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Going Back to ballet continued...


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My Monday afternoon class turn out to be interesting from the point of view we did a new move ate the barre that I hadn’t heard of before, “Enveloppe”, in other words a developpe reversed. At least that was the way it was taught. I see it does not get a mention in my Video Dictionary of Classical Ballet; however it is mentioned Gail Grant’s Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet but the description is somewhat different.   (snip)


Was at ENB last night, only one week left of this term before we all have to reapply again for the new courses, if I don’t get in I will really miss that place.


If you look at the Royal Ballet production of Sleeping Beauty, Act II, the Vision Scene, you'll see Aurora doing a lot of enveloppés (I think it's the section Ashton choreographed, so don't imagine you'll find it anywhere else).


The ENB system drives me nuts.  The last few times they've sent the email, they've actually said that the course I would want to do is already full.  Grrrr!

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I would question whether some of the posts in this thread should be withdrawn. Whilst every individual is entitled to their own opinion, some of these posts do potentially identify highly respected teachers as class levels and respected orgnisations are mentioned. As a teacher, I would find these comments offensive and unecessary if I were talked about in this manner. It also reflects badly upon the ethos of the forum.

Thank you for your thoughts, Balleteacher. As none of the posts contravene our Accptable Use Policy we cannot remove them. I hope anyone reading the forum understands this, and also that people are of course entitled to their opinion, which - providing that opinion does not contravene forum rules - we as a Committee cannot and should not be held responsible for.


However, I would remind ALL posters that this is a public forum which may be read by the world at large. It is not a private chat room. Hence my remark to Michelle that I hope none of her teachers are reading this forum in case they are offended.

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Thank you for the info on “Enveléppes”, I don’t have the RB version, only the Moscow Ballet one, as I see that last winter. I tend not to buy them unless I have seen them and particularly like a set of the movements for my own choreography, or I’m likely to do a rep workshop on it. The only workshop I need to cover at the moment is “Phantom of the Opera” from a guest teacher, but her choice has not been confirmed yet. Otherwise my others are covered. I know the ROH shop does have a CD of the Phantom of the Opera ballet music, so I will pop in there Tuesday before Pineapple and get it.

Tonight I’m going to see “Mid summer night’s dream ballet” by Ballet Cymru, never seen it before so I don’t know if I will be inspired or not, but I will enjoy it all the same. So that may be another one on the list.


As for ENB, keep your eye open on their site under “what’s on”, they are releasing priority bookings for existing ENB students some time on Monday, so I may miss my Body Balance class, but unfortunately I cannot miss my afternoon ballet as I need to discuss the summer school arrangements which are still in the melting pot. I’m not sure when bookings for ENB goes live for everyone else, but it wont be long after.



Had a really nice class this morning, several girls absent, most were having trouble remembering the sequence unless our teacher was in front. After class I videoed her which is enormously helpful, I guess that’s one of the more progressive schools in spite of them residing in a temporary building in a poor state of repair. They really do have hearts of gold. Afterwards I had a long chat with a teacher I had never met before, she looked after the little ones, she was really nice and very chatty.




I note your words of caution. If my teachers see it, then I take the results on the chin, however if in the meantime it has got them to think a little about what they are doing for best practice, then I’m happy and we all are winners.

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As was up in London this w/e (to see Raven Girl) I did David Kierce's beginners plus at Central this morning. What a joy his classes are!! He is very funny, cheers you up no end, makes you want to go for it and is also giving out some sound technique advice! I did my first double pirouette for about 20yrs this morning in his class!! Couldn't make the double work on the left but have now re acquired a taste for doubles as have been pretty reticent about pirouettes in general so far. If you want to do a ballet class and have a tonic at he same time I can thoroughly recommend his classes!!

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Well, if my ballet teacher (adult class) turned up to teach with a video camera, training plan, project management or whatever I would probably run a mile!  I treasure her ability to teach 'on the fly', using her many years of top level experience to adapt her teaching to whoever is in the class, from complete beginners to adults taking exams to professionals returning to her classes during a break - sometimes all in the same class.  We never know what she is going to teach us but it is always a joy.

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Well, if my ballet teacher (adult class) turned up to teach with a video camera, training plan, project management or whatever I would probably run a mile!  I treasure her ability to teach 'on the fly', using her many years of top level experience to adapt her teaching to whoever is in the class, from complete beginners to adults taking exams to professionals returning to her classes during a break - sometimes all in the same class.  We never know what she is going to teach us but it is always a joy.

So glad you enjoy your classes Rosy.  I find it near impossible to plan for senior/ adult classes because they vary so much and I think its important to meet the needs of the class in front of me. Sounds like your teacher is just the same  Very often the mix in an adult ballet class varies from week to week. I for one like to be guided by the students in a class many of whom just want to dance for an hour and forget the world outside.!  More serious adults integrate into upper grades or vocational classes- I have a fantastic grandmother in advanced at the moment. She is doing the class for personal achievement having decided not to do more exams (she passed grades 6-8 thse past few years.)


Incidentally I remember the use of recording equipment in studios back in 1980s, its not new. Certainly only last term some of my seniors used their smart phones to record choreography. But quite apart from the minefield of regulations these days regarding filming I certainly would prefer to teach than stand behind a camera.!  And for those students of mine following syllabus work I direct them to official dvds- so much better than watching an arthritic old teacher who can't do 3rd never mind 5th.... Come to that I'd like my students to watch any decent Ballet...

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Indeed, hfbrew.  We are fortunate to be able to join the grade classes if we want to take exams or to have a more structured approach.  Although the Adult Class is more relaxed, we do see progression over time.  The fact that is is less structured means it has a lovely natural flow and we come out really feeling we have 'danced'.

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Yesterday I succumbed to the urge to dig out an old pair of canvas split soles from the bottom of my wardrobe, stick on my little DD's Grade 4 RAD DVD and do some "ballet". I say "ballet" because after a ten year break, ballet it was not! More than a little rusty!


I didn't realise it was this hard! It certainly wasn't a child/teenager and I don't remember every muscle aching in an attempt just to stand with correct alignment when I returned to ballet last time!


One other massive shock was the lack of flexibility. That sounds obvious, but I don't mean the obvious type of flexibility. It's no surprise that I can't do extended splits anymore. What is a surprise is that when doing a simple demi plie I barely get to a diamond shape before my heels are fighting to leave the floor. What's all that about? I feel so old!

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Regattah hope you will look for a class now and wont be put off by all the stiffness etc!Yes flexibility does take a time to come back and as you get older is easily lost again too ....2 weeks holiday and can barely touch the floor!! Ive mentioned this before on this thread but when I went back after a 20 year gap I couldn't do a full plié for at least 6 months and in fourth position not for a year!!

Jumping was the biggest disappointment to me though as not only could I not even get an inch off the floor but I was puffed out after doing half a dozen changement! But it is worth persevering as that was two years ago and I'm really enjoying it all now and can get about three inches off the floor so things are looking up!! Just wish my feet looked nice and pointy underneath still a bit flippery for my liking! Also I noticed that at first I would drink a whole bottle of water during the class and need a pot of tea immediately afterwards and now I only drink about a quarter of a bottle and can wait till I get home for the tea!! so a bit of fitness gained at least.

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Hi Girls


I am at least glad the part of the tread hasn’t died, I was contemplating a new thread on this subject but at least it has you thinking even if the result is the old ways are the best.

Firstly the project management element was my approach to the setting up of a self help group in order that we addressed or at least considered everyone’s requirements before rejection. That just makes plain common sense.


I fully understand hfbrew’s remark “Very often the mix in an adult ballet class varies from week to week”. That certainly occurs at Pineapple, there is a small core of regulars like me, but there is often a lot of new faces each week, however its not unusual for our teacher to use the same sequence over a number of weeks. When it comes to long sequences, some students actually leave the class early which is an awful shame and will do little for their self confidence.


Sequences are the one thing I heard complains from several dancers as a reason for not going on further, and hardly enhances motivation, after all even if it’s regarded as a learning or a social activity it should still be fun for everyone.


So its not rocket science to address this deficiency, its simply to break a sequence down into manageable chunks that are memorable, that what I call best practice, so I really don’t understand the negative response to this suggestion.


As for hfbrews comment: “Certainly only last term some of my seniors used their smart phones to record choreography”. I sounds as if you are or were already doing it, so well done. But I really don’t understand the comment: “But quite apart from the minefield of regulations these days regarding filming I certainly would prefer to teach than stand behind a camera”. Firstly I am totally unaware of any regulation that does not permit the recording of a demonstration, as I said in an earlier post we use it in Salsa Dance classes all the time, that had become part of the culture. The key point about videos for sequence's, it give the student dancer a permanent high quality record of the teacher, rather than the vagaries of memory. It lets them practice at home if they wish the following week they can dance with confidence.


I hate learning a sequence over several weeks and copying others in the class, on week two, I want to be proud of my performance, and any feedback should be about my technique and not about steps I've screwed up because I couldn’t remember them. In any case if one is fortunate to learn as sequence in the first week, it will be retained by there short term memory, unless its refreshed, otherwise it will quickly fade and be lost.


I also understand hfbrew comment:” And for those students of mine following syllabus work I direct them to official dvd's”, that makes perfect sense. I too have a whole library of ballet training DVD’s, mostly American , but I have a few RAD too, I also have the entire collection of Finis Jhung the NY ballet master including his teaching DVD’s. But a common source of material is DVD performances of the classic.


I have done two separate classes today, neither have a problem with videoing, both are helping me way beyond the call of duty with parts from classical ballets, in fact one of my requirements is taken from the RB first variation in Swan Lake (Act I), a lovely walk if that’s the right word, comprising of a three or four step Sissonne/ Temps de Fléch combination. That teacher is now introducing it into next weeks sequence work, for me that’s fantastic as I intend to use it.


Moomin I agree with your comment : If you want a more systematic approach a graded syllabus may be more suitable though”, however that’s not generally an option when you live in the wilds of South Lincolnshire as I do, I already travel “500miles a week excluding my rail journeys to London for Pineapple and ENB. So I have to make the best of what's available, by engaging with the teachers to try and get the best possible outcome.  The other point is, if there was a prerequisite grade, then I would most probably be excluded, even though I'm committed to a dozen classes a week, in addition I have my own Studio for practice too. I do take ballet very seriously but I have limited time left in my remaining lifetime, so hence my need for fast tracking, but then I have always lived that way.


On the bright side, I have had two wonderful classes today and tomorrow its my last day (Tuesday) at ENB for level one (only one available but allowed me into the system), today on priority booking I have booked both level two and level three with classes on the same day. This girl never gives up, that’s for others and I can walk away with a smile on my face.

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Ever had one of those days when everything turns out really nice, then at midnight it changes, well that happened to me.


The morning was pretty uneventful with Dance fever class and coffee with the girls after.


In the afternoon when I arrived in London I needed to pop into the ROH shop, I see the Chinese guy who performs just outside, he had not set up then. He see me and recognised me and we exchanged pleasantries.


I bought a couple of ballet T Shirts of Steve on the market stall in Covent Garden he was really nice and knocked the price down for me.


When I got to Pineapple, Giles on reception said I looked glamorous, wow that put a smile on my face.

When I got to class, expecting to see Maggie my usual Pineapple teacher, she wasn’t there, it was my ENB teacher instead. That was a bit of a shock but a pleasant one.


When I finally got to ENB I was chatting in their coffee room with one of the male dancers from my class. There was another guy in the corner, it was Tom from LAB, he teaches adult classes at ENB but usually on Mondays, but I guess he was drafted in for holiday cover or something, but I had a lovely chat with him about the LAB SI.


End of term was a bit sad in away as I won’t see my ENB teacher next term as she is working away, but will be back the following term; we now have a three week break.


I arrived back at Kings Cross at 10.30pm'ish for the 11.01 train to Peterborough; I went to my usual café “The Pret Manager” for a hot pastry thing and a diet coke, to be told they were on the house as I am a regular. Wow I wish I had put money on the lottery.


On the rail journey to Peterborough at midnight the train stopped just outside Peterborough, as message came over the intercom that unplanned rail work was being carried out and they would need a pilot to take us through. I was just hoping at that point I wasn’t going to turn into a pumpkin. We remained stationary for about 45minutes.


I know this is a bit off topic but it was a so unusual day.

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It’s almost the end of my ballet week (Thursday night), with only a single class on Saturday to go. Never the less it’s been a very tiring week, starting with the late night rail delay from Tuesday. Wednesday I left home at 10am for a Professional Conference, then went from there directly to my ballet rehearsal at the Angles Theatre, however I did call in on my sister on the way back home for half an hour but did not get home until just after 10pm. The rehearsal was somewhat frustrating as we are still making minor changes with only two weeks to go, also the satin dresses are not ready yet either, so I think everything is going to be extremely tight and centred around the dress rehearsal on the 30th. I just hope we run to schedule and finish at 1pm as planned, allowing me to get to Cambridge in time for my RAD Romeo and Juliet Workshop on the same day.


The Conference was emotionally draining, not because of the conference it self, but because I met three of the guys that used to work for me. After pleasantries were out of the way, it was almost like a debriefing session, I must really stop doing that and let go. I think this time I really miss not being involved with work or part of it any more. The conference badly overran, so I had to leave before the end as I had a long drive to the Theatre. I was front row as I’m always an active questioner, my guys were towards the back, so I could only give them a brief wave to say goodbye, and that left me feeling quite sad.


I have a Defence and Aerospace Conference coming up towards the end of the month which only occurs once every two years, I know my guys will most probably be there too. Although I have an invitation I have not yet accepted it and have been agenising over it for ages. Half of me wants to go, the other wants to leg go, fortunately that decision has been taken out of my hands as I have trustee meeting for my old companies pension scheme on the same date.


Although sleep is not quite fully caught up today (Thursday) it has been a quite pleasant day. Ballet this morning was good, my teacher was also in a particularly good mood, only four of us today, but first thing I thought it was only going to be only two. A few new routines were introduced and some changes to barre work by combining exercises, some a bit of a brain teaser, but our teach says “ we will thank her when we are eighty and we don’t have dementia” or something like that.


It was a bit of a rush back home to get changed and cleaned up before off for some Police retaining on a “What driving us course”, as a result of me entering a red light on my way to Birmingham Royal Ballet. The course made a lot of good sense, it was also quite entertaining in the way it was presented, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I do think it does heighten your awareness.


Back home quick change into ballet gear, food on the hoof and off to Ballet in Peterborough. It seems ages since I was last there as I time share them with Footlight Performing Arts in Kings Lynn, but I have had to miss two sessions because of illness and extra session at ENB on a Thursday. As always it was a good class, good standard of dancers. There were nine girls including me and one young guy about 18. One of the things I like about this class, we do a proper warm up before we start work including barre work, also we do a stretching session at the end before reverence. One of the things that was quite fun, was doing Pirouettes En Dedan from corner to corner with a pas de buree between them. I also had a word with the teacher to promote one of the other Ballet Schools summer schools as the Peterborough school do not offer one, I did that as I didn’t want to tread on anyone’s toes in promoting other ballet activities.

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Lol minor changes 2 weeks before the performance is good! Minor changes and finishing dances off right up to the day of the performance are not so good but they happen everywhere, including in professional companies.

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Yes I do seem to remember a few hair raising occasions when danced with Chelsea Ballet in 70's and 80's when had to learn a role at last minute because somebody was ill or injured! And then hoping the costume would fit!! In for a penny in for a pound as the saying goes


And it's not just bits of last minute choreography being changed/added etc there are other unexpected things that can happen right in the middle of the performance!

Once performing at Harlow Theatre there had just been a terrific thunderstorm and we were about to perform our next dance. Well first the tape wouldn't play so we were standing on the stage like lemons wondering whether to just run off again. That got sorted and then as we finally began our dance water started streaming down from the roof and onto the stage. It took all our reserves and a lot of avoiding eye contact to finish piece without collapsing into attacks of hysterical giggles.

Ironically enough the piece was called "Spring Romance".

But good luck with your performance Michelle!

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Just had an email from Franziska Rosenzweig who has a pirouette workshop coming up on July 13th.


She has just added an additional workshop in August.....which will be again more repertoire based. This is to be on August 24th which admittedly is the sat of the Bank Holiday w/e. so could be difficult for some.

On her Holistic Ballet website page she has posted links to YouTube so can see the two female and male solos will be learning that day. Wish I could post links but will be learning soon.

These can be learned on pointe or demi. As this is a level 2 workshop even some of her regular on pointe people(from her classes at Danceworks) do the repertoire bit on demi......last time there were about 6-8 strong pointers,not that many, so when see on Youtube can judge for yourself what you can cope with!!

I can thoroughly recommend her workshops which are from 10-2.30 so don't take up the whole day. She charges £40 if paid a month in advance (July 23rd) this time.

It's a good day with 45-50 mins of Pilates as warm up; 50-60 min barre; short centre practice and then the focus of the day which will be learning these two solos.

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Franziskas website is www.holisticballet.com

If you go here there is a link on the page to the latest August workshop. This is to be held at The Place.


For info on work at her studio www.shoreditchstudio.co.uk


Both pieces look quite hard and with my angel wing arms not sure about the Sleeping Beauty one

But the Darcey solo I quite like so will probably opt for that one myself......so better start working on speed of delivery as it sure is fast!!

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Really hope you can make it Just Ballet!! Especially as you like pointe work so both these will be great for that. Franziska says you can learn both if you want so will see how Im feeling on the day! Which one do you most fancy?!


She usually does her workshops nicely secluded away in a big studio near Old Street......this is first one at The Place where most studios are nice and airy too and its easy to get to.


We don't usually get much of a break on the day (about 15-20 mins for lunch usually) so if you come make sure you have a big breakfast!!!


If you can't make that one she has another one towards the end of September but like the Pirouette one in July this is not so repertoire based which is why this August one will be particularly enjoyable I think as the last one I did like this was really good fun....learning one of the Odalisque variations from Le Corsaire.

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Aurora and Lin

Changes in the last two weeks which are not down to external circumstances such as unavailability of dancers, I do not consider as OK, it just plain and simple poor planning and preparation. That’s something I have come to accept about this culture. That is particularly evident in ballet organisations not providing advance detailed information about courses when requested; it’s almost like a teacher’s secret, so as not to steel their thunder during the course.  My view is, if I were running our part of the show, it would be organised differently. For me preparation is everything and something that is missed completely in the proper context on another thread on this forum.


Lin OK about “water started streaming down from the roof and onto the stage”, I could certainly see that happening with the Angles Theatre, so I'm told, it’s the second oldest theatre in the country, but I'm not sure how true that is.


Lin I checked both of Franziska Rosenzweig websites and her email on the 4th of June, but I cannot see any reference to the August course you mentioned. I am free that week as my last summer school is the week before at Welland School of dance.


As my ENB classes have finished for three weeks I'm trying to get a bit of a break for Tuesdays, however this next week I have substituted Tuesday for Saturday as I'm off to see ENB’s Swan Lake in the round, fortunately I have taken the last seat in the grand tier. The following week I am seriously thinking of adding DanceWorks and Chelsea Ballet master class, but it means I will be late home. This last week, last night especially left me very very tired.

Edited by Michelle_Richer
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Michell said "Aurora and Lin

Changes in the last two weeks which are not down to external circumstances such as unavailability of dancers, I do not consider as OK, it just plain and simple poor planning and preparation. That’s something I have come to accept about this culture. That is particularly evident in ballet organisations not providing advance detailed information about courses when requested; it’s almost like a teacher’s secret, so as not to steel their thunder during the course.  My view is, if I were running our part of the show, it would be organised differently. For me preparation is everything and something that is missed completely in the proper context on another thread on this forum."


Janet says:


As a ballet watcher, last minute changes to choreography, staging etc in the professional ballet world seem to be the norm!  Over my near 30 years of ballet watching I have been fortunate as a Friend of NB and BRB to see many dress rehearsals and often there have been changes between the dress rehearsal and the opening night the following day as well as changes during the run.  Choreographers are constantly reviewing their work and making minor changes to try and give the viewing public the best possible version.  It does not mean to say that a great deal of planning has not gone into the project - obviously it has.  But ballet is a creative art and sometimes what has been planned may not seem quite right in the eyes of the choreographer and requires adjustments going forward.  It is a fact of life in the ballet world to both dancers and audience.

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Aurora and Lin

Changes in the last two weeks which are not down to external circumstances such as unavailability of dancers, I do not consider as OK, it just plain and simple poor planning and preparation. That’s something I have come to accept about this culture. That is particularly evident in ballet organisations not providing advance detailed information about courses when requested; it’s almost like a teacher’s secret, so as not to steel their thunder during the course.   My view is, if I were running our part of the show, it would be organised differently. For me preparation is everything and something that is missed completely in the proper context on another thread on this forum.


Lin OK about “water started streaming down from the roof and onto the stage”, I could certainly see that happening with the Angles Theatre, so I'm told, it’s the second oldest theatre in the country, but I'm not sure how true that is.


Lin I checked both of Franziska Rosenzweig websites and her email on the 4th of June, but I cannot see any reference to the August course you mentioned. I am free that week as my last summer school is the week before at Welland School of dance.


As my ENB classes have finished for three weeks I'm trying to get a bit of a break for Tuesdays, however this next week I have substituted Tuesday for Saturday as I'm off to see ENB’s Swan Lake in the round, fortunately I have taken the last seat in the grand tier. The following week I am seriously thinking of adding DanceWorks and Chelsea Ballet master class, but it means I will be late home. This last week, last night especially left me very very tired.

With regard to the bit in bold, I am sure that this is not the case. Don't forget Michelle, you have obviously worked in the business/industrial world where organisational and logistical skills have been essential to have, either by the manager or their assistant (or both).


Ballet teachers must be, by their very nature, creative artists. Many will have been to Ballet School, straight into employment either as a dancer or a dance teacher. Unless they are fortunate enough to work in or run a school with a built-in administrator, they have to do the organising themselves. If information is given out late I am sure this is merely a clerical error or evidence of an overly busy creative mind. I'm pretty sure it's not deliberate, and certainly NOT a ploy to ensure that nobody steals the teacher's thunder!

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Perhaps part of a beginners experience of adult ballet is also learning about the way in which the ballet world operates. There often need to be last minute changes for good reason. It is true that life on stage is unpredictable but that is part of a dancer's training. There is a clear wisdom behind sayings such as 'the show must go on'. It can only enhance learning to observe rehearsals and ask why things are carried out in a certain way. There is very often a rationale. Trying to align ballet with structure of other professions is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole-it does not fit. This is not to say that ballet does not evolve over time as there have been major changes in terms of training, nutrition, choreography and other aspects of sports medicine which have been integrated into the profession.

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Michelle I hope you've managed to find the link now for the August course.


Well this teacher certainly couldn't be more helpful......you can see what you'll be learning on Youtube!! Very explicit!! I'm looking forward to it though the variations are hard......I can still see Fonteyn doing that solo.....with her wonderful arms and just seeing that clip of Darcey reminded me of how effortless and graceful her dancing is!! I fear mine will definitely be a bit of a clod hoppy version of that!! But just having a chance to have a go with that music should be pretty energising....hopefully.


I do understand your concern about changes to choreography etc at the last minute and this is because us Going Back to Ballet lot are AMATEURS! It is much easier for PROFESSIONAL dancers to cope with this sort of thing!!

However there is nothing like an audience out there to drive home respect and you think....crikey they've just PAID to see me dance HELP!! And of course you want to do your very best for them and your own self respect! And it is this that makes you want to be able to perform to the best of your ability and hence the security of knowing the choreography etc. So in one sense it's commendable to want to be on top of your game. On the other hand the audience also know you are AMATEUR performers and will probably forgive you the odd mistake!!


However dancing is in the creative field and of all the Arts is the least written in stone!! Sometimes the choreographer has ideas in mind but its not till they're actually seen and with the particular dancers in front of him/her that it is seen whether it works.....and sometimes one change leads to another.....


Just to share(Chelsea Ballet again) ....sometimes even if you do know the choreography backwards and have performed a particular dance several times before unexpected things can happen in performance like....well...your mind just suddenly goes blank! We were doing our version of The Nutcracker one year and I was in the middle of a Spanish dance which I had done before when suddenly my mind just blanked.....but somehow sheer fear kept me going making it up as I went along.....I had to do SOMETHING to the music!! I just hoped it was a bit Spanishy. I suddenly got back on track again towards the end. Probably only Thelma(who founded and ran The Chelsea Ballet) and one or two others realised what had happened though.


I am pretty sure though the vast majority of ballet teachers who put on courses are not trying to keep their attendees down! (I think you said Michelle they were "trying to steel your thunder"). That smacks more to me of attitudes in the big business world and the horrible insecurity of people trying to protect their jobs by always having to be ahead of the game.


The last you thing you want as a ballet teacher is people struggling abjectedly in front of you! As it is no good for your own self respect. You want to see people striving but thriving and happy in front of you as that makes you feel happy and successful as well.


Dont worry about having the odd thing go wrong Michelle as these are the memories that will make you laugh years later anyway!

But again very good luck with your coming performance!

Sorry this does go on a bit.

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Hi Lin

I emailed Franziska this morning and she has now added it to her normal list of workshops


I note the defensive posture that has been taken on my remark “The rehearsal was somewhat frustrating as we are still making minor changes with only two weeks to go, also the satin dresses are not ready yet either, so I think everything is going to be extremely tight and centred around the dress rehearsal on the 30th”


Firstly I would make the point that in this particular circumstance the changes I referred to could and should have been made earlier, at the same time I appreciate new issues may come out on the dress rehearsal. Rehearsals have been running since February, I have only missed two, the first one, unknown to me started during my regular monthly visit to ROH for my two classes there. The other, I was ill with a really nasty cold and didn’t want to spread it to the other dancers. I reorganised my time sharing of this class for a 100% commitment up to and including the show.


Is also worth pointing out that this teacher is quite young and to a large extent, feeling her way, she has always had my full support in making this show a success, so there is absolutely no animosity between us, just the opposite.


Lin Sorry but you have miss quoted me (I think you said Michelle they were "trying to steel your thunder"), nobody was trying to steel my thunder, this meant in the context of the teacher. The sort of thing that leads my in this direction of thinking is when I request detailed information about a forthcoming course, more often than not that information is either not available or I get no reply. Occasionally it is there eg Franziska Rosenzweig August Rep, the video clips as brilliant example of work to be done, also her email replies are usually on the same day. As an Adult beginner, as I am reminded of, I need proper information to make MY choices going forward. I sorry but a course title alone is not good enough.



As for “ Don't worry about having the odd thing go wrong Michelle as these are the memories that will make you laugh years later anyway!”, as person who has never made a mistake has yet to be born and as they say “a person who has never made a mistake also has never made anything”. I know I will make mistakes on the way, I not frightened by that, its all part of learning and living, I think its obvious from the postings that I'm always keen to get my feet wet, but hopefully not drowned. I think Franziska rep workshop will take me to my sixth rep session in two months.


Coming back to the main point of the thread about last minute changes, it may be the culture, but if it doesn't make sense then its not alright by me, and need justification. This is because you have a “thinking dancer” on your hands and will question what's going on.

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There's a fine line between acceptable last minute changes because something has gone wrong or is not working and just poor organisational skills. For instance if there was a problem with the costumes that has caused them to be late, no-one minds but if it's just that they haven't been ordered on time that's annoying. There is a difference between a professional dancer in paid employment and a ballet student who is, after all, a paying customer. If a school want to be successful they do have to concentrate on the customers & reply to emails promptly etc. I have made enquiries at more than one place where they haven't even got back to me, it's no coincidence that the dance schools we use are those that are organised and efficient! when things do go wrong or things have to be changed its no problem because it's not a regular occurrence you know there must be a reason for it.

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That's very well put Moomin.


Yes I suppose even in an Amateur production there is a difference (fine line as you put it) between someone who has left the choreography till the last minute because they just haven't thought about it(or maybe haven't had time to.....as amateurs do have other jobs etc) and someone who has thought a lot about it but may be agonising over a certain section etc and whether to change or not......sometimes in amateur situation because dancers may not be coping with it that well! Professional dancers will be much better and quicker in picking up new steps etc.....and should be ......they do an awful lot more dancing!


Having enough rehearsal time in the actual place you are performing is often a problem for amateur productions but I guess.....for different reasons....this can be a prob in professional world too.


Really sorry to misquote you Michelle but I think I got the gist of what you were saying and that you like to be very well prepared for courses and teachers are not giving you enough info. and quickly enough.

Apart from weekly classes Ive done very few extra courses since returning to ballet as its only now have felt strong enough.....and these with Franziska who is extremely well organised as you can see so have not experienced so far what you have about lack of response and organisational skills etc.

Will PM you nearer the next course date in July so we can meet up properly perhaps for a coffee before course starts?

As for the August one do you think you will be able to,memorise those solos from just seeing the videos.....it's helpful to see the variations of course but not sure I'm up to it!! I tend to memorise by doing in the end and certainly won't be able to write all the steps down!!

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In other words am likely to be hoofing it a bit on the day so will probably only do one. I'll keep looking at video and keep wishing I was Darcey no doubt! Also haven't much space here to practice at home at the moment.....my once clearer room is clogged up with things from the garage at the mo while that is undergoing an overhaul!!


One of the apple trees we grow is called Darcey Spice which I chose because of its name.

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