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Caring for DDs hair


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DD has thin, shoulder length hair and has to put it up in a bun several times a week and up for school everyday. As her hair is so thin and delicate, it has been breaking a little bit at the front of her head. I'm assuming it's because she has to 'scrape' it into a bun a lot but I was wondering if any of you had any advice to help DDs hair to stop it from breaking so easily? Any tips would be very very helpful!!

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Maybe try varying how you put it up as well? For school can you braid it or part it in a different way to change where the stress is? Also does she have to have a straight pulled back bun?


If not maybe you could section the front off and braid it into the bun. Another option is part it in the middle or side and then keep those pieces separate. Pull the rest behind into a high ponytail and secure. Then twist each of the left over pieces back round and add to the ponytail before making the bun. I used to do this and it definitely caused less stress for my hair.


Also if you have to have a scraped back bun or ponytail chaperone's suggestion of keeping the top layer out and only adding it at the end of the ponytail really does work and actually makes a nicer looking ponytail if you are wearing it like that for school or something.

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I would also add the suggestion to make sure your DD is eating enough food for her age and activity level and perhaps taking vitamins to ensure that her hair is healthy aswell should help with the breaking in the long term too x

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It's a serum used to protect and moisturise the hair. My daughter finds it a little too greasy to use by itself but it does work well when mixed with the conditioner. You can get it in most supermarkets now and lots of shampoos and conditioners contain it too. Theses are the products we use but there's an almost overwhelming range to choose from now!




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