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Taking Ballet Exams as an adult


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Hi Youngatheart


Yes, the exam was on Monday.


I had never done an exam before so it was an interesting and (relatively) enjoyable experience. I know I didn't do my best, what with nerves, a cold and having pulled  something in my back slightly when I coughed a few days before! There were lots of silly mistakes with the setting, and I have no recollection of thinking about turnout. I just hope somethings are in my body at this stage.


I knew the two of us that were taking the exam from our class were in together, and it turned out that it was just us. So I think there was less rest than there might have been. I was glad I had been doing interval training based on the length of the allegros.


The examiner was nice and made us feel comfortable. I liked the free enchainment even though I realised part way through the actual run some of my assemblés  derrieres had become assemblés  over. The music was Scott Joplin's the Entertainer which was very familiar. It was start left foot in front, arms bra bas; breathe the arms; glissade derriere - arms to first; assemble over - arms to open fourth; glissade derriere - arms to first; assemble over - arms to open fourth; assemble derriere; changement; stretch bend; repeat to the other side and then repeat the whole thing again.


Results by 29 January. If I pass I can go on to Intermediate, as long as there is space in the class.



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@JCS Congratulations!!! I'm sure it feels good to be done. Don't worry about the silly mistakes, I totally fluffed my centre practice and pirouettes by forgetting to do the second set of grand battements, I just did a third round of tendus! Didn't seem to effect my mark for that section :) And if the mark is lower than you were anticipating, you can look back and say 'okay, I know why that happened, but I did well for having a cold and hurting my back and being so nervous'. But I'm sure you'll surprise yourself in a good way when certificates come out :) Please let us know how it goes, it's been really nice having you all to share this experience with.


8 hours ago, youngatheart said:

That's a brilliant result for an adult dancer


I think you may have hit the nail on the head there, I've been comparing myself to all these spry young things who have been dancing for twice as long as me and feeling like I can't keep up. While I am absolutely thrilled with my mark and it was above what I expected, it was still the worst in my class and I think those sorts of things may skew my reality just a little bit. It's nice to be reminded to keep things in perspective :) Still gunning for 80 in Grade 7 though!

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Good luck with the results JCS - at least it doesn't sound like you will have too long to wait. Everyone always comes out of exams thinking about the little things that went wrong, but you need to remember that the vast majority of things will have gone right - like you said, it will have been in your body even if you weren't consciously thinking about it. I'm sure the examiner will have realised you had a cold and were nervous and will take that into account.

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  • 1 month later...

Congratulations @JCS and @BalletRocks1 that is fabulous! I hope we can keep up this thread now, to discuss Intermediate, Grade 7, Advanced Foundation and I believe someone may have been preparing Advanced 1 at some point? I've found it really great to have this community of fellow 'mature age' exam takers supporting each other.

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My exam's in a few weeks and I was wondering if any of you had any tips on performing? My teacher says I need to project to a larger audience and get rid of my concentration face - apparently when I dance I have one of two expressions - either I look like I'm having the time of my life or I want to kill everyone in the room.

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You clearly love dancing or you wouldn't be putting yourself through this challenge....so, forget everything but that! Be in the moment...the moment of dancing because you love it, because it moves you, because it is you! Oh, plus the good old (sorry folks for the non PC terminology.....) showbiz adage of 'Tits & Teeth' always holds true...a smile & good posture go a long way to making you look & therefore be confident! Good luck!  xx

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My DD's 'concentrating face' makes her look really anxious, which isn't good on stage OR in exams! She is always told to try to relax her jaw (tension in your neck contributes to this), and preferably relax her forehead a bit too. Our RAD examiner teacher always used to say 'Look charming!'. At competitions or performances, the kids I most enjoy watching are the ones who clearly love what they are doing, rather than fretting about how well they are doing it. Good luck!

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According to my teacher, performance under the RAD is judged using four criteria, which she makes us remember under the acronym 'EPIC'. They stand for (I think) expression, projection, interpretation and communication. That helps me realise that performing isn't about smiling more, but demonstrating a connection with the music and the movement. If you have a week before the exam, start practicing now. Listen to the music without the steps and think about how it makes you feel, what emotions you can express. Can you come up with a story? I know you're not doing intermediate foundation, but for the port de bras the music made me think of being on a boat on the river, floating in the sun, and how still the water is before and behind me. If I could see that story, keep that feeling in my mind, then I could start to portray it. Listen to the tempo of the music and try to match that with your movements. Is it a jazzy tune that's asking you to really attack the movements? Is it something a bit slinky? Work all this out now, because performance takes as much practice as technique does. 


Just remember that by the time you're sitting the exam, you know the exercises well. Really really well. Have confidence in yourself and in your teacher that the technique and the memory are there. You'll naturally be a little keyed up going in to the exam. Use it! Get the adrenalin pumping right from the plies and use it in your dancing. Don't forget to perform the barre as much as centre, if you start performing early on in the exam, it's easier to keep it going. And have fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the teenagers in my Inter class took their exam last weekend, so the class is now officially Advanced Foundation. I think AF has some the loveliest music and exercises - although by the end of the pirouette enchainement I feel like I've downed a bottle of vodka. The port de bras is beautiful. There are lots of my favourite allegro steps, such as failli assemble. And I can't wait to learn the Variation 2, that sultry tango.


Meanwhile, I'll be carrying on with Inter alone in a private lesson, starting next week and aiming to take the exam in Manchester in the summer exam session (late June-early July). I'll be concentrating mainly on my pointe work.My teacher has said some very complimentary things to me this evening. She told me that I have been an inspiration to the teens. Considering that I was originally quite nervous at the thought of dancing with 17 and 18 year olds - it's been a real boost to hear that they are often wowed by my dancing. I'm feeling a very proud old lady, flying the flag for Adult Students.

Edited by Jan McNulty
edited to increase size of font
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I've been doing advanced foundation alongside intermediate this year as well (my teacher wants me to take both exams in October which makes me snort with laughter because it's so unrealistic). While I cannot do 80% of the set work, I absolutely adore advanced foundation. Intermediate is nice, provides good training, introduces new elements...but advanced foundation is gorgeous. The music, the port de bras, even the plies! I was expecting higher demands on my technique in this level, but what I hadn't expected was the step up in maturity from inter and IF. They don't just expect you to do harder things, they expect a higher quality of movement in everything, and really challenge you with some of the timing as well. While I find intermediate fun and satisfactory, I would encourage all adults to push through and try and make it to advanced foundation. You stop feeling like you're doing dances designed for little girls and boys and instead you get to start moving like a mature man or woman. You can't dance small or childish to Nikiya's entrance music from La Bayadere, it's just not possible...

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Advanced foundation is the reason I'm persevering with intermediate. Intermediate feels like exercises designed to improve my technique and I find it quite boring whereas AF is just so pretty and much more enjoyable. I even like allegro 2 now. I still prefer grades 6-8 which are so dance-y and more my style. Plus I love the long skirts we get to wear.

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Thank you everyone. It went really well. Much better than I expected. I was a bit nervous during the barre but not too shaky. Got a bit out of time on the port de bras and pirouettes were dreadful, as expected, but pretty much everything else I danced as well as I could. Really happy with my dance (went with the classical 3/4 in the end).

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  • 2 months later...

Good luck the Red shoes ....nothing like an exam to concentrate the mind...usually on all the things one doesn't know ....or can't do that well yet in the case of ballet ...I'm sure you'll,be okay though 😊


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On 07/06/2018 at 16:33, The_Red_Shoes said:

I have a date for my Intermediate exam - June 27th, less than three weeks away. Aaaagh! Panic time!

Good Luck The Red Shoes. My DD will be taking Intermediate on the 14th squeezed between GCSE’s on the day before and after!  Definitely keeps the old brain cells awake 🙆‍♀️  And my blood pressure raised. 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I'm new to this thread and this forum, I spotted it doing some searching for adult ballet posts and it's great to stumble across some like minded adult dancers. Red_Shoes good luck for the 27th!


I took my intermediate last Thursday, quite some time after my first attempt as a teen. It went ok, I think, it definitely could have gone worse, but nerves meant my balance wasn't as good as it could have been, my pose turns weren't great and my timing was out on a couple of things, but I remembered it all and my feet didn't get too tangled.


I'm hoping to continue now to either Adv Foundation or Adv 1, but not sure I'll get to exam status, I love learning syllabus work so it's very exciting to now be further on than I was as a teen (if I pass that is!!!)


Well done to Viv too 78% is incredible, and also for the other lady that got a merit, absolutely brilliant results.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the exam went ok, despite the heat and having to dance with three unfamiliar teenagers. It wasn't the best I've ever danced it. I fluffed some bits, of course, including making some mistakes I'd never, ever made before. The things that went wrong loom large in my head - it's  harder to be aware of the things that went right! However I think the barre, pirouettes and variation were not bad.


I thought  I could put it all out of my mind until the results are due but now someone from the Beeb is coming to film me next Thursday and record an interview for Radio Cumbria. That's simultaneously very exciting and absolutely terrifying.

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46 minutes ago, The_Red_Shoes said:

Well, the exam went ok, despite the heat and having to dance with three unfamiliar teenagers. It wasn't the best I've ever danced it. I fluffed some bits, of course, including making some mistakes I'd never, ever made before. The things that went wrong loom large in my head - it's  harder to be aware of the things that went right! However I think the barre, pirouettes and variation were not bad.


I thought  I could put it all out of my mind until the results are due but now someone from the Beeb is coming to film me next Thursday and record an interview for Radio Cumbria. That's simultaneously very exciting and absolutely terrifying.


I wish I could offer some advice for getting out of your head but I cried for 3 days after my exam because I totally fluffed the free enchainment! what I will say is there's nothing that can be done now & don't forget that the exam is grouped into parts so you're ok for a fluff here & there as it gets lost in the other pieces, each section is worth 10 points, The Barre is 1 section, the Port de Bras, Centre Practice & Pirouettes are another, Adage, Allegro & the Free Enchainment are all worth 10 individually, Point is another, there's 10 each for music & performance then the variation is worth 20 with 10 for technique 10 for music & performance, & as my teacher said the only people to have ever come out of exams & gone, I nailed that have always had worse results 😉


As for the BBC good luck! I had a crew following me when I found out my result, I was convinced I'd failed so wasn't looking forward to it, relax, enjoy it, have fun, spread the love of dance & I'm sure you're going to be fab ❤️ 

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