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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. Same costumes, very similar choreography (maybe even lifted straight from 'Untitled') - but definitely not the same music. As for the annoying cutaways, I suppose as Vogue a fashion mag, they felt it fair to show the fashionistas at their 'do'. Though hard to describe Brian Cox as a fashionista (the actor in this case - though I doubt the physicist is either!). Apart from him, I think I recognised 2 other 'famous' people....
  2. keep an eye out nearer the time - they often release batches of tickets that aren't taken up by groups they are reserved for
  3. its what the record function is for - you can then watch at leisure, or when they showing Andre Rieu (again!)
  4. Yes, my hedge is alive with Ivy Miner Bees at the moment, as the ivy in full flower. Industrious wee critters, and harmless I also get a variety of miner bees in Spring, when the Leafcutter Bees take wee circular sections out of the leaves on my rose bushes!
  5. I'm sure putin will be delighted with your tourist roubles to contribute to the war effort
  6. something a Ukranian wouldn't be able to do I'd rather saw off my leg than set foot in Russia at the moment
  7. In a 'normal' school (your bog standard comprehensive) teachers have to pass through a course on 'how to be a teacher' after graduating in their chosen subject, which includes an understanding of how young minds work, and develop. Once teaching, they are regularly assessed (by Ofsted, and possibly their head teachers), and update training courses undertaken to improve their teaching/mentoring skills are 'fairly' frequent. Perhaps ballet teachers should go through a similar continual and rigorous process, before being let loose on young people?
  8. At the end of the Amphi bar, turn left (rather than right along the corridor to the back of the amphitheatre) and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, there is a long corridor, but turn right instead, and there you are. It is sign posted - and the ushers will assist if you get lost!
  9. Saw the AA Classics bill last night - a proper 'greatest hits' festival of joy. Absolutely superb! So glad I was there I also really enjoyed the Abrahams' piece 'Are You in Your Feelings' on Tuesday night, though not so keen on the v short pieces in the middle 'act' (AD Robert Battle's 'Four Four' and 'Unfold') Both nights ended with 'Revelations' of course - as magificent as a signature piece should be. I wonder if the dancers ever tire of dancing it - sure didn't look like it on either night!
  10. Site down for 10-15 mins this morning from about 8.05am. I notice that posting is taking a while to complete, so I can only assume they have problems with their servers and/or their internet connection Invision have so far offered no official explanation
  11. Tuesday had a more thorough bag check than previously at Sadlers - more like the ones they have at ROH. My rucksack is small/medium and didn't have much in it, and there was no suggestion I should put it in the cloakroom. Perhaps because Tuesday was far from a sell out they knew there'd be no issue with space - be more interesting this evening, which does appear to have sold well
  12. I can't help but think: General Young ROH Friends + Young Friends (??) Friends with benefits (!!) Super Friends Premium Super Friends Premium Super-duper Friends
  13. Women: Any role - Yasmine Naghdi Men: pfff - Yas would knock any of them into shape 😉 And now will go off and give it more thought! lol
  14. zxDaveM

    Room 101

    isn't that what they are supposed to do? 😉
  15. The seating in the Coli does affect my ticket purchase though; I love the Skeaping Giselle, but wasn't going to buy any tickets as the thought of 'numb-bum' in the Balcony put me off - but the casting pursuaded me to change my mind! 🙂
  16. I will probably see Different D the once, to reaffirm it is as ghastly as I remember. NOTHING could persuade me to see Judas Tree, or The Invitation, ever again
  17. Cinema Show and Firth of Fifth are probably my favourite Genesis tracks. So this a bit of a must for me! Me? I'm just a lawnmower, you can tell me by the way I walk....
  18. [sorry, that should be quoting bridiem, not Richard] You could argue that for any choreographer though - as the artform inherently ephemeral. Puzzles me when ANY work by genius choreographers like Ashton, or MacMillan, or Balanchine are described as 'masterpieces', when they obviously aren't, and have not been dropped from the rep without good reason. As for McGregor - I think something like Woolf Works will endure, and maybe Chroma and Infra, maybe act 1 of Dante, even Untitled 2023 (though the naming of that infers maybe not - though most newly commissioned works have two runs, it seems) whilst some works may be revival worthy, others not so much. But whilst he is still around, don't think McGregor himself will be doing the reviving on the whole, as he is too busy creating something 'new' around the world (I say 'new', as it isn't difficult to see many of his abstract works as similar due to his choreographic language, without different stories to hang them on)
  19. Yhe only opera I'm ever likely to go see is Pete Townsend's rock opera 'Tommy'.... 😉
  20. it's not 'modern ballet' the problem as such, it's a classical ballet company like the RB moving more and more into contemporary dance choreography, often to the detriment of classical technique and rep. I enjoy some of that (Crystal Pite for example), but push come to shove, I'd rather see more Ashton or Balanchine at ROH
  21. mine too 🙂 For me, two essential casts, and two casts I'd like to see (once). So hoping to get to six shows. Not many by standards here - still madness to non-ballet fans!! lol
  22. Thanks for the info Capybara The pairings of Yasmine/William and Fumi/Vadim works for me - but sad one of Yasmine's shows clashes with the 6 Nations. Just have to record the matches and hope no one spoils it by telling me the results before I get home! That's going to be a very late night, the 3rd Feb!
  23. Only two thoughts spring to mind. Why? and - can't they find anyone else?
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