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Going Back to ballet continued...


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Yes I bought a couple of pink ones by Revolution at that price a couple of months ago, different styles  one with cap sleeves and the other strappy and they were both fine, fantastic value. My regular one's are black, and have a few of those as there is always some in the wash.

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Hi Lin


Have you booked Franziska’s Rep Workshop yet?, I booked it this morning, I’ve also added two more “Swan Lake” in Birmingham by RAD as they have extended the closing date for me, and "Le Corsaire" at Oxford by ENB. I had another email from ENB as there are a few places left for a Masterclass on Petrushka, for Thursday. As its show week for me, that’s a complete no no.

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Another lesson learnt: At our dress rehearsal today each act followed on from the other with almost no break in the music. We listened to each of the acts going through in the dressing room allocated to the adults, the last but one music track was particularly long at 8 minutes, ours was the next longest at 5 minutes. I think that gave us a false sense of timing, as my entire group (12 dancers) were on there way down the back stairs to the stage, then horror, our track started to play. As you can imagine there was a mad dash, somehow we managed to enter the music with the appropriate movement even though we started a second or two late. I think the performance must have been OK as it didn’t attract any comment from our teacher. Later that afternoon I tried to review the performance from my own mind, but I honestly could not remember if we had included the positioning corrections from last Wednesday. Well I guess I can claim to be a bit of a newbie, but one of our girls has performed on that stage for the last 17 years, so what went wrong I’m not sure but the pervious music track may be much shorter than any of us had anticipate, but for whatever reason, it has now concentrated our minds.


When I first arrived at the theatre we all did the finarly first, in fact a couple of times. At least that allowed me to be released a little earlier after my performance was done, as I had a RAD repertoire workshop that afternoon.


When all the dancers arrived for our Romeo and Juliet Workshop we had 16 girls including me and one guy (our Romeo). As it was a gloriously hot day, I left my white leotard on from the theatre and used my white tie round skirt with it, that was nice and cool.

After a short warm-up at the barre we went strait into our first dance piece “The dance of the knights”. For this half of the girls had to volunteer to take the guys roll, I didn’t volunteer for this one, as I had learnt this to best I could the ladies part of that dance from the video clip RAD had sent us.

Unfortunately with the heavy clothing shown on the clip you could not see the footwork, which was something we had to learn in class. I was one of the two girls in front on the walk part of this dance piece, everything was going well, I had anticipated the next move and went into it. Then my teacher demonstrated it and it was completely different, that left me very puzzled. Finally she finished it off; she had cut a lot of the dance out. In away I was a little disappointed as I had learnt so much of it, apart from the footwork. But as she said, she also had to teach two more pieces, one for Romeo (our guy) and the other for all of us Juliet’s. The Juliet piece was really nice, I could remember it reasonably well until we come to dance it on the other foot, and then it’s really tricky.


The workshop was really fantastic and a really nice and helpful teacher, I had a nice little chat with her after class too. The only fault with any of these classes, they are too short,(this one 2 hours), they are tasters to wet your appetite that really need a full blown follow-up course to complete the job.

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Been on a reunion break up in Haworth since friday so no ballet till Tuesday. Only just accessed wifi and seen all the posts about your leotard buying bonanza Fiz .....you can always knockdown the price a bit more for hubby's benefit!! I must get bolder and buy some lighter ones but first will have to buy some pink tights....all mine are black....so maybe a bit of pink won't hurt now....and then of course some pink shoes as both my pairs are are black.

Today in Haworth there was a Morris dancing festival which was very colourful and fun with groups from all over I didn't realise there were quite so many different costumes. Some had the clogs with the bells and iron tips some had the rubber tips and lots of interesting musical instruments as well. Quite tricky dancing on the cobbles there.


Michelle when is the Oxford ENB Corsaire course? If its in the Autumn perhaps could make it. And no haven't booked Franziskas new course yet but will do when I get back as away till Wednesday now. Good luck with the show!

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The Le Corsaire Workshop is on Wednesday the 30th of October at 18:00. Its held at The Old Fire Station, 40 George Street, Oxford, OX1 2AQ. it cost £12.00


I have no idea what it will be like, I have never been on an ENB rep workshop before, it seems very cheap, but at the end of the day its all down to the teacher.

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Well that’s the first show done; very full audience with what I could see, one of the girls said Wednesday night was a sell out. I guess my performance wasn’t too bad although I was too quick with timing in the finale. My curtsy always seems slightly ahead of everyone else, but most of them are doing bows as they are not wearing ballet costumes. So that’s something I will have to tidy up in tomorrow night’s performance.

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Tonight show (No2) went really well, timing and repositioning correction from the weekend all came together, even the Finale. It was a packed house again but not sure if it was a sell out or not, all seats were occupied as we left that I could see. The audience was very enthusiastic with their applause especially at the finale with all the dancers on the stage, my eyes welled up and I felt so so proud of the school, my teacher and for letting me be part of it. I felt very humbled.


Only 4 more shows to go, but Saturday looks to be a bit troublesome as parking will be problem. Saturday is the Rose Fair in Wisbech and the main town’s car park that runs up quite close to the Theatre is to be closed off. Closure signs were being erected tonight but come into force on Saturday. So it looks like street parking along way from the theatre, so I will need to get street map and chat to the girls as where to go.


Another piece of disappointing news; the RAD repertoire workshop on “Swan Lake” in Birmingham has been cancelled due to insufficient numbers.

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Lots of useful info gleaned from private lesson with Franziska yesterday....little habits that don't notice....and more to the point probably why do them!! But looking at positioning is so useful I think.....and finding where the top of the leg is!! I thought I had found it but on closer inspection was still sitting into the hip more than I realised :( Franziska likes the placing of weight over the heel more which means for me to work harder on the inside thigh muscles more if this makes sense....with a raised leg the buttock muscles really come into play much more...even at the side.....but without flat turn out.....never be anywhere near that!! We always work with the turn out that is useable for each individual and try toget the best aesthetic look possible for whatever you can use....even if leg is only at 60-70 etc.


I found one habit was tucking under too much. I probably was doing this because it makes one feel a little more turned out but probably not that good for the lower back! Better to have the space stretched out there than tucked under too much. I think some dance teachers emphasise this tucking under to prevent people from sticking their bottom out and arching the back......also not good for lower back but sometimes one can overdo this which I was. Sometimes this happens too if the cors is not strong enough or not using properly.


Did some useful pirouette practice.....not using the floor enough not enough plié...and putting too much energy into a single turn...position of head etc....ready for the pirouette course next week.


Have finally booked the repertoire class in August too!

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It's very quiet on this thread, how is everyone? Michelle how did the rest of your performances go? Fiz are you pleased with your new leos? There are some gorgeous colours available but I need to wear black tights as my legs are 'large' and a bit wobbly so bit restricted with the leotard colours! Have you done your pirouette course now Lin?

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Hi Moomin ....no pirouette course is this Saturday......it's very near Old Street inLondon and just found out northern line not in operation....great! Will give some feedback on this after the weekend.

I think Michelle was going to do this one too so will PM her tomorrow and check all is okay with her...probably exhausted after all those performances!


Am up in London also this weekend to go to RBS student performance on Sunday. So if anyone going and writes on this thread perhaps we could meet up?


Yes I understand about the black tights I'm a bit wary of pink too. I have now got some pink ballet shoes but as all my tights are black havent worn them yet and still haven't sewn elastics on!! (I hate sewing of any description) I might save all the pinkness for Franziskas August course when I'm pretending to be Darcey doing the Tchaikovsky piece!! Would you be able to have a go at that one? The courses finish 2-2.30 ish so would only be a day in London if you are within reasonable reach of course.

At the moment I always look a bit like a St.Trinians school girl all in black with this black tunic thing to hide my you know what black tights black shoes etc. I might wear a lighter colour top this sat (under the tunic) to brighten up a bit.

They say black makes you look thinner anyway! Although I don't want a fancy leotard a lot of people wear the higher cut leg and I must say this does make legs look longer so when I finally get organised with one I think this leg is a bit more flattering.

What have you been up to yourself anyway :)

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I think Michelle was going to do this one too so will PM her tomorrow and check all is okay with her...probably exhausted after all those performances!

Exhausted!, you got to be kidding. What I did find, it was very sad and emotional when the final performance ended Saturday night. I mentioned this to Nicky, my local ballet teacher and she made the comment that for some it’s like bereavement, as you all come together for the performances and then it’s ended for another year. I gently reminded her I had another performance in a month’s time and one for Christmas too, at the moment, she just smiled.


The nearest thing I got to exhaustion was muscle ache in my legs, firstly quite mild after the long train journey home from London Tuesday night. However the following morning I could just about feel every muscle in my legs and had to keep stretching them to ease the discomfort. I don’t know what caused it, other than I have added a second session at English National Ballet for that day. I was also a very hot day.

Nothing in any of the classes I did that day was out of the ordinary, also the last class (level 3) we did do a little bit of a stretch with the port de bra, before reverence. On the positive side, the morning of the discomfort I tried a static lift and had gained 2 inches, so somehow I had worked those muscles without realising it.


As for am I OK: following my last two postings being totally ignored on this thread, clearly no one is interested in what I have to say anymore, so my thoughts was to let this long standing thread die for my part which does sadden me. As a result of that together with the perceived animosity developing towards me for criticising advice given by the professionals on other threads on this forum. I have reset my assumptions that I no longer have any friends here. I neither hide my identity (Picture) or real name and I have always stood up to be counted, so the gloves are off. If a posting in my opinion deserves a negative comment then one will be give, but of course without being rude. If that causes someone to throw their dolly out of the pram then so tough.

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We missed you Michelle! We need someone to have that blunt edge so to speak to shake us all out of any complacency might have fallen into :)


Talking about muscles I have a slight injury at mo....it's an old injury come back to haunt me from reckless skiing days(after given up ballet the first time might add) not sure if skiing and professional dancing really go together unless you are teens or twenty something.

Unfortunately my skiing days didn't start till in my forties (couldn't afford it till then) and were fairly short lived ......very much a love/hate relationship too!


Anyway I fell in a very awkward position lets say which has caused intermittent probs with left pelvic area and affects muscles which lift the leg. When it's bad I can't hold leg up to the side at all so ronde de jambes en l'air are impossible and can even affect retire position. It hasn't played up for 18 months or more now and last time found a very good Osteopath in Lewes who "fixed it in four sessions" . This comes on whether or not I do ballet but no doubt will be more frequent unfortunately. Anyway had two sessions and a massage and its easing already a bit. franziska already knows about it as it started up just before my one to one with her so am still doing the course on Saturday but may have to restrict some movements like a lower leg on the left in develope etc(not that it can get much lower anyway :( ) so not a terrific sacrifice like it might be for some!!


Are you going Michelle.....the northern line will be closed hope you are aware of that.....it's on another thread here the ballet information thread. I will PM you anyway tonight or tomorrow am as won't have wifi over weekend. Hope we can meet up if you are :)

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I'm sorry that you feel like that Michelle, I can't remember all the posts you refer to but honestly I did think one of your posts came across a little rude but that is the problem with something like this. I'm sure I read it with a meaning that wasn't intended. Nothing wrong with a bit of straight talking! I don't get time to read all the posts but I do enjoy hearing about your various classes and rehearsals and find it useful so I will make more effort to reply, I do hope you will continue to post.

Lin I haven't been up to much ballet wise, class finished for summer. I have vowed to try and stay fit (ish!) this year though and have got the cecchetti syllabus DVD to work on. Thought it would help to go back to basics as I've jumped back into ballet at a much higher level than I left! All the workshops and summer schools that people are doing sound amazing and I will definitely look forward to reading some write ups. I've already got loads of family things planned this year but with some forward planning reckon I might be able to squeeze one or two in next year :-) sorry to hear that your leg/ pelvis is playing up, I hope the osteopath gets you sorted out very soon x

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...As for am I OK: following my last two postings being totally ignored on this thread, clearly no one is interested in what I have to say anymore, so my thoughts was to let this long standing thread die for my part which does sadden me. As a result of that together with the perceived animosity developing towards me for criticising advice given by the professionals on other threads on this forum. I have reset my assumptions that I no longer have any friends here. I neither hide my identity (Picture) or real name and I have always stood up to be counted, so the gloves are off. If a posting in my opinion deserves a negative comment then one will be give, but of course without being rude. If that causes someone to throw their dolly out of the pram then so tough.

This thread is unusual in that it is very long, quite specialised - i.e. almost always applicable only to a small group of members (i.e. adults doing ballet) and sometimes has the tendency to be used as a mini blog, detailing the ins-and-outs of people's ballet classes.


Therefore, it's probably read by a smaller number of members than some of our other threads. Obviously I (and my fellow Mods) read every post as we do in all threads, to ensure the smooth running of the forum and to ensure that forum rules are being adhered to for *everyone's* benefit.


However, the Mods don't often post here as (as far as I know) none of us actually take ballet classes. So it stands to reason that only a few members read and post in this thread. Therefore Michelle, you may have simply posted when people were offline and were neither reading this thread or posting in it! Quite why you've decided that this equates to being ignored and not having friends here is beyond me.


There has been no animosity displayed towards you; when you have edged towards impoliteness or perceived disrespect for other members, as Mods we have tried to steer you and the thread back into calmer waters. That's our job and it certainly isn't a personal attack. No dolly has ever been thrown out of the pram and nor will one be, but be assured that we will continue to run the forum and moderate according to the rules that everyone agrees to when they join.

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Hi Lin and Moomin

Thank you for the kind words.


Lin I will be doing the Pirouette’s course come hell or high water. I also are not without injury. Monday at my Body Balance class I stretched a little too far and felt a twinge in my back, fortunately that did not develop. Wednesday as my Theatre class is now on summer break I went back to one at Sleaford, the ballet teacher there follows the ballet class with a “stretch and tone class”, and sadly none of the ballet girls attend that one. I really enjoy it; it has a good cardio warm-up for about 10-15 minute before any stretching, I was absolutely fine at the end of that one.


Tonight I went to ballet class at Peterborough, the session there is well structured, I have always liked that one. We have a pre-barre warm-up with running, skipping, hopping in a circle with simple port de bras to warm the arms and shoulder. Normal barre work, Barre stretching as instructed by our teacher, Normal centre work and then cool-down including stretching before reverence. It was during this stretching, we were sat on the floor, our legs wide apart and then pulled our heads down to one leg (L), usually on a good day I can stick my nose on my leg, but something went in my lower back, owch!, after that all stretches were only token stretches. Although I had hurt myself I was still mobile. When I got in the car to drive home, it was agony, I felt every little bump. When I pulled into the drive I couldn’t even secure the handbrake, it also took me a good five minutes to get out of the car; again it was agony with every little movement. Once in the house I was able to gently lower myself on the floor and roll on my back, that was gorgeous, it eased it a lot, five minute later I was up and mobile again but the pain not very far away. I just hope it easies off before Saturday, but in any case I will still be at the Pirouette course.


Ok about the Northern line being closed, normally I would have probably gone to Moorgate and walked, but in view of my back I think it will be a taxis from Kings Cross.


Lin I know you are not doing the sleeping beauty solo at the rep workshop, I am, so could you help me by telling me what beating movement this is at 8.36 minutes, I though it was a petit battement, but my teacher tonight thinks not, but has suggested it may be a petit developee, but I think not, that would make it a micro developee as its really tiny. Also the little girl in the other Sleeping Beauty example does not do it at all, but does add petit battements in other places. What do you think?

If all else fails I will create a hybrid version from the two.





Spannerandpony I acknowledge your comment.

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Ah Michelle you are back a last - life has been so hectic I seem to have missed some of your "blog" and reports of your dancing adventures - not to mention the fact that you were feeling ignored !


I had thought once or twice that you were rather quiet - and we're perhaps too busy with performances - but it turns out I have somehow missed some i your posts and accidentally marked them as read before reading them !


I have missed your night reports and was in the verge of sending you a PM when i spotted a new comment in the " going back to ballet " heading !

I was not ignoring you , just technical ineptitude and overly busy visiting Elmhust and attending to 4 exams this week - my brains are a little fried .....

Missed you - lovely to hear for you again ;) I have always assumed your frank comments to be light hearted , though I sometimes wince :)

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Thanks for the Fonteyn video Janet. Ive seen Fonteyn in this role several times and she sometimes made more of her arms than she did in this extract but still gives a flavour ....I think she did this role particularly well with Nureyev.

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Sorry pressed wrong button again!


To add Michelle ......the step with the right leg looks like a petit battement to me but with the step travelling back like that whether the whole movement has another name am not sure!!


Franziska told me that we will all be looking at both of the pieces to some extent but will only choose to perform (or not) one of them. I prefer the Tchaikovsky Pas de Deux piece but maybe on the day will end up liking the other one from Sleeping Beauty better!!


Okay Michelle we can decide on sat where to go afterwards!! Hopefully not limping away down the road!

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I have scrutinised it several times & I would call it a developpe too but that is an uneducated guess, hopefully one of the professional teachers will enlighten us! Hope your back eases off tomorrow Michelle. When I do all those bending stretches I always have in my mind to 'bend from the hips' with a flat back. You get the same stretch but it's kinder to the back, might be worth a try if you're not doing it already

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Thank you Janet that too gives me a little more flexibility in my interpretation.


Lin I would dearly love to do both but I only have limited time to put into it, so for me it will be Sleeping Beauty. As I have two lots of Swan Lake and Phantom of the Opera Reps to learn before Sleeping Beauty.


Also I would like to turn that into a performance piece for me at one of my shows with some additional adaptation.

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Maybe it's a petit battement combined with a small developpe the actual beat part certainly looks like a petit battement but then the leg is taken out into a developpe movement. However as said this the two movements could be combined to make a step which has its own name!! I will ask in class tonight but may not be on IPad again till Sunday eve so someone else may have enlightened by then!!!

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Billyelliott and Tango thank you for your comments, I appreciate them.


Lin I have another version of Act III from Moscow Ballet, its different again in small details. I really will create a version from all four; each has it own little niceties. It’s also a great opportunity for me to get some real foot articulation going, as it tends to be a bit slow and boring in my classes. The other modification I will have to consider doing is changing the leg or direction of the high leg travelling turn. The dancers use the right leading leg which is my weakest in terms of strength of extension. So I will look at implications of changing it to the left, either as an extended trailing leg or simply changing the direction of travel, as its unlikely I can get that extra range in time for the course at the end of August.


My back is almost back to normal today, someone upstairs must be looking after me after all.

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In response to the Aurora question in simple terms probably the best way to describe it is to turn to face croise with right foot in front. To get the step in stages may be first practice releasing the back foot (left foot) and doing a small pose to the side travelling diagonally to the upstage corner with the front foot just at the height of a petit retire. I would practice this getting your balance by ensuring you keep you core strong and transfer your weight fully onto the left leg on demi pointe. If you crawl into a pose you will not hit the balance as it requires a swift transfer of weight. Once you have got this try the same action with a small petit developpe added. Finally you can try putting it together. The action of the foot is like a petit battement battu. So in simple terms you do the pose and as you transfer the weight you do the 'beat beat extend' action with the right leg.


Personally I think it is easier to learn using the arms for the step as it can help in getting the weight in the right place. The petit battement battu could be practiced at the barre doing the double beat at the front and then extending to developpe. There are a number of different versions as to how you may see this section performed as as some do travelling backwards and others to the side travelling upstage. The subsequent section also has a number of different ports de bras's which you will see used.


The key is in the transfer of weight, a quick petiti battement action and ensuring that your core is engage to stabilise.


Hope this helps????

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Thank you Balleteacher


That’s really helpful, I like the way you have broken it down for me, it’s also caused me to look at it in a slightly different light as there were things I was missing.  Never the less I will still have the main sticking point of rapid and precise foot articulation. At the moment it feels like using my left hand to write with, when I’m right handed. Whilst I can do it, its far too slow as I have to think about it, if I try to speed it up, what bit of precision was there, is lost. It will need a lot of practice to acquire the necessary muscle memory for this one. However I will drop this in my daily routine and continue to work on it, but I’m also assuming that I won’t be ready to present this set of movements at the repertoire workshop at the end of August. Instead I will have the option to replace it with Moscow Ballet’s movement which is much simpler.


Although the end of August may seem along time, I have parts of “Swan Lake” to get up to speed with, and something from “Phantom of the Opera” but I should get 2 to 3 weeks to work on "Sleeping Beauty". With a bit of luck I should get a couple of hours each day for the first week in a full size studio to myself.

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Guest chinafish

Nervous twitch! I love it!  :lol:


Another movement I think of as nervous twitch -- gargouillades. Well no, I try to think of double rond de jambes en l'air, it just ends up looking like nervous twitch...  <_<

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That's exactly how my level 3 ENB teacher described it at tonight's ballet class. My teacher said she would sort out my foot articulation when I told her what I was doing, so I think she must be on a quest now. Oh what have I done, I hope it doesn't end in tears. Both classes at ENB tonight were fantastic, good feedback and good broken down instruction too, I really love them.


In any case my mind is somewhat preoccupied with Swan Lake as the Summer school and workshop is approaching very rapidly. 


Something slightly different, my Stamford ballet school has ask if our class would mind being used as guinea pigs, and we all said no. A guest teacher is coming to next Mondays class to teach "power barre", our own teacher will cover the normal barre work, we will not have any centre work at all. The guest teacher will carry on with "Power Barre", which is supposed to be very cardio/ aerobic, apparently she was trained in this in the United States. If its thought to be a success, then my ballet school will offer it as a separate class.

Edited by Michelle_Richer
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