was not an option in those days). A round trip 250 miles and much more for those living in the North of Scotland. We have fond memories of those early morning train trips!

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Years ago they had an Associate centre in Poole with both JAs and Mids. (Now they just have JAs in Eastleigh). It was a pity they stopped Mids as there isn't one in the South West at all. When dd was a Mid, dancers came over from the Isle of Wight and a couple even flew into Bournemouth airport from the Channel Islands.

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2 hours ago, Pas de Quatre said:

Years ago they had an Associate centre in Poole with both JAs and Mids. (Now they just have JAs in Eastleigh). It was a pity they stopped Mids as there isn't one in the South West at all. When dd was a Mid, dancers came over from the Isle of Wight and a couple even flew into Bournemouth airport from the Channel Islands.

Our closest and first choice centre was 1.5 hours away and our second choice was 2 hours away... would be great if RBS had an associate centre in Wales! 

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On 27/02/2022 at 14:43, TwirlyWhirly said:

Only personal experience of Newcastle JAs. My DS auditioned for Years 4, 5 and 6 for JAs and was waitlisted twice, finally successful for Year 6. In that time, we only saw about 8 other boys audition, of whom 4 (including my DS) were accepted during those 3 years. That sounds like a very high acceptance rate, but it's a very limited sample! The lesson we learned was, if your DS is keen, keep trying! 

Hi Twirly Whirly, what do you mean by wait listed? Is there such a thing as a waiting list? Thank you for the encouragement to keep on trying. 

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On 27/02/2022 at 14:21, BallerinaMum13 said:

I was wondering if anyone is currently completing the JA application online. It looks like you have to select a second choice associate centre (online sessions are NOT a choice for second choice). We can only get to one centre so not sure how to handle this. Also what is the difference between London 26 weeks and 32 weeks. Is it just the length of the program or is there anything further that differentiates the two? Thanks! 

I just submitted the form. I just chose the same centre both times. I wouldn't consider going to another! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Jingsorry for late reply! My DS was offered a wait list place for JAs when he auditioned for y4 and again in y5. Both times we said we'd go on the wait list but no place became available. My DS auditioned for the third time for JAs in Y6 and was finally successful! The wait list offer only lasts until the end of October for the entry year in question I think. Each time we reapplied the next year. Hope this helps x

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We do the London 24 week one, and it means that we aren't there every week. We had the choice this year whether we went up or stayed at 24, but my dd has her normal dancing so keen for her not to miss all of that so it works for us. In terms of ratio we are in the year 4/5 London class and my dd is as far as I'm aware the only year 4 girl and there are 4 year 4 boys (that is my daughter's say so, so could be wrong ) I know there are more year 4 girls in the 39 week one 

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